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Everything posted by Flemboy

  1. And he missed a good chance of making it two shortly after
  2. Most Oldham fans I saw after the game were put on double deck buses so would have gone straight to the station.
  3. With the numbers and top strikers we have signed even I could keep us up. I will not sing for Unworthy who does not deserve it.
  4. Pretty well what I've been saying for the past few weeks starting at Bromley away
  5. If he was a success I wouldn't care but this waste of space is just an arrogant bullshitter who loves to spend Frank's money in the hope that one day he may by chance and numbers get it right and claim it was all his brilliance. Personally I prefer soneone who has ability, feelings towards our fans,can get the best out of the players at his disposal and knows what he is talking about and shows some humility and accepts he has made massive mistakes.
  6. Same here.Recall their old club ground near the town centre which is now a supermarket and a lot closer to the station!!! Also Woking and Bromley who both won are decent teams with good managers.
  7. Unworthy has lost the fans support,his arrogant attitude is appauling, his post match excuses are repetitive and he has wasted Frank's money and proven you can't buy your way out of this league. I've looked at what Everton fans thought of him and it's the same as ours.He has to go but his arrogant attitude and long contract mean its unlikely.
  8. Even our rare home wins have been lucky ones
  9. Good old saying about not putting pride before a fall. He should walk out now and rip the contract up if he had any honour. He's lost the plot and our loyal fans support. I would have thought more about him if he came over to the away support and clapped them even from a safe distance rather than stroke his beard and walk down the tunnel . Frank must be thinking what have I let myself in for.Our new fans must be thinking the same and will soon drift away.
  10. With the backing he's had our milkman could have done better. I feel sorry for Reid being restricted. Our next two games will show if we have the team cohesion to put up a fight. Fed up of his same old story post match interviews and stroking his beard in disbelief.
  11. Sums it up.Time is soon up for me.We have the players but the captain of the Titanic in charge.
  12. In the words of the classic 1960s song by the Moody Blues...Go Now
  13. At least you tried BP. We need those types.
  14. Just listened to Unsworths post game talk. I'm no great fan of his but am prepared to give him time to change at least 5 of our lacklustre players who just don't cut the mustard. He genuinely seemed as gutted as we were .
  15. I've been to all the away games and it's the same....can't pass the ball apart to the opposition, clueless marking of players in the box hardly a shot on goal all the game, playing deep and allowing opposition to attack aimless kicking the ball sideways passing which allows opposition to intercept poor crosses and freekicks wasted. At least they put in a bit more effort today but the camera doesn't lie and its clear to all our away games are an embarrassment. Our supporters deserve better or they will drift away.
  16. I was never expecting promotion but I was expecting a team with passion and bottle
  17. Would any get into Wrexham or Notts team? Answer......none and probably neither any of the top six currently.
  18. Yet another lacklustre woeful away performance. No passion,no control,no wanting to win the ball,clueless when they got in the last third. Altrincham were crap but at least they wanted to win. Good goal but their player had tons of room to line up his shot. Opponents always seem to have a fast winger,two giants at the back and know how to pass the ball. I felt sorry for any fans who went away for the first time but this is so repetatative and teams have sussed us out as being nothing to fear.
  19. I've supported Shez for all he has done in the past but I feel I can no longer rely on sentiments any more. We are being run wragged each game .Time now to bow out gracefully.
  20. I remember he stood out when he came here with Shrewsbury Town and thought wow...wish we had him.Thought the same with Colin Garwood when he came here with Peterborough .Thankfully we got both Nostalgic person I am.
  21. Id have myself after a knee replacement on.Time for all our players to look at themselves and their performances.
  22. Not over until the fat lady sings. Its going to the wire and just got my Stevenage tickets. What compounds our results is the way our ex players are scoring for fun.
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