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Posts posted by Dave_Og

  1. To be fair, it was a bloody good Orient side. Otto, Bart-Williams, Cooper* - all players that did or should have played at a higher level.



    *Still the scorer of the best goal I have ever seen. An overhead kick from about 30 yards into the top corner at Crewe the year before we played them. I have no idea why I was watching it either.

    Best goal I ever saw was a Alan Mullery for Fulham against Rochdale at Spotland. Screamer of a volley then the fog came down and the game was abandoned at half time.

  2. We share with Kettering and ManUre the misery of losing to Leeds in this season's F.A. Cup. However, I wonder if Latics have ever suffered the same or worse ignominity of ManUre in losing at home to a team 43 places below them in the football pyramid.

    It wasa bit like watching Germany v Argentina though

  3. That's what's happened at two Forums. Many do not believe the answers given and comment repeatedly about their incredulity, which adds to the unrest from what's happening on the pitch.

    Maybe they are not the riight questions. Personally I don't believe that forums are the right, well, forum. Can;t expect anyone to give full and accurate answers to questions thrown at them on the hoof. Submitted, thoughtful questions answered in a considered way would, I think, be more productive.

  4. I'll freely admit that my interest, after 43 years, is at an all time low and that it has been heading in that direction for the last seven years. Clearly I am not alone but equally clearly I still care to some degree otherwise I wouldn't be on here.


    In all the gloom I can't help wondering if there is anyone out there who is preapred to do something constructive about it rather than just whingeing. It seems obvious that the trust is the answer but I don't know what it stands for anymore.

  5. They can't be promised, but the 'realistic' aim of consolidating at this level for ever is about as far away from what was discussed at the open meeting in the RRE as it's possible to get.


    This club has spent too long being realistic. Bleating 'pinch me' in the early 1990s was supposed to be realistic, and the attitude landed us up where we are now. 'Realistic' will eventually kill the club.

    I think it may well do so but you are asking someone to invest unrealistically - not really much of an option. I don't doubt for a second that TTA would sell if soomeone came along with the funds to develop as we all might wish but I'm afraid it just isn't going to happen.

  6. I'm not interested in fair. Nobody asked them to buy the club, and they didn't do it as a personal favour to you, me or any other supporter, but for reasons of their own.


    I'm interested in the fact that we were promised Championship football and a stadium to go with it. Maybe they are trying to leave the club on a stable footing, but, as the low capacity projected for Failsworth indicates, it is to be a stable footing in the lower divisions. For good.


    When David Brierley took over as chairman he said that 'This club needs stability.' What will have changed apart from the fact that we'll be playing away from the club's traditional heartland in a smaller stadium?

    I don't think anyone is naive enough to think that such things can actually be promised, are they? If you don't do fair then how about doing realistic?

  7. Don't talk wet. I'm never, ever on over 95% of threads, as you'd see if you read them.


    The fact that TTA seem to be the only game in town is exactly the point. Having failed to revive the club, they are looking to stabilise it as a lower division outfit. The point about apathy works both ways: if the club wants more people throught he turnstiles, it has to do something to attract them. We already know that the only way to do this is through sustained success on the pitch, not gimmicks and offers. That we have lost over 2000 regular home fans under TTA's tenure tells us everything we need to know about their period in charge.

    Yes, I think we can say that they have failed and I'm sure they and their bank balances are well aware of that fact. I don't know them, I've never met them but I dolknow that there are many other club owners who would have walked away by now rather than trying to leave things on a stable footing. If you want to criticise them for that then that's you prerogative but I don;t think it's especially fair.

  8. You can no longer think of what to do because there is nothing to be done. Basically, those who had it in their hands to revive the club failed miserably, and now we pay the price.


    I don't like the situation, so I take the (only) option of 'banging on about it on a message board.' Anybody who doesn't like it is entirely free not to read anything I post.


    Sounds fair to me.

    It's more or less impossible to ignore what you write as it's on just about every thread. I do agree that we are heading nowhere but I put that down to the apathy of the town in the face of what, to be fair, are a myriad of competing and much more attractive attractions. TTA coming in put off the evil day and while they may well have made mistakes they were and probably are the only game in town.

  9. Metaphorically speaking. For one thing they've surpassed us in footballing terms. And how many posts have we had on here talking about how difficult it is to compete with the likes of Colchester* with their supposedly free-spending chairman and brand spanking new stadium and everything?



    *To be known from now on as The Mighty Colchester in case some Latics fans fail to show enough respect to a bigger club.

    For the love of God, you're right, everyone knows you're right, I came to the same conclusion myself about seven years ago. So do something about it. Don't ask me what, I don't know the answer. I tried once, I failed. Doesn't mean to say there isn't an answer out there somewhere but banging on about it on a messageboard sure as hell ain't it.

  10. I liked Chris Moore. He put his hand in his pocket in a quest to achieve promotion with us. He got unfortunate that the plan backfired, but his cash, along with the inspirational leadership of Iain Dowie, gave me the most enjoyable season I've had watching Latics.

    Can I sell you a second hand car?

  11. Theres no doubt that english football has benefitted from the money in the game but at the same time it has made it a whole new ball game (excuse the pun) there are people in the game wo are looking for quick profits, with no real passion for the game, therefore dont mind if they run a 100 year old club into the ground, just count it as a loss, take the money and run.


    we need someone to step in with some new guidelines and fairer deals for the clubs struggling, i agree with this idea of masking sure chairmen pass a suitable persons test but how are they tested? and what about the ones that already own clubs and taking huge gambles?

    It's very simple but our spineless football authorities won't do it. If a club commits to spend more than a percentage of its turnover on transfers, wages etc, normally through the largesse of its chaiirman, then they should have to put up a bond which would guarantee the payment of contractual sums for, say, two years in the event of their departure.

  12. Because we're still higher than them and we're not in a position where it's very likely we'll go down. They have a bigger fight to get promoted than we do to survive.


    Look at the 07/08 season, we are pretty much in the same position now as were were then, and we finished 11th or something despite not really going on a run of form, we just managed a few more wins here and there (mainly at home).

    If you think that's true you're kidding yourself. Rochdale are odds onto go up, and good luck to them. It certainly doesn';t address every aspect because apart from the 5 league posstions I can't think of any aspect in which we are bettter off than Dale.

  13. Chance being the operative word. If he came here and believed enough in his ability to keep us up then that's all the motivation he needs. At this moment in time we're in a better position than Rochdale in pretty much every aspect. If Rochdale go up will they stay up? That's a critical question he'd have to answer. Where as if he came here and kept us up then he has a chance to build a new team. He can work on a budget and he's got a decent record when it comes to signings. Our fully fit team is more than capable of a mid table finish, we're not no hopers, he'd be taking on a team with some promising and established players, he'd have to weed out the deadwood.

    How are we better than Rochdale at the moment? Every aspect? You have to be kidding

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