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Posts posted by deyres42

  1. 6 minutes ago, sjk2008 said:

    Aside from the usual negativity you spout, genuine question, who would you look to bring in Rob?

    Someone with a progressive mindset, someone who wants to play attractive football, someone will add value on the training ground.


    Who that is I don't know but I know it isn't Mellon.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Worcester Owl said:

    Maybe you should offer to get involved and volunteer to help the Foundation, attend meetings, etc.

    Then again, you wouldn’t be able to snipe from the sidelines, would you?

    Would love to but unfortunately time does not allow for it.


    Not sure my participation would have led to the organisation being consulted in any case to be honest.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Only Blue said:

    Yes and just to go slight off NL topic, Curzon Ashton are the same, punching well above their weight year in year out.


    It's all about being run right all the way through the club, expecting players to leave but have the structure to replace them.

    Apparently all you have to do is pick the right manager and the rest takes care of itself...

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dave_Og said:

    Go on, I'll bite. Who is it that is defining this chosen philosophy?

    Well you'd like to think the people running the club must have some idea of what they would like to see.


    That's your start point and then you put people in place to implement your plans.


    Unless their plans don't go beyond just signing the cheques, in which case just carry on as you are and hope for the best.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Frankly Mr Shankly said:

    Which way of operating is there other than let the incumbent manager identify and sign players he wants for his team?

    The only one I can think of is the sign players and force them on the manager way of operating? And we all know how that panned out, the last time we did that.

    No, you recruit a manager who aligns with your chosen philosophy, whatever that maybe. If you want them to sign the players then fine.

  6. 8 minutes ago, JoeP said:


    Why not? Surely it's the manager who should dictate how we play, rather than a "stats department" and "recruitment department" tossing the manager a load of players he might not want and expecting him to turn the team into 70s Brazil...

    Next manager might come in and have a completely different philosophy, so you've got to go out and recruit a new squad again whilst trying to get rid of the ones he doesn't want, smart clubs don't operate that way.


    At the moment we just seem to be flailing around without much a plan, chucking good money after bad and hoping the dice drop our way, very odd given the supposedly intelligent people running the club.

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