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Everything posted by qwerty

  1. Apparently this is a rumour Mvoto is black HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. i allways thought he was :censored: :S and everytime i saw him play just got sent off ha or some stupid takle
  3. GOOD i wish it was higher slightly then the other clubs as they have milked us for years
  4. This post is so old that man has just landed on the moon
  5. Even if they do slightly the body heat just flaten's them out
  6. If the club want to make money they should have opened them boxes and sold sold sold, instead of making it alittle awkward and the customer leaving and probly not wanting to go back to purchase shizzle. You go that extra mile for a customer, the customer will spread the word how good they was to sort him somthing that wasnt even on the shelf yet BLAFFLE...............
  7. check trampsmere forum see if there is anything there for you to dig
  8. Im gona go for a goal keeper due to the goal keeper socks he has on and also the pants he is wearing look like they have the padding on them which only goal keeper's use
  9. i said 1 month ago he was signing but you left me out in the cold :(
  10. Looks like he will be moving due to me watching the videos on os one showed players all that we have training mvoto wasnt to be seen
  11. pff im a oldham fan gotta moan about somthing
  12. Headline on the chron says he has gone, love the way everyone else tells us he is gone and our website loves to post crap about other teams but cant tell us yet that he has gone yet ;/
  13. I would buy latics build a new stadium and live the dream
  14. the council man my dad spoke to said this would happen the picture's bowling alley then next to come the stadium all in the same area kaskenmoor is were the stadium will be i used to go to kaskenmoor school and there is allot of land.
  15. HA for some reason i cant give you a plus so i went for the minus .............................
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