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Everything posted by smartzatart

  1. Rubes was trying to calm him down, he'd lost it!!
  2. Ha ha, not in that sense Break in play and he's called over to the touchline, within 2 or 3 minutes he's booked for jumping up and down with his hands in the air, in front of the thrower Now misses the long trip to Daggers...................hey that's a stroke of luck innit
  3. Barry, I also thank you for your comments, that goes some way to reassure us the fans. I appreciate there is a level of confidentiality but we have a need to be kept in the loop as much as possible.
  4. As i said Barry, it's not a personal attack or a slant on Barry Owen the man. I don't believe there is a justification for having a fans voice on the board, the board can gauge their opinions from the fans on here. You are limited to what you can tell us and as such, what is the point in your role? What little you may be able to tell us at this moment won't add anything to what we already know, you can't quell the speculation, dismay or fear that we the real fans are feeling. I know about your part in the Hughes deal but on a day to day basis what's going on at present, are we on the brink, is there a master plan and can we rest assured that we'll be playing football come 2011?? These are the questions we need answering but unfortunately you can't answer them!!
  5. It's an opinion, i have opinions on loads of things in life, i don't have to indicate what i'd do in other's positions.............i can just have an opinion
  6. You know, it probably isn't fair!! Maybe i'm just sick of reading crap on here on both side of the fence in relation to the trust, trust director etc!! I ain't about to apologise but in retrospect maybe it's a tad harsh to conduct a poll in this way. Mods, remove it if you wish, however maybe it might be food for thought for others in the future.
  7. Exactly, if there's an avenue open to such people then maybe they might step up to the plate.
  8. I wouldn't want the 'role' my friend, damned if you do, damned if you don't!! However I'm sure there are a number of people out there that feel they could add value and relate with the everyday fan. If it's a fans representitive then it should be / have been open to all fans, not just members of the trust. I kinda hope that Barry gets the old vote of confidence on here, that way we can stop the sniping and let him get on with whatever it is he's getting on with. Let's face it, this board is the bridge from the fans to the board, they read it and act accordingly!!
  9. Democratic view mate, no personal attack on Barry intended. I offered an opinion of the fan's representitive not Barry Owen the man!!
  10. I wouldn't bet on it mate, there are a great number of clubs in the 'North' that are well within travelling distance, even over the hill!!
  11. ............ In the words of The Clash, should he stay or should he go? I for one have had enough of his knee-jerk reactions and constant berating of the fans, he's archaic and offers nothing by way of progression or innovation. Now that's my opinion, what's yours? I say put it to the vote, let the people decide!! Anyone going to set it as a poll or is this post about to mysteriously disappear
  12. Won't get a fee for Lee, cheaper option is pre-contract agreement for buying club with signing on fee!!
  13. Just what i was thinking, trouble is he's obviously gagged on this one. The club is in a crisis situation, the debt on the club is not sustainable, the one amigo we have left doesn't have a financial plug big enough to stem the torrent of cash pouring out of the club and no-one seems in any hurry to come and bail us out In short, we're nigh on trading insolvently, the balance sheet won't and can't balance and then Mr Hardy intimates that we were reliant on a cup run to keep us going!! I overheard a conversation outside Prenton Park earlier in the season that intimated we would enter administration sooner rather than later, unless we could attract a backer. I won't tell you who this was talking but i'm sure you can guess!! We're seriously in the mire, i hope in all hope that we can get through this but i fear this could really see us become another football statistic!!
  14. Think they meant EDL, English Defence League, tenuous links with FYC and Stoke's Naughty Forty hardcore
  15. Agree with most of that, he's gotta keep his gob shut where the official are concerned though
  16. I've got a mate from Ashton, he's actually got an Indian accent
  17. Stupidity or ignornace, big difference Harry.......you should know
  18. Highlight of the day is me learning the offside from goalkick rules Just checked on FA site and you can't be offside from a direct corner neither Apologies all round It takes a bigger man an all that Now in all honesty, who else knew that? Come on man up!!!!
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