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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Not a great lover of chilli meself, in point of fact no a lover at all, but her indoors likes that particular brand although has never been brave enough to try the dynamite one. Oh and no offence to anybody re the crossing thingy, never ben able to figure it!
  2. StipeTripe


    Everybody has a touch of it in varying degrees, like walking away after locking the door or putting the car alarm on then thinking "did I........" and going back to check it, not that I'd ever do owt like that.
  3. Well done to your lad G. Anyway whilst there is a religious air of sorts on here. Does anybody else know of anybody who says "high, low, jack, game" when they see somebody crossing themselves. Like when a players coming on the pitch and they touch the ground and make the sign of the cross. Me late Father in Law always used to say it, whenever he saw anybody do it, "ay up high, low, jack, game" and I've never heard anybody else say it.
  4. Keaton, just not my cuppa!! Give me Stan and Ollie any day.
  5. Yes thats roughly what I said too
  6. :sign0094: Whaddya mean "so called" Mads. They ARE classics full stop, good grief woman whats wrong with you. This is nearly as bad as BB80 tell us that Black Adder wasn't remotly funny and it was in fact she-ite. And Beardy, fork handle not funny arrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Anyway now for the best
  7. Found the Ops ones, there on here already, d'oh, I knew thems was lurking
  8. Got three things at the moment, posted this before but its in a Rummy Video now! Last game at BP, sadly in a Blackers shirt. Haven't posted these yet. From 78/79, benifit game for Debbie Groves, and then from a subsequent match programme Dunno if you or Stevie can do owt with them. Not right good tbh, there must be summat better lurking somewhere, didn't Ops post summat?
  9. Happy birthday to her then. Its mine tomorrow so it'll be a combined effort at blip endage And Jimi you shameless scoundrel you, shocking :P
  10. I got one of Mr Groves on his last BP apperance, for Blackpool, and another couple I scanned last week but haven't posted yet, put them up in a mo.
  11. Just rang me sister, she was 5 years behind me and she remembers a Mr Ward teaching maths, had a tache, also taught guitar!!! But now you mention big noses I remember we had another PE teacher at Moorclose with a big nose we used to call him pot nosed Pete, can't remember his surname though. He was alright actually, got us free tickets for Latics a couple of times and organised a coach and tickets to watch England in a WC qualifier at Wemberlee against Switzerland. Edit -- Eeeekkkk just looked it up, 27 years ago, good job we had "Phil" at RB Ingerland
  12. Mr Wright could have been in the hair bear bunch. Mr Ward rings a bell, what did he look like? I was there Sept 75 to July 78.
  13. Several, although I wasn't amongst the maimed. 2 at Hollin High School in Midd. Mr Wright just evil and demented and one of them teachers wot did a bit of PE on the side, I'm not 100% sure of his name, he was Irish anyway and I can well recall him flipping his lid one day during an interhouse football match and twatting the living daylights out of one lad (literally had him on the floor punching and slapping him), everybody was so stunned we just stood there, the lad iirc ran off home and I don't recall that teacher taking us for football PE again. On a tangent the real nutter was Mr Grundy, metalwork teacher, first lesson he said "Morning boys, I'm MrGrundy, thats spelt G-O-D" favourite punishment, fasten a lads arms crucifix like into two vices and leather the poor trapped soul with the biggest slipper in the world ever, 27 of the best. Later went to Moorclose in Midd where we too had a Mr Hunter, Gordon was his name, and when Jilted John was in the charts one lad decided to serenade him with "Gordon is a moron", he got chased around the dressing room, cornered hung on the coat hooks and beaten big style with a plain plywood table tennis bat. They'd get locked up now
  14. Ohhhhhhhh we better behave now, man of the cloth amongst us and all that.
  15. I think thats about right, but they'll always be some who like to portray it as otherwise for whatever reason, which is quite sad.
  16. I still check JK, used it for so long it'd be rude not too, but as a secondary choice. But it isn't a them and us thing, although I do believe some folks think it is. Jack and Mike have done a sterling job over the years but I think its time to move on and OWTB is more stable, has better functions and is nobend free. Bet the irony of it all isn't lost on Jack either. He set up JK to get away from a crappy MB that didn't work etc etc.
  17. Syd, must admit I hadn't spotted that either, but then I wasn't looking for it Oh and ever so sorry Mads, one can only work with the material at hand though
  18. And Happy Birfdee Mads, it be my turn later this week, :dizzy2:
  19. A brand new department store has opened that sells Husbands. When a woman goes into the store to choose her new husband she must follow the instructions at the front door. The instructions read as follows: "You may visit this store only once in your lifetime. You must only pick one husband. There are 6 floors in total and the value of each husband ascends as you get higher up the floor levels. You may choose any item from any floor BUT once you leave a floor you may not return to it. You CANNOT go back down expect to exit the store.All sales are final...we do not do refunds" So a woman goes into the 'Husband's are Us Store' to find a husband. On the 1st floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs. "yeah whatever" she thinks and keeps moving up. The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids. "That's great but I can get better" she thinks and moves up again. The 3rd floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking. "Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the 4th floor and the sign reads: Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead good looking and help with housework. "Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!" Still, she goes to the 5th floor. Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead gorgeous, help with housework and have a strong romantic streak. "Now you're talking" she thinks to herself and she is tempted to stay but curious about what sort of husband might be on the next floor she moves on. She gets to Floor 6 - She reads the sign in expectation...You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. To avoid gender bias charges, and to satisfy the complaints form all the blokes in the area, the store's owner opens a 'New Wives Store' just across the street. The 1st floor has wives that love sex. The 2nd floor has wives that love sex and have money. The 3rd to 6th floors have never been visited.
  20. D'oh d'oh d'oh d'oh McGoo84 e mailed me that this morning I had intended to put it on 'ere, D'OH :P
  21. I've looked at it several times, and I hadn't noticed him :snore: I want to know what the lad waving his hand around is up to
  22. From the start of 79/80 season, all taken on the same day obviously, in fact one is the same picture cropped to make 2 different images. On the second one they try to disguise it by saying its from a reserve game on a different date, d'oh! Oh and a I know it perhaps shouldn't be here, but I put it here cos I reckon this part of the forum is the most visited and therefore has most chance of somebody spotting themselves, plus it'll be archived anyway All I'm gonna say is, she looks happy
  23. I was trying to think of some of the youff players names, all I can come up with othe than ickle Nick Henry are: Mike Flynn, far left, second row down next to WD Neil Edmonds(?) front row in front of JR Bob Monahagn (????) far right sceond row down next to Uncle Billy The lad far left on the from row, was he that Scottish lad who look a fantastic prospect, but got injured in a youth cup game against Citeh when the duffed us 10 or 11 - 1, Bryan something, maybe?? That match Flynny ended up MOM, cos without him it might have been 20, sure Citeh's team was the one with David White, Paul Lake and that.
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