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Everything posted by Schlieb

  1. I think latics would put more past these than England?
  2. Got a die hard burnley fan at my work, he dusnt rate Howe at all. Says he never learns from his mistakes. Constantly goes mad about them not being able to hold a lead.
  3. I find it more funny that he's even an option?! (awaits abuse off taylors followers)
  4. I feel much much better now. Admittedly in a new poll I'm not sure I'd vote either way now. I just hope it carries on the same, I've never disliked dickov or booed him or the team, I just wanted some passion and grit, it looks like it's coming now though!
  5. An eyres goal against Bournemouth always sticks in my mind, was about 2001 or 2002. Think we won 4-3 or drew 3-3. He made a maisy run from the halfway line all on his own, got a little lucky on the way but then smashed it top corner from the edge of the box. I was going absoloutely crazy, great game in general.
  6. Leyton is in London isn't it? Whereas I don't class Oldham as manchester. However if I was a orient fan I'd be going mental at the news, it's ridiculous. Just another step towards how much money rules football nowadays.
  7. I didn't mean I was judging it only on that.... Was just making a point about two wingers. Montano tracks back better, looks comfortable on the ball, makes runs that seem to have a purpose as oppose to blind alleys, and he dusnt whinge and moan at every little ref decision.
  8. I've seen montano beat a man more in those 9 games than Taylor did in his last 150! Montano any day for me.
  9. I've got a ST in the rocky, yet I'll only go maybe 2-3 away games this year. I find your comments ridiculous? How does going to away games make you a "real fan"? I don't know... I must be fake.
  10. Some cracking efforts there, hopefully more of the same come Saturday
  11. Totally agree however I'm sure corney and dickov can see what we can. It boils down to can we afford much longer than we currently are?
  12. Hasn't changed my opinion, takes more than one win to cover the cracks.
  13. Surely sarcasm? I don't know with people on here sometimes
  14. Given results over the past year I think a home win would show more of a turnaround!
  15. Bang on for me. I started watching as a young lad watching 2001/2 -2002/3 full time. Id go to bury etc thinking I was Billy big bollocks. I never caused criminal trouble but I gave some abuse etc. At home I loved being in lookers paddock giving the away fans some :censored:. It's all a learning curve, these days I sit quietly reserved in the rre watching the kids and thinking that was me a fee years back. They'll grow out of it.
  16. Was sat directly behind the goal in rre, and it was deffo an own goal all day long. Mvoto had a few muddles with deano yesterday, not sure whether it was a one off or he's got a better relationship (no jokes) with Cisak?
  17. " does a bit of everything, and can play as well " Did they sign him to do BQ type work then? :~p
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