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Posts posted by MAC0AFC

  1. I'll be doing it.


    My only criticism is why don't they just make season tickets free all over the ground for under 12's?


    I don't & don't want to go in the Family Section with my kids....


    £300 for an adult and two kids would look very attractive to many

    Put it to Mark Moisley, he's very approachable and replies fairly quickly... I know you shouldn't have to, but to improve things at the club feedback will help
  2. What company is gonna pay for advertising on a perimeter board? Probably the same ones that sponsor now, but they won't wanna pay premium fees. Also, perimeter boards are great when games are being televised live for 90 minutes most weeks but in our league the sponsors wouldn't be getting the exposure that they would deem fit for the money they would be paying.

  3. Don't understand why we don't just give Bolton and Sheff United as many tickets as they can sell... let's rinse their fans for every penny we can whilst they're still here.


    Could help our coffers for next season aswell, logical I'd say. I'm not arsed if they have more here than us - give us the money and then stuff them 1-0 and watch them sit in silence

  4. Can't see him coming back here after however long he's been out of the professional game

    I can. He's also been doing reasonably well away from here (especially taking into account his head would have been all over the place) scored plenty in non league for a winger and won many of motm
  5. To be fair to Banks (PS I am nto a fan of him at all) he played a few balls first half that set up some decent breaks, and even though he cant tackle or doesnt even like tackling, he was (for the most part) right in the faces of Charlton when they got the ball putting pressure on. That said, his embarassing way fo trying to tackle a football, and his lack of free kick taking ability made his performance not the best on the pitch.


    Ripley did what Ripley does, but I thought Brian Wilson was fantastic considering Mclaughlin was so poor in tracking back and helping him out, and the lad on the left never had a sniff after looking unplayable in the first 15 minutes. Unsung hero Brian Wilson gets my vote

    I do reckon McLaughlin being so far up the pitch was an instruction from Sheridan, I think Sheridan knows Wilson is more than capable of defending the side himself and allows for us to be more on the counter and have more danger going forward, we don't necessarily always need 10 men behind the ball when defending especially with how solid our back 5 is.
  6. Poor this, bang average that.


    I just thought it was a decent game between two sides who went out to win.


    Goals, good performances, mistakes and the result was always in the balance - can't ask for more than that.

    Yep, people being far too critical and going into minute detail over matters that don't really need too.... enjoy the goals and points fellas.


    Oh, and I see no-one has patience with Chris Taylor again? Shock, I despise some of our fan base as times.


    I'm sure he pinged at least two beautiful balls today.

    Yep, nearly assisted two goals from balls/little dinks over the top. Extremely unfit, and overweight for a pro footballer - but he can play a bit, and having him throw his body on the line at the end of games is what's best.


    Anyone notice a disagreement between Gerrard and Clarke/Ripley? Sure they're all professional enough to sort it out, looked like Gerrard was sulking a little.

  8. Some posative comments ref today's support on their forum...someone also mentions the fight our players showed!



    I never bother with looking at opponents forums, but as you posted it I had a gander. What strikes me is they're saying the same thing about lack of ambition and investment.. I guess every club that struggles probably says this as it's an excuse for when things aren't going well. Al in the same boat aren't we really
  9. Disagree. As much as I love Jose he doesn't work hard enough. As anyone who's played 5-6 a side will know you have to stay with your man.Jose Diego Baxterdona would not be tracking back I wouldn't have thought. Unless he was off his tits on the gear that is

    Na. If you're a :censored: player you have to track back and run around... if you're Jose Baxter you just pull strings from the centre and barely work up a sweat, same too with Matty Palmer.
  10. Plummer is still, unbelievably so.. at Manchester City - captain for their Under 23's Development side, I mean he was very very young at our place but my god he was awful.


    Probably won't ever make it but bet he's made some money out of the game these past few years playing for that side.

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