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Everything posted by underdog

  1. I have no idea. I am not privvy to their movements or business adventures in the UK or America I'm afraid
  2. Co-incidence really. we were making plans for the meeting pre Xmas and before Bunn left with a Jan/Feb date. Honest..... We already Pencilled in the owner for January but could not confirm it, then he was not in the country. By time we realised this, it was not enough notice to bring forward the Brass bank one from Feb to Jan and to find a venue as were temporarily homeless. Honest..... There is still time to post a question as we will be collating them from Friday/ Cheers
  3. If anyone is bored and has time don't forget there is still time to log any questions you have for the clubs landlords, brassbank. There is a thread on OWTB with a link with how to do this and if anyone is interested, how to join as a member. Thanks
  4. Cheers......I am going to hit the needy.....outisde Lidl as they shop that is...hahah. Done it before for Save Royton greenbelt campagn. No bucket shaking just getting messages to residents re the loss of land around Tandle hills. There are other areas pf the town that are going to be hit too, Cowlishaw, Beal valley, Broadbent moss, Moorside, Woodhouses. Oldham is giving up 29% of teh GM build for 14000 houses and additional retail. Apprarently there is a housing need
  5. I did think so myself when they asked for volunteers to get the snow off...Doesn't snow insulate? or maybe with it freezing last night it would have been more difficult this am to shift it
  6. Alledgedly, ref decision....(edit as I thought it was away manager) Ohh well it means now I will be in Royton town centre issuing Green belt leaflets against the GMSF.
  7. Trust director at ground says its bloody off..hope hes not joking now i have put it on here....
  8. Similar to the mobile light system used during winter. Alledgedly, we were the first professional league footy club that had them re-possessed for non payment of bills.
  9. Wow....good to see an all round effort to get the match on. Players/staff clearing the pitch of snow groundstaff putting in an all night Fans who have volunteered to help out Lets hope all the effort pays off and its on
  10. HI BP I am afraid not as per Jorvik above and change was voted for and agreed at the AGM in 2017 (I'm sure). Its just taken this long to launch again, GDPR came in last year, finding a capable person with the skillset to help develop/launch a site and all. timescales for a push on it. I have made a start this week with the new registration site ran by loveadmin. Accepting members, confirming payments, setting up email templates, arranging collection/delivery of membership cards and all. We do have some historic stuff to get through, but with GDPR, it means we can't contact people on these lists as we cannot guarantee we have written permission to do so....I know crazy or what. I wanted to send an email out saying re-register or unsubscribe but it seems that's a no-no....aagghhh.....so I am getting my head around how we can do this properly. Might have to be a social media shout out at some point Also and Its before my time on the Trust and in the early years of 2004, there were life members. Again its historic data so we have to work on getting a message out to those members as well. Luckily there are people on here like Diego and Singe that have been in touch about it already So its a work in progress....and I am working on it Cheers
  11. Face ache reporting a tweet from fane saying its transfer deadline day. stay connected something coming..bit cryptic like I like Fane
  12. well thats different to say what the sell on clause is...
  13. Personally, I am not ruling anything out. Hence its best to have an amicable foot in both camps I was a very good girl guide.....prepare for the worse, hope for the best..and all
  14. They approached the Trust, we originally thought it might be around setting up the fans bar in the Royle stand, but alas it was not. I will presume as the majority of successful businesses, they do have a future plan in place with regards to them being landlords of BP. However, we are not at that stage of the relationship they are going to tell us what it is as it will be commercially sensitive stuff, and emotive stuff as well. Your last paragraph, yes they could evict us and if any other landlord tennant situation they have the legal right too...but lets face it being the tennant being a football club, they would have quite a few thousand not so happy fans, fellow business owners on their backs and the council. (Well i hope we would) so back to your first paragraph, this is probably their first/most recent engagement with fans. Its a time maybe to ask that question and maybe then based on their answers, we can then set up another Q and A specifically on a topic if need be. Is a chance for the fans to get your questions in....rather than the Trust asking our own questions then getting hammered for doing a Q and A and NOT getting you all involved.
  15. as per the link states....he was out of the country for the January one and we hope to re-arrange it soon. We had this one pencilled in (I couldn't say anything the other day when i was pushed for the Al one to be re-arranged asap). So this is defo on the agenda to arrange one with the owner Cheers
  16. Cheers I have logged out of that site for the night, but once we have confirmation of you joining, we will be back in touch with you to arrange delivery of your membership card (which has a built shield in place to protect up to 5 other card being skimmed). Worth the membership hahah
  17. Hello Up the latics There is a sublink on the main link above. We have just launched/using the membership site today. subscription is £10 for a full 12 months if you pay it in one lump sum, or £1.00 pound per month (£12.000 if you pay on a monthly DD. Its the very last sentance under the Blue bold for the questions part I have just finished off sending welcome/logging in instructions to those members who have joined since July'18 Its been two days of my life to upload, generate payment schedules and create email templates....but its way better than we had. Let me know if you encounter any problems Cheers
  18. Have you thought about a question that might help you to understand their previous/current position? You do realise they were funding us pre Al in Corney's latter years and its them that agreed to sale to Al as Corney had "hocked" his shares
  19. I don't see why not. Darren who maintains the website has his own company and staff, so I will presume the site is geared up to collate and analysis it all. I have not checked the link but is it not surveymonkey It does go a bit whoosh over my head....the survey results from the other week will soon be published as well The website is sorry to say Slowly being updated. There are recent articles/blogs/tweets on there as well. You never know we might be able to arrange a live login in the future....well thats what i hope once we have established a new meeting place and vetted the technology etc Edit: yes its surveymonkey so collating the questions is a start....we then just need to add responses after
  20. Its a different dynamic/set up now with Al being the owner of club in name Landlord Tennant Maybe you have questions about how this is relationship is working, whats the Brass bank plan with regards to the land or OEC, maybe you want to know how much they have bailed us out on. Its your chance to get questions direct from the horses mouth, rather than hearsay/gossip We have worked hard on this....its your chance
  21. Its a first in my time on the Trust and one that our web Guru Darren has been in discussions with/meeting with Blitz and Gazal to arrange out of his own personal time They are very keen to engage with the fans.
  22. Get it logg Mr BP...if they are logged in one place we can look them all Cheers
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