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Posts posted by lookers87

  1. Said to a number of people at the start of the season and in Jan that Jay Rodriguez at Burnley would be a good move imo. Just finished a loan spell at Barnsley and regained his fitness after injury earlier in the season.


    Having seen him quite a number of times for the 1st team (goals against Fulham and Spurs in the carling cup last season) and the ressies he's a goalscorer- tall enough, burst of pace, good movement and most importantly a 'box' striker, someone who I think could potentially work well with Pav and indeed Price.


    Young - yes, but experience at Championship level and showed in the cups/league run last season that he can already hold his own against prem defenders. Likely that Burnley will be looking to get him further experience over the last few months of the season.

  2. The line the Chron takes (has taken) throughout all our Stadium plans over the years is appauling. Contrast this with the way the paper here in Burnley reports on the recent announcement for Stadium development at Turf Moor.


    They're plans include redeveloping another part of the town and developing on the historic cricket ground and in a much more heavily built up area than Failsworth (or around BP for that matter)...and how do you suppose the development plans were announced??


    Front page delight, 2-3 pages inside the paper on the plans, showing the areas potentially included. Reaction from the club, council, supporters - not a single objection piece. Unsurprisingly the paper see the development plans as a good move for the town as a whole - they will I'm sure cover objections at some stage, but the feeling is that development is overall a positive thing and therefore any objections will be put within this context and undoubtedly dealt with in a sympathetic, but ultimately 'NIMBY' view from individuals. Why is it that the Chron has seemed to be taking the 'negative' line over this and previous plans as its starting point?



  3. I'll start by saying that I appreciate TTA especially the amount of their own hard earned cash they've put into the club over the years and I appreciate the fact we have a Trust, the work it did in '03 (ok poetic licence) and the fact guys like Barry, Wardle and many more over the past years have given up time to do stuff that others can't/won't do.


    I myself have given up time to do work for and with the club and I would do it again tomorrow if they asked. It is a thankless task sometimes as everyone has an opinion - good or bad. The key with any such role is to grow some thick skin.


    I do however have concerns as a fan. I haven't made my mind up over Failsworth as I am yet to see the plans (though I have a good idea what is involved), but I do have concerns that it isn't the best location and if the BP option hasn't been jetisonned over a shorter-term solution.


    I am upset by current onfield events, however I very much of the opinion that this could potentially turn around quickly given some new faces and a slice of the good fortune that seems to have deserted us for over 12 months now. I also no longer set my mood by the results on the pitch, there's always the next one - and I'll be there because it's my club.


    I do however feel I have a right to ask a question as to whether the manager is going to be given time and the resources are being put into (not just the team) but replacing the chief scout and what progress the development squad players (and the hungarians) are making. Are we likely to see any of them soon?


    As far as I am concerned these are questions for the club to answer - and TTA, Barry, Alan or anyone else is fine by me to answer them. It doesn't mean I am questioning TTA's loyalty or suddenly not supporting my team. As someone said we all care. I feel as a seasonticket holder (who still goes and stays for the full 90mins) I have a right to do that. From that point of view I don't really appreciate some of Barry's rants.


    The one thing that I do have to question is why is there such a negative feel from the club. Yes, we oldham folk are generally a cynical bunch by nature and evangelical speeches may be met with some derision. But I would love it if we could see a vision of what the next 5-10 years looks like. And that comes from the top. Several posters have made mention to the initial 5 year plan, ok that's gone now - time to move onto the next plan.


    Where is the new vision, where is the vision? Surely that is the starting point for taking the club forward, before we get to specifics about stadia etc. That's also how you get people with you...too many times over the past 7 years we've heard a negative happening, turned into a negative, leading to a negative. TTA for all their brilliant money management seems to spend a large amount of their time looking at costs - essential but you don't get anywhere by looking down all the time. I'd like to see someone raise their heads and let me know where we are all going.


    Sure we'll need a bit of luck with the on field results as (irrespective of new stadia/marketing plans) that is where we the punters see the results of all the hardwork off the field. But first and foremost we need something to get onboard with and that for me is at the heart of the growing frustration for many. The Trust could play a key role in this, and there is a role for them immediately. We have some fantastic people both within and around the club, Trust and fan base, it would be fantastic if a leader, a visionary could actually take a grip on this negative situation and inject some much needed light into what if we aren't careful could continue down this current rant on rant against anyone and everyone both ways until it all implodes.

  4. Sorry mate, got to pull you up on this as it is one issue which worries me. It will be more difficult to sell the club if we are in administration at any point as we will be in a similar situation as before with no assets apart from the players!


    to a point but I think Harry's point is that this is pretty standard business practice when it comes to large assets/buildings like the stadium from tax/organisation etc, etc. point of view. That's why the brassbank argument has a little of the 'red herring' about it. Unless anyone knows the exact workings of initial investment/setup/tax etc etc or is the accountant/business advisor etc that worked on the initial deal or since then a little knowledge is dangerous (as the saying goes).


    To your point jorvik, you do have a valid point, and are right to question it. However, even if we did own and in the event of another admin, in a traditional sense the assets are likely to be sold by the admin with or without the club to realise the best value for the creditors.


    Which just brings you back to the current trading situation ie. the reason it was done under the 'brassbank' company in the first place. Because I assume it was the best way to structure the business/deal in order for run the club over the past few years.

  5. ...you still own a Frankie Bunny (obviously minus the easter egg it came with)

    ...you played on the plastic pitch

    ...you saw the plastic pitch being put down (and you have a piece on that marble slab)

    ...you remember when the main stand had all those 'corporate' windows

    ...you can still remember word for word all the commentary for the goals in the 90 cup run

    ...when posters on here claim it's the worst performance ever you immediately remember worse ones from years ago!


    ...you were one of those that got in at Blackpool '97! (and moved 2 rows forward when the terrace crumbled away under your feet)

  6. I think recent debates may be clouding things a little here, and a few are being a little sensitive.


    An individual has taken it upon themselves to organise an event full stop. I haven't seen it advertised anywhere as an 'official' club event, and as the Rifle Range is well known to be a oafc pub it could be said that they are targeting their customer base wisely. If they were advertising it as a club event I think wardle and barry would have a very good point. I go to rifle on matchdays, was offered a ticket myself and in no way was it 'advertised' to me as an official event.


    The fact that Eyresy (as I was told) is going is neither here nor there, he chose to accept the invitation. Again, if he is under some view that this is an 'official' event then he should've asked some more questions before accepting. If he isn't bothered if it is official or not then fine.


    The club isn't missing out, as it's not like it has overtaken an event that they have organised. They don't. Again, if it was being run on the same night as a club event there would certainly be some grounds for the Trust guys making a stand.

    Perhaps rather than immediately questioning this event it should be taken as an opportunity to find out what kind of events appeal and pinching those ideas. Also, as one of the known fans social locations, and being as they seem to enjoy organising these types of things, the club/trust whoever could look at joining forces with the Rifle and giving such a future event an 'official' status and therefore deserving of a revenue stream.


    I think if Barry had just asked the question, 'Is the event a fundraiser for something?' it would've been more appropriate. And probably avoided wardle having to try and jump to the defence again.

  7. and if you watch some of our set pieces you'll see the 'obvious' target in gregan deliberately missed to try and create the space for others.


    I think our lack of threat from set pieces over the past few seasons is more down to a lack of real emphasis on practicising them allied to a lack of real quality delivery. It's already obvious this season that DP is spending a little more time both attacking and defensively working on them.

  8. I really don't see lots of ideas as the problem - as has been said many times, over the past 2+ years this board is full of suggestions/ideas...they will always be forthcoming when you have a forum like this.


    The 'marketing' success of a football club is always going to be dependant on 1 crucial factor - results on the pitch. No getting away from that. BUT by creating a clear plan and providing a clear vision (along with regular contact and a good level of service) it is possible to build and prepare to be in a position to leap on those opportunities provided by factor 1.


    The step that has been missing for a long time is that crucial next step...assessing, planning and executing. That is as a whole - I know there has been plenty of 'assessment' of various suggestions, but these cannot be done without the framework of a plan to work to.


    Simple really and my suggestions would be:


    1. Real depth assessment of the 'issues' affecting current ticket holders, past ticket holders, and the general public in the town.

    2. Creating a long-term marketing strategy (irrespective of where we are - both facilities and divisionally)


    Then we're into some of the basics of actually getting a workable 'marketing team' and department back together.


    And all this needs to be taken in some isolation from various other issues that are going on at the club right now. I know it can't all be done as such, but I'm looking for the club to take on board the general feel here and, irrespective of whether suggestions have been tried before, putting that aside and look a little further forward in terms of a plan on the marketing/sales.


    Oh and here's a suggestion - if the Trust is a little caught between roles at the moment why not look at some radical solutions such as supplementing the cost of a marketing person/s/department at the club...after all that would benefit all fans over the long term.



  9. It shouldnt have to be, we are a local club that should be promoted to local companies, to outsource would take away the connection.


    Its funny how when i worked there i was involved in the open day for sponsors, i still see them and they say hi to me, as they saw me as a contact at the club.


    It simply needs a dedicated person to just take the time and contact as many companies and go and see them make him/herself known.



    I've been dropping the Burnley scheme's in for to latics for info for a while as they have been very active for the past few years - good example really. Nail on the head though Beardy, not just a permanent staff member (I did a little 'free' help for them myself), but a plan and some modern techniques. The database is crucial, and is completely underused, and doesn't have executed in costly ways.


    They also have to realise that just offering ads to companies in directories is not enough...most of us these days require a little more, getting the commercial side right will immediately deliver some more revenue streams for the club that can be shifted over to the marketing ideas - and get some positive messages coming out of the place!!

  10. Ah Subbuteo, many an hour on a Sunday morning was spent with Latics destroying top-flight opposition. Me and my dad would play for hours, he was such a bad loser - any player of mine who had the audacity to score past big Nev (Latics v his second team Everton) would be promptly flicked with real venom across the lounge! I also remember the regular feline pitch invasions that would cause an early abandonment...


    Bought my boy a set a few years back - he's hardly touched it - bloody Play Stations!


    There was also the arguments over the 'legal' flick...not too mention the creases in the pitch - my word!


    Beardy, must confess that me and my mate used to do the same thing for home and away matches.


    I still remember the excitement of finally finding the oldham subbbuteo team in Toymaster in Oldham...and getting the stick on numbers to make sure 4 + 10 were in centre mids and 8 + 9 were up front.


    ...in fact I'm over at my parents house next weekend, might well be returning home with the old subbuteo set now!!!

  11. loved kerrplunk - dual toy as then could play marbles too.

    Lego - had the worlds biggest box, outlasted any toys me and my sisters had - in fact was used by their kids too

    Broke buckaroo within a day - tut

    caused many minor injuries playing twister

    always got something arty like one of those foil scratch off art thingys or drawing stuff

    got rollar skates but never couls skate - you know the adjustable metal ones but could skate board


    Hey remember the arts an crafts shop on george st in Oldham at the back of oldham police station is now/back entrance to debs. in fact remember when it was at street period....


    I remember getting all my subutteo stuff from the toyshop that was in the row of shops by the Greaves...used to love it in there.


    I was a big lego fan, especially all the castles stuff and the tech stuff - dad used to spend hours on christmas day/boxing day (apart from the match) helping assemble various structures.

    Also remember playing 'Guess Who?' and knowing my sister was cheating...does he have a beard...is his name herman.

    MASK - the mighty powers that can save the day.

    Star Wars - still got my original Millenium Falcon from 1980-ish and the figures

    I'll throw Dogtanian into the mix!

  12. I'm a member have been since it's inception (or around 03). Johnny, I remember your hassle over the stockport stuff, not great at all.


    On the subject of youngster support/community trust stuff (and on the back of the other subject). We do fundraising codes for charities that give them a 'donation' (% of value of each order) on every order placed using that code...for as long as they want. Also the person using the code gets a discount as an incentive to buy...easy funds for the charity/trust/community foundation whatever!

  13. Although I think that some of the various figures that are quoted to justify schemes/offers on here are way out, I can't fault the general feel that there is no desire by the club to market itself. Underlying this lack of desire are undoubtedly a less than long-term view (both in location and ownership)...but also the number of long-term (but good) staff at the club. Many suggestions are auto met with 'we've tried that before' view.


    If you continue to do what you've always done you'll get what you always got!


    I took it on myself last summer (08) to write a 15 page report/marketing strategy for the club, on the back of another one of these debates. inc research into other clubs etc. It didn't just cover 'ideas', it actually set out a comprehensive view of how to develop the necessary strategy (in real life not just text book rubbish!!).


    To be fair Alan Hardy was very good (he is much underrated) and we have had a number of discussions since. However, very little has changed since...and that was before another raft of ideas with regards to partnership with Sweet Shop to try and enhance revenue streams, catering and shop products. Some of this may be happening, eventually. As a fan and a business owner I'd like to help bring the club into the 21st Century, but continually hit a brick wall of 'old' thinking.


    The frustrating part is that there is so much that can be done if there was a clear marketing strategy in place. ps. anyone else know that it is the 20th anniversary season of the 89/90 cup run...talk about opportunity missed!!!! Bunn's 6 v scarborough for a start at the end of this month (??)


    An addition to this (and on from some other points about other clubs). I've had a lot of conversations with Latics, offering my support and that of my business, yet have not been contacted once. I had a 2 min conversation with a marketing guy from Burnley FC at a random event and within 2 weeks we have agreed a deal which cost next to nothing allowing me to be an exclusive partner (accessing their 17K ticketholders) and as a result we're also supplying their corporate/hospitality depts and shop. To the point that they are including our products in all kinds of other promotions where they see an advantage to do so (I don't do anything). They are taking advantage of the additional revenue they can gain from our products.


    I've offered Latics a way of generating a new income without it costing them anything and....nothing.


    To repeat my above point, old thinking (and lack of planning) are the main issue. Not every 'idea' is practical to be acted on, but with a proper marketing plan it makes it easier to evaluate and put some in place. The club themselves will admit that when ideas have been tried in the past they've not done proper reviews/tracking/analysis of them. What they haven't ever done is get the the heart of what the issues are.... there are accepted to be 3 types of fans/customers at football clubs - Followers / Supporters / Fanatics as a broad brush...each has specific needs. Goodness me it isn't black magic.




  14. Although I think that some of the various figures that are quoted to justify schemes/offers on here are way out, I can't fault the general feel that there is no desire by the club to market itself. Underlying this lack of desire are undoubtedly a less than long-term view (both in location and ownership)...but also the number of long-term (but good) staff at the club. Many suggestions are auto met with 'we've tried that before' view.


    If you continue to do what you've always done you'll get what you always got!


    I took it on myself last summer (08) to write a 15 page report/marketing strategy for the club, on the back of another one of these debates. inc research into other clubs etc. It didn't just cover 'ideas', it actually set out a comprehensive view of how to develop the necessary strategy (in real life not just text book rubbish!!).


    To be fair Alan Hardy was very good (he is much underrated) and we have had a number of discussions since. However, very little has changed since...and that was before another raft of ideas with regards to partnership with Sweet Shop to try and enhance revenue streams, catering and shop products. Some of this may be happening, eventually. As a fan and a business owner I'd like to help bring the club into the 21st Century, but continually hit a brick wall of 'old' thinking.


    The frustrating part is that there is so much that can be done if there was a clear marketing strategy in place. ps. anyone else know that it is the 20th anniversary season of the 89/90 cup run...talk about opportunity missed!!!! Bunn's 6 v scarborough for a start at the end of this month (??)

  15. Sky live score centre have it down as four subs too


    So that's the BBC, Sky and Soccerbase all listing it as four - Plot thickens....


    I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the main 'sports' outlet ie. BBC, Sky etc all use PA services for footy games, hence the reason that both SSN and BBC live text had us 3-0 at one point...and both have the 4 subs thing. So it doesn't necessarily mean that several different correspondents saw it, just that they take the info from the same single source.


    Still being there I only remember them making 3. Whether the confusion over our sub late on when they confused the numbers and announced the sub twice has played a part in the reporting I don't know.


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