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Everything posted by JoeP

  1. I haven't seen anyone say it's a lie, I don't think... I haven't read anyone (certainly in this thread) moaning about him not celebrating or changing his Twitter picture either (neither of which I give a shit about, FWIW). That just seems to be the go-to response anyone comes up with anytime they don't like Norwood being criticised.
  2. Is that what you read that when Eastenders isn't on?
  3. Aw, it's great banter.. I forget what a sensitive bunch the Norwood fan-boys are. As said elsewhere, gentle disagreement does some to have been and gone on here. A shame..
  4. You are right, there. He's got to play the game a little bit though - even if he couldn't give a shit about collecting the award and he did have an important appointment. "It's not a case of "not being arsed", I had an important appointment to attend, so apologies to those concerned" sounds better than "Don't bother picking me for man of the match in future, if that's going to be your take".
  5. Agreed, but then everyone played well yesterday.. there's been plenty of games where he and the rest of the team haven't been. If he's guaranteed to get 20 again next season, then fine. Hopefully we'll get as many penalties (which do count, blah blah blah - but must professional players should score most of the penalties they take..). As I say, something has never sat right. Some people see it, some people don't..
  6. Had an important appointment at 3:30, accordingto his twitter. Doesn't want to be considered again, if it's being suggested he can't be arsed.. Stats can't be disputed and a talented player, but something has never sat right about him here. Wouldn't be surprised - or too disappointed - if both parties agree a parting of ways in the summer...
  7. Lundstram Man of the Match for me. 9/10 performance. A different player. We were the better team and deserved to win. Created more chances and didn't do a lot wrong.
  8. If the players are struggling with motivation, there's something seriously wrong. They can still - unbelievably - be history makers this season. Get the club their first promotion since 1991. It'll probably be the only (or last) time in their careers they can achieve something.. They just have to give their all for the next 8 (hopefully 11) games and then they can be pleased with themselves, enjoy their summer and get contracts elsewhere on the back of the promotion, if they so desire...
  9. Feeling a bit more optimistic today, but can see us doing something daft like going 2-0 up and end up losing 3-2. Play a spine of Hudson, Hobson, Sheron and Fondop. Pick names out of a hat after that..
  10. I'm not sure that's a thing anymore.. Feels like it'll have an air of predictability about it. 0-3.
  11. The thing is with recruitment, you can see why a lot of them have been brought in. Highly regarded at teams at this level and above, goal-scorers at a higher level, previous experience of winning this league, youth AND experience. It's not a Mellon thing, because they were shite under Unsworth too. I just don't get why it's not working as well as it should...
  12. Expectation verses reality, innit. It's been a while since we haven't been expected to struggle, so you generally expect us to be crap and the wins - however they come - are always something to celebrate. Now we're expected to be one of the front-runners, there's negativity when the team is doing is alright (but still not great). Even though we're clinging on to that play-off spot at the moment, I don't think it's been a great spectacle generally, but I'll take promotion this season however it comes. Apart from Frank, I think we should be looking at everyone else at the club before Mellon. He's mopping up the disastrous recruitment, while trying to bring in his own players (from the small pool (and I think it will be a small pool) of players that will improve us and be willing to come here...). He gets as long as Unsworth got - longer even, because he's proved he knows what he's doing. It's funny - we'll all enjoy it retrospectively when it's over, if we go up. Living it can be hard work, though - of that there's little doubt. And if we don't go up, we're are definitely going to have to get our house in order on the pitch to keep a lot of people interested..
  13. The search for "a footballer in there somewhere" continues..
  14. It doesn't look good. I mean I've booked match tickets, train tickets, hotel (non-refundable) AND manipulated work commitments to go the match, but the lads deserve a decent surface for their cultured style, so I'd be happy with the decision...
  15. Hmmm... it doesn't sound a straightforward process then and the club are still figuring out how to play the game, what agents to use etc.
  16. I mean I agree that we should have a scouting network rather than a "stats" or "recruitment" department, but I'd have to take your word for it that they're out there waiting. I think you need a tried and tested successful signing process in place and we just don't have that..
  17. Simplified a little bit. Do you think there's a queue of top quality midfielders and right-backs out there just waiting to sign for Oldham Athletic?
  18. If there is truth that "Mellon has lost the dressing-room", then it's the players that need to go. Most of them didn't perform for Unsworth and if another manager is struggling with them - one with a proven record - then it's not the manager that's the issue. This will be the highest level a lot of these players will play at, based on some of their performances. I think they need reminding of that sometimes. It's funny - you always get 100% from the divisive players like Fondop and Sheron. Personally, I'd rather have these sort of players playing for the team, rather than the slightly more talented players who appear completely disinterested...
  19. There's a line wheeled out about our fans "just liking a player because they run around". There's also a different group of fans who prefer a player who does absolutely nothing and in doing so never makes a mistake. Sheron gets criticism because he shows more than anyone else in midfield and in doing so makes mistakes, just like Piergianni got stick in defence when we went down.. Lundstram has done sweet FA since he's been here. Neither has Conlon. But it's Sheron who seems to get more criticism than anyone else..
  20. We need to set up the recruitment strategy the way the manager wants it. It's ultimately him that's culpable. If he's happy with a DOF, then fine. If he wants to set-up a network of scouts that he trusts to find him the players he wants, bypassing any "stats department" or "recruitment department", then that should be fine also. What's never going to work is if we keep giving the manager shit players to work with and then sack him because he's not managed to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Football's a simple game - and anyone with an iota of knowledge can see that for the last 18 months we've continued to build an imbalanced squad and pissed a load of Frank's money up the wall on players that aren't good enough or we don't need. I think our recruitment process needs to be simplified - back to basics - not over complicated with too many people, which is what a DOF would bring. Just because Arsenal say can analyse a prospective transfer target to the nth degree and it works for them, doesn't mean it's going to work for us.
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