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byrnes boots

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Everything posted by byrnes boots

  1. hey bob what does he make of tottenhams start to the game 3 down after 13 mins
  2. spurs 3_0 down down to ten how many inter going to get
  3. hot news in one of the chilean miners bless him is reported to be suicidal he just realised he didnt clock in
  4. hey if our attendences keep going down we might end up with them in same stadium
  5. has ability but doesnt like to put in as hift lazy get
  6. is that give him a job as a boxer or afootballer
  7. wonder how they will cope when they get a few injuries
  8. has hazell been told to be harder by taggart or what he never used to get booked as much
  9. when was the last time we were any good at taking them hey we have never been that good at defending them
  10. hey leeds lost 5-2 at barnsley
  11. dont worry they still only get three points , hopefully it will kickstart us again if we go as we have been doing we will be ok
  12. perhaps we should try him upfront it seems at least he can head the ball straight tounkara watch out
  13. i remember during the world cup shouting at the tv screen rooney you useless tool you couldnt score in a brothel how stupd do i feel now
  14. spoke to ritchie after jpt game he said he should be ok for brizzle game
  15. agreed with getting joe jacobson of the transfer list he is the only decent crosser of the ball
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