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Everything posted by dkenyonqfc2

  1. it shoudn,t be lee fans we are all oldham fans and at the moment lee is still an oldham player,so he didn,t set the world on fire wih his 13 mins but so what niether did some other players in there 90+ mins. the so called lee fans are just oldham fans defending an oldham player who is being slagged off unfairly cos he got a lucky goal, thay should have been relieved we got the goal not slating him for it
  2. well said totally agree what have we to lose
  3. you gon,t know what your talking about,i know for a fact the offer was on the table from qpr,he wanted oldham as it was closer to home,in hindsight yes it was a mistake he is never going to be a hoofball player,and what do you mean rejected at them levels man u yes but how many players would have got as far as he got there certainly none of ours so yes he shouldn,t be here it was a mistake but have you never made a mistake theres no need to slag him off
  4. and maybe you should take the time out to meet the lad,he,s not arrogant or bigheaded just needs a break,it amazes me how people who have never met him can call his personality into question
  5. he,s not lazy or arrogant its small minded people like you who don,t even know him that say that,your just a sheep!
  6. ffs give the kid a break,who said he is a saviour he got a few mins playing got a goal lucky or not it was a goal just be thankful instead of slating the kid
  7. well he,s bound to be rusty, good on him however it went in
  8. sounds like its targeted too a footballer getting stabbed in his legs
  9. don,t know who is playing but i can tell you lee isn,t disgraceful treatment of a kid
  10. yeah think your right niki but don,t bank on lees wages yet as he won,t go anywhere unless he wants to and at the moment he doesn,t,if a good move comes along fair enough but until it does he staying put unless they decide to pay his contract up.
  11. 100% true one of them trained with 1st team the rest with lee and a younger lad not sure who
  12. exactly,i said in a post on sunday he had been told friday he could go on loan,his response on saturday was he wasn,t going to go he could build fitness in ressies and fight for a place.i spoke to him last night and yesterday he had been kept away from 1st team training and left to train with some hungarian players. this i find disgusting,if his style isn,t what dp wants fair enough but to treat him that way is out of order so to me it looks as though he is going to be forced out
  13. obvious choices would be keane and scholes but different types of players beckham was the best at what he does and probably still better than the wingers they have now
  14. couldn,t agree more,and do think he could fit in given the chance
  15. i don.t know about wolfy but lee has NOT been released,however he has been told he can go out on loan. he told me on saturday that he doesn,t want to go on loan he wants to stay and fight for a place,and as the ressies are back in the league he would be able to keep his fitness up. obviously will have to see what happens when he tells dp,personally i think he should make the move he needs to be playing and joe royal did warn him that he wasn,t dp type of player,personally i feel sorry for the kid
  16. which kl do you mean if its lee its not keith its kie[key] could be misheard as kieth but its just a shortening of his name
  17. stephens was there last night,i saw him leave maybe he still injured
  18. dkenyonqfc2


    well said,you make some very interesting points
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