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lancy lad

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Everything posted by lancy lad

  1. Its short for Olga, she's a dirty bird from Hathershaw
  2. Will never forget it, we were absolutley shocking for 87 minutes. 5 of us went in the car and left with a few minutes to go at 2 nil down. We had parked not too far from the away end on a street somewhere and I was disgusted to hear 2 big chears thinking we had gone 3 nil and then 4 nil down until we got in the car and heard it on the radio......... ........... story of my feckin life
  3. Jesus........................ pass me the razors. I bet you're fun at parties
  4. Nah. Got you well sussed. Dont come then. We dont need you. Simples!
  5. Life is full of Victims and Choosers.............................. you oafc are one of life's victims!!!!
  6. .................... and actually it is my concern ............................
  7. And where was I threatening that????? Please read back. I would suggest we have a pint and watch a game. Just feel you are anti Laticsfans sometimes!
  8. Here here mucker. Been disappointed with Colbeck so far but was far better than Smalley who IMO just cant be arsed!
  9. Here is some advice to you........................ go to the games rather than just comment!
  10. You get a little personal with lots of people dont you? I'm not being threatening....... you are. Lets meet up Mr Oldham Athletic????? No?????? guess not! you are hiding behind a message board! AAAWWW he loves Oldham does oafc wots he's called! Talks about them all the time, but cant be arsed going because he doesnt.................................. go! Simple as!
  11. ha ha ha Gobby??????? Has anyone actually ever seen you? or met you? you get very personal my friend! You wouldnt call me names in person I bet???? Maybe we could meet for a game and see if you want to call me names???? ha ha ha
  12. You really are an idiot of the highest order! Do you not see that because idiots like you are staying away, we are having to move location because the bigger idiots think it will bring new idiots better than you who will actually pay? Again you have no right to slate Failsworth because you cant be arsed turning up so dont criticise!
  13. Yeah cheers for your thoughts. Great..... well done.... you couldnt be bothered? You couldnt be arsed? We all feel the same I think, a little disallusioned, fed up and depressed at the recent stuff. Dont bother then coz some of us felt the same and still went. You missed a great last 35-40 mins or so............ All stayaways need to stop commenting on Failsworth aswell. You are all the reason why they are moving away from BP, because you cant be arsed turning up so shut up about Failsworth....................... too little too late!
  14. +3 Sorry singe...................... specsavers and all that son
  15. Fantastic memories Prozac. I was getting another pint in the pub over the road when one of my mates said if we didnt move sharpish we wern't getting in so only just made it! I remember getting a mention on radio 5 by Danny Baker, who apparently asked the crazy Oldham fan in the flourescent yellow coat (I know ) who went absolutely mental when Neil Adams scored the opener away at Leyton Orient in the FA Cup replay when we lost. My mate told me and asked if it was me............... it sadly was.
  16. Sorry o4u. I was being a little shy there......... yeah feck it, can you get your dad or Lindsay Lohan or some other mega rich Calafornian to buy our club please????? Pretty please?????
  17. Dont do that for a bit of bread Sara, in a few weeks you will be eating Lancashire's finest oven bottom muffins with a bit of bacon and brown sauce. Will your dad give us a couple of hundred grand for a new striker please?
  18. I reckon its odds on favourite that you are talking more tripe than when you were BeckfordsRightFoot!
  19. In all honesty we are probably not too different! I'm getting that way that I feel like I cant be bothered. You sometimes feel like you cant keep getting up after the next smack in the mouth and supporting Latics has its fair amount of smacks in the mouth! Just frustrates me when I see the crowds dwindle away, but I do understand why. A few of my mates refuse to go now because they have to pay £11 for their kids in the main stand when away fans pay £3 for theirs. Had it out with Alan Hardy and he just laughed and said "why not come and run the club if you can do better"! So fair play................. I suppose we all have our reasons!
  20. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I believe you and leeslover live in the London area? oafc0000 lives in Oldham or if not thats what it says on his profile. I have got very strong veiws on so called Latics fans who live in the town who choose not to attend! Surely this is the reason why TTA are moving us to Failsworth and downsizing, because people are not paying their good money to support the team! Basically he is a very big critic on this kind of thing but doesnt give his financial backing to the cause. I have never lived in Oldham but I am there for every home game to support my club! There are many genuine Latics fans who dont go because they cant afford to and thats fine, but people who simply cant be arsed anymore is why we are in trouble! I think we will just beg to differ on this because football is about opinions and we wont agree!
  21. Now you are being pedantic! OAFC0000 preaches his oppinion on here constantly! He also constantly tells us that he refuses to go (maybe he has his own reasons). How can you say that someone only needs to say they are a Latics fan and not go be entitled to a VALID oppinion (by that I mean I like watching Arsenal on the box but if I offered my oppinion to their hardcore support nobody would take the slightest bit of notice)? Thats like me telling Barclays how they should run their business even though I'm not a customer with them! If you're not a customer nobody wants you to fill in the survey! The reason he jumped on me before was because he spent a lot of his time last week telling everyone where TTA are going wrong and I pulled him on the fact that he aint a paying customer! Simple business ethic!
  22. In your opinion! Mine is a supporter pays his money to watch his club! Simple as!
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