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Everything posted by boboafc

  1. boboafc

    Big Joe

    how could he say everton's the love of my life "
  2. welcome to the forum ,it seems latics have more supporters in rochdale than dale have fans
  3. and your a? looks like a hamas suicide bomber too me
  4. so what is your job? who pays you to watch latics etc ,and what do you do in the job ? i know beardy is the swiss toni of bradford ,but what do you lot do for a living and where? .. my job is working at ben gurion airport in security ,i check people luggage on a xray machine for bombs guns drugs etc ,i work shifts like 3am till 10.0 am and 8am till 6pm etc ..
  5. can someone help me ,i have a matsui mp3 and i would like to download music on it from my pc i have a windows media player 11 with lots of music on it that i would like on my mp3 ,so any help please ..
  6. i voted for chris taylor ,even thou i have not seen him play(besides youtupe) ,but from what i have read and other fans ,i think he put 110% effort in all the games he played ,and lets hope next season he will be our top goal scorer in the championship ,and we might be be in the top flight with him ..
  7. ,its not the curly wurlies that have gone smaller ,its your mouth that has got bigger (and i am not being rude about you) our mouths etc get bigger when we get older .
  8. how do i get one of the t shirts? xxxl for me
  9. the lad with glasses on (to the left of gene )looks like joe 90
  10. want some help in bombing the place?
  11. missed the owtb one were is it?
  12. and too add i had a chopper sprint gt too green as well
  13. being a bit older than most on here ? i remember loads of tv progs when i was young , a few i would like to see again ,but here are my top 5 1. Randle & Hopkirk 2 the goodies 3.doctor who with tom baker and jon pertwee 4catweazle 5six million dollar man
  14. i knew grovesy from my cousin ,grovesy girlfriend debbie was a good friend of my cousin and when i went over to visit i met him and chappy at they house ,i also remember buying a latics tangerine scarf from laticque (grovesy shop) and i still have it today ,i also remember the sad day he died ,i was at the dentish and i heard on the radio that he died ,a sad day for us all latics fans .. rest in peace alan
  15. yes i did go to the game ,i stood with the england fans ,and by half time i could tell it was going to be a boring draw ,luckly i was a bit drunk ,so i did not miss much of the second half
  16. TEL AVIV (EJP)--- The thousands of supporters of the English national football team who packed into the National Stadium in Ramat Gan were clearly disappointed with their teams performance in the 0-0 draw with Israel on Saturday night. But across the board the fans, the majority of whom were on their first trip to the holy land, said they were surprised and delighted by the welcome Israel had shown them throughout the weekend. The crucial Euro 2008 qualifying match itself was somewhat of a damp squib in the end, with few scoring chances for either team. Both sets of fans had few opportunities to get excited about their team’s play. And the subdued atmosphere in the stadium contrasted completely with the raucous but rarely aggressive mood that was felt all over Tel Aviv from Thursday night through to Saturday. Fans fill the beach front From the time the threat of a general strike preventing England supporters arriving in the country subsided on Wednesday, thousands arrived in Israel. Many were handed free hats and T-shirts on arrival and headed straight for the Tel Aviv beaches. By Friday morning Tel Aviv’s beach front promenade was awash with red and white St George flags displaying the names of teams such as Hull City and Rotherham, oldham athletic as well as more established names like Chelsea, manchester united,liverpool arsenal. There had been fears that the combination of warm weather and numerous pints of beer may turn the atmosphere more negative. But at bars like Mikes Place and Buzz Stop on the beach there was only good natured singing, banter and mixing between the English and the Israelis. “This is the best ever reception we have ever had and I have traveled to nearly all the England away games over the last four years,” one fan told EJP. “When we were in Croatia we were greeted by the police with batons which they hit us with.” A number of events were held in connection with the game on Friday, including a peace tournament in Tel Aviv’s Ganei Yehoshua park featuring mixed Jewish and Arab children’s football teams, a visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem by a group of England fans. Former Israeli star footballer Ronnie Rosenthal, who now lives in London and works as a player agent, was one of the many celebrities who flew in for the game. Rosenthal told EJP he is impressed with the various activities that have been organised. “I think it is a good public relations event apart from the game itself. It is good that it has been able to touch other areas and its been very positive. Theres not been a game between England and Israel here for 20 years so its great for the fans to be here.” Kick it out Legendary English footballer John Barnes returned to the country to show his support of the Kick racism and violence out of Israel football campaign which he helped launch last year. Barnes joined former Israeli international Avi Cohen in a visit to Abu Ghosh, an Arab town which shares a local football team with the Jewish town of Maveseret Tzion. “When i first came here a year ago I wondered what would happen. Because when Kick it Out first started in England it was a few people with an idea. We knew the problems in england and we thought in many respects it wouldn’t get any better,” Barnes said. “The project here in Israel has only been going for one year but I can already see the difference in coming back this year to last year and how far it has gone in terms of the attention and in terms of how much has been done.”
  17. there was over 30latics fans at the game on saturday , 2 from royton dave and greeny for starts and i went on the booze with a few of them ,i also met simon corney simon blitz and danny gazel too .. pity the match was crap thou
  18. both ,most of us need xxl
  19. as seen on the official mb ,anyone want to know when they will die death clock just fill in your date of birth etc ,and see when your time has ended ,mine is may 11th 2041 a young 80year old
  20. how about car stickers? i would love to show who i support on our car
  21. boboafc


    i am like you ,i need to see a tidy living room even the kids toys (his cars are in line when he finish playing with them and no dirtydishes in the sink ,i say "a tidy house help me relax better "
  22. boboafc

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