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Posts posted by lookers87

  1. For those that are then a gesture as simple as turning one's back on the team if/ when they do do a lap be more apt, the threat of verbal abuse is what they would be (players) expecting, maybe the silent treatment would be more apt, as in being sent to coventry. :huh:


    Doesn't really matter anyway if it follows the same pattern of recent seasons. Final whistle goes...load of idiots run on the pitch for NO good reason...players go off, absolutely no announcements whatsoever...10 minutes go by, even those that are faithfully waiting get peed off..finally the players troupe back out not looking like they want to be there (and do more of lap of the centre cirle as everyone has pretty much gone) and it's all embarrassing....and that is before the collapse that is this season being thrown into the mix.


    Turning your back would probably be interesting gesture but the way I see it, the players are there to thank us for our support for the season. I think you're probably best just turning your back and leaving in all honesty!


    Mind you if the idiots stayed off the pitch and the club actually made a proper announcement as soon as the final whistle as to what was happening then maybe you'll get your chance.

  2. Please explain, Im a new fan.........the missus isnt though, long story but i not from the oldham area originally, im from cheshire, not far from crewe, gutted about the result on monday, would have been nice to beat them lol but as the missus says best get used to the heart break, being an ex red, from ot, losing isnt something i have had to get used to.

    im trying to get her to go back to every home game at the weekends, ( i work away) and away games where money permits.


    Probably best to start at the top of this page and work your way (or get the missus too!) through it. I believe Asda may well be coming on board at some stage (if a trial has gone well??).



  3. I really don't know what the answer or the solution to this is. Perhaps some form of loyalty scheme whereas the more you go the less you pay. Without doing the mathematics reducing the entrance fee by 25p or roundabouts per game.


    The club already has a loyalty card...Teamcard. If you've used it through the season for season tickets and any club purchase or any of the other retailers will probably earn you more than that off a season ticket this season. Ok not huge amounts but it all helps.

  4. Actually Dean we could very well be in 1989 as that season (88/89) was a very disappointing season and a lot of people thought we were going to be in for a relegation battle in 89/90...look how that turned out.


    Btw I'm certainly not saying that will happen again.


    This season has been so disappointing that it is understandable and right to question where things are going/what will happen next season, but a week is a long time in football (so 4 months is a huge amount of time). I just hope that strategically the club look at things and really try and create the right structure, messages and understand that it is in their power to look forward and seize the opportunity to becoming a driving force in the town.


    And just to be properly pendant...the tannoy stuff was 1991!

  5. It may well also be down to the fact that for the first home game in a long time Eardley wasn't abused from his first touch. I don't care how good a footballer you are, you can't possibly play well when you get the kind of treatment he's had this season home game after home game (last couple less so and imo his performances have begun to rise again). You end up fearing making mistakes and once that is in your mind then it becomes a bit of a vicious circle.


    In a lot of games this season you just know the first volley of abuse is about to be unleashed as the balls passed to him and if I'm noticing it you can sure as anything know Eards knows it...


    We've got a good young player there (who could earn us some money) so lets hope a bit of Joe's management and perhaps him not being the favourite boo boy might see him back on track and maturing into the Championship player that he could be.

  6. Hmmmm...if it's true then fair enough. Could fit the bill to lump it all on the last manager who can't defend himself. :wink:


    PS I've enough on that list...don't need anymore :wink


    Well seen as someone else has posted a direct communication now, I'll just say that it was Alan who said exactly the same thing to me in a meeting 8 months ago when I asked him about it. He was against the move at the time, but as he said it was the managers choice. So it isn't a matter of lumping it on now the manager has gone... (just in case the :wink: gets missed BB80).


    Anway whatever it was a bad call as BB80 and others have pointed out.

  7. We drew 2-2 at home to Sunderland that day. Remember the Match announcer of the time Chris Henthorne? Relaying the half-times and simply saying there had been a number of crush injuries at Hillsborough and nothing else really. It was only when I got home the true horror began to unfold. A day I will never forget and one unfortunately that had been an accident waiting to happen. When I think of the :censored:-holes I've been to over the years following Latics and how crowded some of those crumbling ends must have been when the big-biys rolled in makes it all the more surprising it hadn't happened time and time again. peopole penned in like animals and treated with contempt. West Brom, Middlesbrough and Notts County immediately spring to mind.


    Oh and the McGovern drama - harrowing! Watched it and it moved me to tears...


    Ah I was sure I was at BP that day and you just confirmed it for me. I remember the message being a bit more confused than that and me and my dad walking home after the match wondering what had gone on (there was some rumour going around near where we sat that a roof / wall had collapsed). When we got home there it was and it was shocking to see the pictures then. A sad day for our fan community...but if we can take a positive from it it is that the authorities began to wake up to the appauling way fans on-mass were treated.


  8. Is this from someone high up or is it the tea lady sort of level of "club official" ?


    Always thought club official referred to someone very high up in the club. But the tea lady bit made me laugh seen as the official in question told Chrissy T to make me a brew at the time.


    Anyway just telling it as it is, and these things are never black and white. It was a crazy decision imo with its roots based in a frustrating time the previous season due to a large number of injuries and reserve team cancellations. It also had a knock-on effect in terms of the type of loanees we were able to bring in.

  9. true but I can only report what I know about the situation from a conversation I had 8 months ago with a club official. This was at a time when the decision hadn't become the issue that it has for many so there would be no need for said official to 'spin' things to me at the time. I asked a straight question and got a very straight answer.


    Just reporting what I know.

  10. We walk back down that road after the games and I do remember seeing more than 1 car with tickets on. My mate and I were chatting about it. It is double yellow on there, but that's the first time we've seen it.


    Couldn't tell you if they all got ticketed but there was certainly more than 1.



  11. Spot on.


    If it's financially viable Latics should invert the system they're talking about. Use well known songs for the goals/coming out music and have unsigned bands songs for the rest... great exposure for those bands and we keep a 'recognised' song for the key moments!


    Wouldn't solve the issue as the 'licence' criteria is based on the workplace and number of people as opposed to the type of music.


    PRS say they have calculated the level of the fees based on their knowledge of the tunes that are played and it is therefore a 'fair' reflection of the royalty fees to their members. In other words they don't keep a tally of the actual tunes played so there would be no difference if they were to use unsigned bands as the 'key moments' part is the most expensive part anyway. They could solve the whole thing by (as they've asked) playing nothing but royalty-free tunes both as background music and 'key moments'...then they wouldn't have to pay them anything!!


  12. The difference is under new PRS guidelines, all the tunes played before, halftime and after the match are counted as 'background music' so come under 1 set of regs. BUT PRS are classing the entrance music and goal music as 'special occasion' music which carries a higher premium, hence the huge hike in fees compared to this year.


    They are complete daylight robbers. When we moved into our new building, within 3 months the PRS (obviously getting new business/moving data) sent a letter (very harshly worded) warning me about playing music (despite not doing). 3 more letters followed within 4 weeks, plus 2 calls - and more annoying than anything the first question the operative asked (get this for phrasing) 'So how do you currently play music in your workplace' - to which I replied I don't, and how dare you phrase your question that way.


    They really are causing a huge amount of problems for businesses. And 1 thing I want to know is if a radio station has already paid a royalty to play the music on air - why should we the listener also have to pay a royalty? Surely that is double royalties on 1 tune! ...still awaiting an answer from PRS.

  13. I think we should "build" our own taste of sweet, like Willie Wonka...


    First the shape - a gobstopper, the biggest gobstopper one could have in the mouth - this will limit the amount of abuse the team gets whilst the owner of said sweet sucks hard - in more ways than one. Downside of course is that the singing will be affected too but meh - remember, it's a fantasy thing...


    The colour blue and tangerine stripes of course, yes it'll make your eyes go funny but it'll look the part.


    The taste? Cool mint, with a balti pie kick.


    Like it! We need to be careful on the gobstopper shape, don't want one accidentally being spat onto the pitch in a Leeds game and their bench complaining it looks like one of the footballs.


    Maybe we could provide similar 'sweets' to the singers with a soothing centre, thereby providing the singers with a clear throat ready for the 2nd half.


    Re: the gobstoppers, everyone should have 2 (including the manager/bench) should they deem anyone to be in need of further silence. Said gobstoppers can then be handed over either politely or in whatever way they deem necessary!!


  14. Big Joe's Mintballs might run into copyright problems, but the flavour of Uncle Joe's or Rushton's in a blue and white variety would be perfect.


    Funnily enough I've asked Uncle Joe's to manufacturer - not that they will be UJ mintballs...still the blue and white...but there may just be a hint!

  15. This is now my favourite Ronnie quote...possibly ever...


    Tranmere manager Ronnie Moore was frustrated by bottom club Cheltenham's tactics as his side slipped to a 1-0 defeat at Whaddon Road on Tuesday.


    An early David Bird volley condemned Rovers to their 10th away defeat of the League One season.


    Moore told BBC Radio Merseyside: "The ball must have a headache, its been booted and thrown that long.


    "At least we've tried to get it down and play football but if you don't take your chances you don't win games."


    bbc linky

  16. A bit of help required people...we have a range of bespoke sweets (any colour, any flavour) and we have made some (old-fashioned style) Latics Mints (blue and white). I've spoken to Alan Hardy about these and also about whether they would be interested in stocking a range of old-fashioned sweets in the catering outlets and shop on matchdays - improve the selection so to speak. That was left with the caterers a couple of months ago and not even a reply from them!


    Anyway, would just like your opinions on if you think a Latics Mint (poss available via other retailers/pubs etc) may be a good idea (proceeds to club/foundation)?


    Also, if the club was to stock a better range of sweets (esp old-fashioned ones) on match days these would be a good idea?


    And finally any ideas on what your favourite sweets would be??


    Obviously I am keen for the club to take their share of revenue from this via all routes to market. And I promise if I make a fortune from the sweet shop I'll be looking to plough some into the club :wink:






  17. As I mentioned in a different thread yesterday, I think the biggest hint of the team on Saturday may well be those in 'bibs' on the photos from the 1st training session....take a look.


    In other words, I'd be suprised if it is very much different from Saturday - poss Smalley upfront alongside Hughes if Taylor fit (again checking the bibs - or lack of them).


    Large changes in formation or personnel have never been Big Joe's style (during the game excepted).

  18. Good shout... it does say he experimented quite a bit with systems on the OS. I can't see Lidds starting though, can you?


    PS. Lookers87 - Quality sweet shop, you've kept me going with the Rushtons ;)


    Personally no, but that probably depends on Taylor. It may just've been starting 11 from Sat (minus the loanee returns), but just saw the pics (esp with Ruben being one of those without a bib as he's defo out on Sat). Sorry obv still got my coaching head on!


    Thanks very much pdw76 - you almost got Everton (0 - Latics 1) Mints with the last order! We will soon have larger jars available so that should really keep you stocked up. Thank you!


    Oh and Latics Mints are coming soon - although the club have 'gone quiet' on them.

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