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Everything posted by dkenyonqfc2

  1. yes there was some booing at ft,i agree with everyone else it was boring,the defence did ok lee the pick of the bunch but after that nothing,the midfield was dire and up top didnt set the world on fire
  2. agree but dp said in a recent interview that midfield was covered so dont think he will get a game there,its a shame would have liked to see him get a do
  3. gutted,fantasti player to have in the squad
  4. agree with most of that except stephens and lee stephens is coming on nicely but not as good as many on here think[yet] too many stray passes and elephant touches for me lee,i think given the chance would have a lot to offer,i thought he did well yesterday his passing is very good and far from the worst player out there yesterday....whether he would want to stay is a different kettle of fish player of the season agreed gregan
  5. just been on news,father has flown back to manchester even though the search is still on for the boy...very strange
  6. glad to see dale get a goal last night and he is improving but still has a long way to go for me,to many stray passes so not sure he could walk into any team as stated above but he is going the right way.
  7. good team performance,special mention for smalley,stephens,hazell kieran lee gets my vote,excellant on the ball confidence is building,like to see him in the middle though
  8. isn,t it great to be home from the match feeling upbeat and positive for a change,hope it lasts
  9. yeah after all the money spent to give him a new id
  10. alledgedly serious sexual incident if true hope he rots
  11. agree lee was caught out of position for the cross,but he cant stay back just incase they might put a cross over,when lee moved up someone should have covered him and when the cross went over it should have been defended, to me it like holt was left alone so to me it was a defensive error and not a lee error i actually thought he played well especially as he doesnt get much football,would much rather see him him in the middle though
  12. i wonder if they can find a way to blame lee for that too
  13. i think thats a bit harsh on lee, he gets my vote today although gregan immense as per
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