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Everything posted by wozz_oafc

  1. haha I would be. Failed to get out of this division and the recession has messed up their plans with the land. Im starting to think some on here want them to leave.
  2. Surely thats obvious? It is their money not ours they can do what they want with it. They have stated right from the beginning that they were not going to splash money all over the place.
  3. I agree Fylde, my guess was definitelty on the low side, I can imagine the amount of hidden costs that fans wouldnt even think of is sky high too.
  4. Well if we are all going off what we've heard, I have heard that Gregans basic came to 150k a year on his last contract. So thats one player earning half of what we have apparently recieved for Eardley. So you can see how the money might go quite fast. For what is worth I would guess that our total wage bill for all players and staff including bonuses would be well over £1m a year. Then I guess you have signing of fees to add to that. Anyone hazard a guess to what they might be? Never mind the other costs. I understand people highlighting that we have received unexpected income, but maybe the TTA have used this to cover running costs rather than fork out themselves? Wouldnt you if it was your money? Esepcially as they have, despite what some may think maintained a competitive team until last seasons collapse.
  5. Its all very well adding up revenue, but you have to take away the costs too. What are wages a year? What are policing costs? Hospitality costs? Ground Maintenance? Pitch Maintenance? Stewarding Costs? Medical Costs? etc etc
  6. Not having a go mate, but can you hand on heart say you know the finances of the club? I am guessing no, so its not helpful when people band all these hyperthetical figures about, its how rumours and scaremongering start. I wish someone from the club would show some transparancy in regards to the clubs finances, dont we have someone on the board of directors which could shed some light?
  7. yes, the current badge looks like 2 rabbits kissing not an owl
  8. Not seeing it through youngsters eyes, there was a genuine effort to get behind the team. Yes we were the only ones, yes no one could probably hear it, but at least we had that section we could go in and not be miserable. When I first started sitting there, it wasnt just kids actually it was a good mixture. Typical Oldham, that the only section of fans that trys to get behind the team gets labelled the muppet choir. That I think says a lot about the miserable mentality of some. Since I have moved i have seen plenty more muppets sat around in other sections of the ground. As I live no where near the people i go to games with its quite hard to socialise with them elsewhere. At least I pay my £20 to a buch of overpaid mediocrities and attempt to have a good time, why do you pay yours?
  9. Maybe thats why you cant understand how others feel mate. And that is not a dig, but I think many people go not only to see results but to watch a relatively high standard game of football and to socialise with family and friends. Especially with a team like Oldham. I could be wrong, maybe I am unique (I doubt it though) but for me Oldham games allow me to see my dad and brother and other mates who I would not usually see. The reason I am falling out with Latics is not the results, it is the whole negativity which surrounds the place every home match which makes the home games tedious now. Back in the dark days of Ritchie, we knew we were :censored:, but where I sat/stood in the Chaddy, we at least tried to get behind the team, it didnt always work but we tried. Now the whole place is just in silence on the whole until it is time to moan and boo. Maybe too many people go and focus solely on the team delivering results. Maybe if the fans realised they could play a part in this to by getting behind the team, it would spur us on to something better, and more people would come through the turnstiles because BP would be a nicer place to be. I am not from Oldham, but I was taken to BP as a kid and the atmosphere was electric, and that was what made me want to come back not the result. Granted the club was doing better then. If I was a kid today I just dont think the whole experience would grab my attention anymore.
  10. I now a man who we should have gone for and available in the summer for a snip at only £80 million. C.Ronaldo. Free scoring attacker, Premier League and Champions League winner. Would have linked up brilliantly down the right handside with Holdsworth behind him, or as a perfect strike partner for Abbott. ACCEPTED!
  11. I think some of our fans are really struggling to come to terms with the fact that on the grand scale of things they support a :censored: club, with :censored: players, with poor owners, no fans, a :censored: stadium, :censored: atmosphere and so on and so on. What it does seem to have in abundance though is negativity and when you mix that in with the :censored:ness mentioned above it just becomes tedious.
  12. Im gonna give the lads a chance, we have a lot of injuries and a stupid amount of new players. It does take time. We are creating chances which is a good sign. I am not confident in Brill, give him a few more games but I dont think he will end up being our keeper by the end of the season. We are crying out for a CB too.
  13. Its a tough one. I must admit my interest in league 1 this season is lower than usual and the number of southern teams may have something to do with that. If the majority of revenue for lower teams comes from the turnstiles and regionalisation increases crowds then it could lead to more money going into the game. I would much rather play teams like Macclesfield and Rochdale than Wycombe and Gillingham.
  14. Lets just sell everyone who gets injured or is off form eh? That will guarantee success I am sure.
  15. Not saying our 2 CBs dont make mistakes. And we really do need to bring in some cover but dont be suprised when the new CB makes mistakes as well.
  16. So true. I used to enjoy going to the football, it did used to be fun. Where I sat/stood in the Chaddy we used to try and get behind the team through thick and thin. Nowadays the only singing seems directed at the away fans and unless we win the team gets booed off the pitch. The negativity from our own fans is one of the reasons I am starting to not enjoy going anymore. Sadly I cannot see this changing.
  17. Poor crowds all season, too many southern teams this year.
  18. Come on Corp, you seem like an intelligent fellow, your on the Oldham official message board. Its frequented by the diehards, do you really think a diehard, hardcore Oldham fan is really going to not go to games because it moves four miles down the road? You constantly moan about how the clubs going up the :censored:ter are you worried that all us happy clappers are gonna off when the hits the fan and leave you with little old oldham in the conference?
  19. made me chuckle, its quite serious on here tho!
  20. Do you actually believe the people who say that tho? Id wager that the majority of those kicking up a fuss about moving to Failsworth are some of the most hardcore of our fan base whose lives revolve soley around Latics.
  21. I can only see being closer to Manchester as a bonus really if it is used correctly. Ten minutes from the city centre may make us more attractive to players to. Especially foriegn ones. Of course it will be up to the powers that be to sell the club to new fans, players for it to work. I dont believe that any of our current support will not go because its moving 4 miles down the road closer to Manchester. We are down to our hardcore of followers. Hardcore fans will not be put off by a 4 mile difference to the new ground.
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