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Posts posted by Crusoe

  1. 44 minutes ago, Ryan said:

    Seems a bit daft to offer him a reduced package if we can get a fee by offering the same terms. He’s been on his way for ages. 


    Except that that assumes someone is willing to pay a decent fee for him, and we’d be paying those wages until it happened.

  2. 40 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:

    Gardner will do well for us in league 2 as a centre midfielder in the same position be played this season. I dont see him making more of a difference further up the pitch he appears to be more an allrounder tackles abit passes abit. If we were in league 1 and looking to get to the championship then Id look for an upgrade but if the aim is trying to get out of league 2 then Id keep him and use whatever budget we have to upgrade in other areas. Although it appears we may struggle to do that.


    This exactly. He's a perfectly decent, good even, League Two player. Can tackle, pass, shoot reasonably well, puts effort in, not injury prone. Why would we spend money trying to replace him when we need other positions upgraded far more?

  3. 9 hours ago, Midsblue said:


    Apologies if I've interpreted your message wrongly and - I may be stating the bleeding obvious - but are you implying Corney was receiving the funds (and more with cup runs, STs etc) but failed to invest it into the club?  Appreciate some of that gap went into paying legacy debts but suggestions of skimming?!


    That chapter is now closed so what assurances can the Trust give us fans that AL has the financial clout and acumen to -


    1. Prevent this happening again i.e. paying all legacy and future creditors to avoid transfer embargoes

    2. Funds to strengthen our squad at L2 level to maximise our chances of promotion 

    3. Funds for us to succeed above L1 should we gain promotion from L2


    At moment I'm reading the odd scaremongering that AL doesn't have the proverbial pisspot then another post that we're signing Bryan and Baxter.


    Now I'm not expecting the Trust to disclose future transfers but some assurances on AL's wealth and plans - no flannel but some facts please 


    Don't think the Trust has any power to compel AL to prove his funds, nor his intentions. All they can do, like the rest of us, is ask and decide whether they believe him or not.


    Any "assurances" are worth exactly zero.

  4. 24 minutes ago, OldHallam said:

    Very Good try but as a Maths and Physics grad I can assure you statistics mean fuck all too many variables and changes to be accurate. Its a bit like saying pick 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on the lottery has same statistical chance as any fancy combination you can come up with. Nothing to say all four relegated clubs will come straight back up or all four will get relegated again. 


    Sure, of course, I know it's not a guarantee. But equally the fact that that hasn't happened before (or at least in recent years) could also indicate it isn't that easy and clubs may need to adjust to League Two - it's not like every club has an equal chance of promotion so pure randomness dictates who gets promoted. Just trying to add a note of caution to some of the extreme optimism.

  5. 15 hours ago, Dave_Og said:


    Why?  Completely mystified as to how you have reached that conclusion




    Here's a fact (maybe even a FACT*, I've not tried one of those before).


    In the last eight seasons (2009/10 to 2016/17):

    • 32 clubs have been relegated from League One (a few more than once).
    • In only 6 out of 32 cases did any of those clubs get promoted the next season  (19% chance).  Normally only one relegated club makes it back up the next season.
    • For those clubs that eventually made it back up, they spent on average 2-3 seasons in League Two.
    • In 13 out of 32 cases those clubs have never returned to League One (14 if Coventry don't make it through the playoffs).

    Sure, various factors will apply in each season (how good each club was, the strength of the division overall, etc).  But given most other clubs' experiences, and our inability to win games at the end of last season, I'm not assuming we're definitely going to buck that trend and be nailed on.


    * Actual factworthiness of it depends on me having counted correctly.


  6. 2 hours ago, oafc_lover said:


    I don’t think Shelvey has even had a yellow in 2018. Could be wrong though.


    The rest I agree with.


    Surely someone like Charlie Austin would have been a better shout than Welbeck?!


    Austin's made of balsa and his injury record is if anything worse than Welbeck's. I'm no particular fan of the latter but 15 goals in 37 games internationally must make him the better choice out of those two.


    (Me, as I said above, I'd hoped someone like Solanke or Abraham would've shown more this season, but damn Liverpool for sticking with this no-mark "Firmino" chap. Won't amount to anything.)

  7. Rashford can be good. Continental class, sure. International class, maybe (and he can certainly develop).


    But I think England lack a decent pool of strikers. Who's the next tier after that squad? Crouch? Welbeck? Carroll? Ugh. I was hoping Solanke or maybe Abraham would come good this season but one hasn't played enough and the other has looked good enough.

  8. Here's a question. How many of that squad does everyone think are genuinely, indisputably, world class?


    Not international class, i.e. good enough to represent their country. World class, as in better than most other players in that position at an international level.


    I struggle with that one. Kane probably the only one for me. That lack of world class players is what makes me think our prospects are limited.

  9. Just now, ghostofcecere said:

    Have we ever entered a tournament before with a weaker looking squad? We’ll be lucky to get out of the group I fear


    Given how poorly our "stronger" squads have performed I'm not too bothered.


    I've no problem with Alexander-Arnold. Haven't seen enough of Young, Lallana, Welbeck or Delph to qualify. None particularly excite me.  Young is a useful squad player at least. Welbeck can score despite his limitations and injury record, but his inclusion probably says more about the lack of decent alternatives.

  10. 2 minutes ago, simplythemostimportantkick said:

    Hasn’t it been said somewhere that he’s under 24 so as long as we offer at least the same deal we would be entitled to a fee  if a club wants him ? This is the only reason to offer him a contract that makes sense to me anyway 


    Yeah, reckon so. But I think he might be on a decent wedge so would we want to offer those wages hoping he stays fit enough to attract another club? And if it went to tribunal we'd get peanuts.


    Edit: also a reply to Jorvik!

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