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Everything posted by monkeykieran

  1. I see your point, but I dont condone any threats or violence and surely this is simply going to create more friction, and result in them no longer being a non entity when those affected get together?
  2. If we go up this year it'll be an achievement and all this will be forgotten, personally I am giving Shez time as last year he was screwed by injuries, this year it seems by a few mistakes and discipline problems, but he's in a good position and there's ages to go. League has always been 99.99% priority, let's make it happen.
  3. News Link I saw the list last night and some of the details on it. Whilst it is not my political persuasion, and some of those (policemen/teachers) had it coming, for a lot fo the rest of them I think this couldnt be pretty damaging and in some cases unfairly. We all have our ways of thinking and should be allowed to have those without fear so long as they do not jeopardise the lives of others in this country. There are active racists in this country no doubt, no doubt some of that list are included, however that doesn't mean to say that all those on that list mean any harm to individuals but simply believe in the political points of a nationalist party. ?
  4. Positives: Concentrate on getting a run going in the league; a day off for the older boys to rest next week; now shez knows not to play gregan in midfield; hughes and byfield back next game...
  5. Most of those who chameleon here couldnt care less
  6. Yeah i know what you mean, and that seems to be very prevalent on here in recent weeks unnecessarily in my opinion. For those fans like me that seek to support the team and not berate them though it's really good to get an idea of other fan's perspective on individual performances (even if they are massively variable) I think the main things of interest to me today is how stam got on instead of gregan* (well it seems), and whether byfield was going to be another ormerod or not (not it seems). *last game I saw live he was man of the match!
  7. I really like seeing people's (opinion) ratings if I've not seen a game, gives me an idea of how it seems from the stands
  8. Just watched it again with some mates, really is funny to watch!!
  9. No doubt I'll be inundated with funny facebook updates from hughsey after today. like the one yesterday when he explained the "lovely message" he'd received from a millwall 'fan'.
  10. Apart from Hughes it all sounds pretty positive, getting back to winning way is the important thing. Still gutted to see we're still 7th. Best part of today is seeing scum lose at bellend road
  11. What was the penalty about? deserved win anyone? byfield playing?
  12. Some fo the interviews were so funny, the slightly racist (yet not offensive) comments of Royle, and I think Barlow or Adams especially
  13. Got the DVD today, and it's brilliant thanks.
  14. Hughsey has been playing an awful lot of Pro Evo soccer with JP Kalala according to his facebook. Maybe he's been sharpening up his skills
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