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Posts posted by lookers87

  1. Guy whilst I like the fact you are trying to raise this, it isn't a new idea. A 'safe standing' campaign is almost as old as the Taylor Report, maybe older than you.. check this link. Safe Standing isn't an issue that can be addressed by one club on it's own. It contravenes all kinds of Health and Safety legislation and is a very political issue.


    safe standing


    FSF safe standing

  2. Just a quick observation...firstly much respect for remembering all that, awesome.


    You may want to give the tone a bit of thought...if you're going to try and get this published you'll need to decide if it is essentially a reference book (ie sticking to the actual events) or a 'fans' view (events alongside your own views).


    That first extract contained a bit of both, and that's where you risk running foul of any libel stuff or 'alienating' readers who think it is a reference book and end up getting your version of events as opposed to a general view of events. Nothing wrong with your own view on the events, so perhaps consider going all out onlong those lines...kind of a 'Royle to Royle: Into the Wilderness' (my team and me)...that way you can also include some background stories about the Anglo-Italian cup adventures which were sometime fun.


    Self-publication is pretty straight forward these days and would be the easiest way to get it published. There's quite a few locally who can help with that.

  3. For a kick off, I would wager that you can go up to the ticket office at hudd and pay for your season ticket using a credit card, here apparently you can only pay with cash. Which means that alot of people will have to wait till they get paid.


    Agree, the club in many respects is stuck in the dark ages.


    Not entirely sure whether it is possible, but I will just say that we aren't the only team in the leagues (Championship included) that don't accept credit cards (most strongly advise against it) for season ticket sales in particular...this is because the credit card companies hold the payment until the end of the season thereby meaning the clubs get NO income until around April. This includes clubs like Burnley.

  4. Having lived over here the past 5 years the 'rise' is clearly down to a positive, but realistic strategy. The previous regime built the club back up from the troubled situation around 1998 and then the ITV digital collapse which hit them hard (top of the championship at the time I think). However they invested cleverly and created a good structure.


    A new investor came in 2 seasons ago and it was amazing the change - there was a huge investment in marketing and creating positive messages. They have invested wisely in the team having had to sell their best player every January for the past 3 or 4 years before this season (Akinbiyi, Blake etc), indeed they've even bought these players back at hugely reduced fees the following season.


    All that good investment in the structure around the club has had a huge boost this season with probably their best move in getting in a manager in Owen Coyle who oozes enthusiasm and a canny tactical outlook. Aided by some excellent signings in the pre-season (some of which Joe Royle helped Owen get in) and a big slice of luck they deserve to be at Wembley. And I must admit that after the season they've had they probably deserve to top it off with the Premiership - they have been playing some excellent football.


    Yes they are a town that is totally focused on their team, and despite the usual mix of big 4 followers at least the local papers have full coverage of the team without feeling they have to dedicate columns to other teams!



  5. that is cringe worthy that song but the worst one we sing is DU DU De Du we sing it for almost every player and if we sign pawel abbott he will take lids place... :ranting::disappointed::angry::mad:

    I'm hoping that we sign Pav for no other reason than he can take the number 9 shirt and be...Pavel Abbot Oldham's Number 9....nana nana


    ...please instead of the Du Du de Du song for everyone, along with Taylor Taylor, Deano Deano...

  6. the tuck shop was a good source of income for us. Unfortunately, the space is just not available within the club at the moment to have a lounge and Boundary Blues funds are not big enough for us to hire in a portakabin for a season, plus that comes with other issues!! We are hoping that we can come to some arrangement with the club to have something in place for next season.


    can Happy Sweet Shop help?...Mr Hardy knows me well, may be worth mentioning my name in discussions with the club.


    ...they have been a little short-sighted in rejecting one of our new products without thinking things through properly (Latics Mints), but I'd be happy to have a chat about potential funding...maybe save you money on stock purchasing etc that may free other cash up...can't promise but Happy to see.

  7. I know it didnt but had it have done we would have simply been docked the 10 points for going into it, with no additional points being docked as a result of not exiting administration via a CVA, as a CVA was in place when we exited administration.


    This is the quandry of FL v business law...in basics the crown no longer has preferential status as it did in the old days so it is 'in the pot' with the other creditors (although usually is the largest in value and therefore has more voting power). So an ordinary business would have to get 75% value creditors voting yes in order to put together a CVA (basically paying x pence in the £) to clear its debts.


    The difference in football is that the FL rules mean that football creditors must be paid in full otherwise the new club cannot get it's 'golden share'. So they have created a kind of 'preferential creditors'. This means that the crown are already losing out on the pot.


    THEN the FL say a club must exit via a CVA in order to get its registration. This means that a CVA must be agreed. The problem therefore occurs as the new club pays off it's football creditors (who these days are usually very small) and then goes to the biggest creditor (crown) to agree a CVA. (Bates tried to get away with 1p in the £1 hence to crown said no = no CVA = -15 points).


    So in summary...what a load of boring rubbish. :blink:

  8. It will defo be next season,

    otherwise southampton could kick up one hell of a fuss


    And not only that,they could be docked further points if the club do not exit admin via CVA?


    ...which because the FA/Football League rules are (certainly were last summer) actually contradictory to uk business law (Enterprise Act 2002) means that almost every football club that follows business law in exiting administration will end up being further penalised by the FL. Mainly due to the clauses regarding football creditors.


    So County and others could well find -10 could get a whole lot worse over the summer.

  9. John Hughes may not be a bad shout, actually has a decent record with Falkirk. He's been heavily linked with the Lashers job this season and is a very good friend of Owen Coyle and is very keen to move south. I know Coyle got a lot of help from Joe with a couple of signings he made pre-season so if Joe's opinion is being asked for it may be a name that crops up.


    Don't really mind anyone from the list, it really is about what they do with us not what they've done elsewhere. And as the old saying goes I'd prefer a lucky manager than a good one!



    Norwich really have an excellent marketing setup mainly based on an excellent loyalty scheme. Means they capitalise on all fans data and (that coupled with catchment areas) are guaranteed to be a big player in this division next season should Sundays results confirm their relegation.

  11. Thanks Lookers, Drolysden are at Boundary Park next Wednesday night v Mossley in the Manchester Premier Cup final, if Joe and the chief scout aren't there (unless they have very important engagements elsewhere) then I can only asume there is something sadly wrong at the club.

    Droyslden play a pleasing style of football to feet and I think they will be a joy to watch, particularly the 2 attacking full backs I mentioned.

    Why not go down and have a look yourself too ?

    Might well do that, used to do some assessment stuff myself a few years ago. Thanks BP, I do enjoy seeing the new names that you regularly recommend, and you seem to assess them very well (from what I've seen) so I just think that seen as the club is obviously struggling with sets of eyes then players you mention should at least be passed on to those that make the decisions.

  12. Take the money, for a replacement there 's an fine young full back at Droylsden called Liam Brownhill (he's represented the England non league team).

    Brownnhill defends well, is comfortable using either foot, has excellent dribbling skills, attacks with pace and purpose and can pass a ball.

    The other young full back there the powerful Sean Newton is good too (also an England non league international) , his 2 goal performance against Chesterfield in the F.A Cup this season was outstanding.

    In fact I'd take at least 4 of the current Droylsden team to BP now.


    Do you ever pass these pieces of info onto the chief scout? Just wondering as you frequently mention various names and seem to talk with some knowledge about them. Otherwise it seems a bit of a waste...

    I realise that it is your old role, but you could be doing your bit for the club.

  13. Unrelated to the thread but you've just lost a customer, tried buying some flying saucers but they wouldn't add to the cart. Kept saying "your cart has no items in it" no matter how many times I click "buy now". First impressions have a huge bearing on whether I shop somewhere again or not, I'm going to have to take my custom elsewhere. You need to get your order form/cart functioning robustly, you could be losing 100s of customers each day if they're having problems ordering too. Thought I'd let you know.


    Seems a little strange, if you tried today then the site has been down since this morning when our (external) servers went pop and it only just came back up a couple of hours ago.. We've never had that problem before, so I can only apologise (just done exactly the same transaction myself and worked perfectly), our cart functionality is very robust. Feel free to pm...I might even send you some saucers.

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