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Forever a Blue
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Posts posted by neiladamsheadband

  1. can never understand why people that do whwere we are they are usually the same peopl that miss the first 5 mins of the1st half are the 1st to leave at the end of the 1st half always the last to take thieir SEATS for the2nd half and alaways ths 1st to leave at the end???????????????????????????????????????? me on my soap box again

  2. Are you saying it's colder than the Chaddy? B)


    It looked to me as though if everyone had sat huddled together, instead of spreading out, the RREnders would have filled the 'T' and 'I' sections.


    Still nearly 1,000 below break-even point for TTA :disappointed: and could mean only about 5,000 for the 'free' Orient game on the notorious poorly attended last shopping Saturday before Christmas.



    i would say it was f in cold no matter where you were last night, coldest for a while thats for sure

  3. .....in the second half.[/qui voted for gregan thought he was immense, though they were no were near the best footballing team we have played this seaon they attacked wth pace and thought he handled it magnificently
  4. Oooo, a stupid songs thread.


    I vote for "He's only a poor little Cockney" sang to Kevin Richardson, by the Chaddy End, when he got hit in the nuts in the famous Arsenal game.


    yeah a stupisdsongs thread oooooooooooh


    upset does it



    snd onother one why when at home canneee not singi n th RRE 1234 listen ro the rocky roar and not the chaddy roar

  5. why would we want him back








    obviously doesnt get along with other people!!!!


    SHEZ ALL THE WAY :bblue2:


    i sould never get rid of shez never been psrt the shez out brigade and for the foreseable future never will be but if for some reason he left or got sacked i would not ava problem eith dowie but ronnie moore could go and take big jump in some big river ro save us all.

  6. I am a big fan of Jeff Winter; for a sporting autobiography, his book is very good. Out of interest, where is he on, and whose organising it. Thanks.


    sorry not replied sooner but its actually in Glossop if u wanna trsvel that far on here the name of R CLegg - thats Roger snd hid dad \eith both BIG latics fans

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