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Posts posted by chickers

  1. so do i.but i can see them bold as brass....have you downloaded an extension or something to disable them

    no i just clicked on block images from this site, and it blocks them, i might have some other extensions ill work out what i have and let ya know mate, i think the main on ia ad block plus, but i cant remember!!

  2. ok,not been on much yesterday and today.

    but have to say these adverts we now have are very annoying.


    i understand why there here,so as to pay for the upkeep of the board.


    but do they have to be so big???


    and why are they making loading times slower????


    if the board now has sponsership deals in place are there any plans to update the servers so the site runs at the speed it should???


    is anybody else experiencing problems with the site because of them???

    i use firefox and this site is ad free

  3. Can anyone help ?


    I need a Word Processing piece of software...and don't want to fork out for Microsoft Word. I believe there are quite few different free word processing pieces of software available to download on the Internet.


    Can anyone recommend a good one ? Preferably one that I can still view Microsoft Word documents in.


    Cheers in advance.


    openoffice.org i think is the one you want


    either that or buy a copy of a guy with a wooden leg, eye patch and a bird on his shoulder

  4. I brought a United mate, mainly due to having a ticket I didnt want to see go to waste. He was quiet on the coach and didnt much like the anti-united songs. Often started by myself, but he got into full swing soon enough and was arms out stretched singing "OWTB'S" at the top of his voice like everyone else by the end of it.


    Alot of people probably didnt even realise he was a United fan. Bar the one's I told who he actually supported. To be fair to him, he is an actual born manc (he did give maddog the stupidest reason for supporting united - about a ryan giggs penalty he declared would decide who he supported.) - even if he does happen to live on Rochdale Road nowadays.


    He phoned me up on the sunday saying everyone was spot on who spoke with him as he was apprehensive about being on the lash all day with a load of Oldham. He'll probably come a few more times in future.

    was that the lad who was outed in the first pub?? just before the beer mats started flying!

  5. ask chickers to take photos !

    what would be the point in me taking photos, i am prob going to be able to see my own eyelids never mind operate a camera


    plus the camera would only be full of pie girl!! hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaahhah :lol:

  6. to all you do gooders, wot the hell, - kilkenny can go and take a big running jump into the river ouse, yeah he may be a good player but is perfomances of late have been cr^p, and he knew he was going and was neva gonna accept any offer we made he has gone for the same reason as wellens money, no loyalty or i love Oldham rubbish, so why u wishing him all the best when clearly it is a load of old poppycock, he would have gone to bournemouth or whateva if they offfered more money


    like has been posted the second time that Latics have put him on the map, it will really make my day if we beat them in the play-offs or even better we get promoted and they dont one because anyone who knows me knows i hate with a massive passion but to stick two fingers up to another player that has stabeed us in the back.


    i hope the next time he comes to BP as an opposing player he gets booed to fk just like wellens, because it will be nothing more than he deserves.


    contradiction in terms to all the well wishing

    you ever thought about going to anger management?

  7. No proof no. But he's daft enough to go braggin bout his conquests in the gym. During his first spell here I knew of 2 girls who considered themselves as his girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, if he gets away with it fair play to him, but I don't think we can count on his 'love' for his girlfriend keeping him here

    i have seen him chase anything in a skirt in envy, and then when he has been unsuccessful mentions bout going to his girlfriend


    he nearly has playboy eric status! hahaha!

  8. Ok seeing your all usless and not telling me where you will be this is where I will be and few other latics :)

    Dry Salters


    Elland Rd, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AX

    Tel: 0113 270 0229


    About 10 mins from the stadium and away fan friendly according to other teams sites....

    i think our convoy are going to the wetherspoons or a bar near the station, then getting a taxi to the ground, though is all subject to change!

  9. We were laughing in the Paddock. Mainly because the chant was quite squeaky and you could picture some 10 year old in that section of the Chaddy thinking it would scare/imtimidate a 6'0(+) Ricketts.

    It didnt help that the Paddock was deserted compared to Boxing Day and the fact our main priorities were trying to keep warm.


    Think the biggest reaction from the Paddock was when a few Walsall fans did a chant about jumping about to keep warm, with a few obscenities about at least they're not soaked to the bone.


    What annoyed me yesteday was the players reaction. For 2 hours we stood in the driving rain. A comment was made by someone to Kilkenny after yet another short corner that didnt come off. It was nothing more than a "f**k sake Neil. That's the 6th time its not worked. Just get it effin in." - KK seemed to grumble. "F***'Off." or words to that descript

    it did seem to sound like a load of squeaky kids shouting it from where i was stood by poolside


    and kilkenny did mouth them words to a fan, i dont think he will be here long term, and on yesterdays performance and his past couple we can do better!

  10. LOL. That's what i'll be drinking tonight and tomorrow now. :grin: Through a straw if uncle mike gets me first. :blush:


    Tinny mentioned that his City supporting mate who goes Leeds, goes in the Peacock. Quick look on youtube tells me I dont want to be surrounded by hundreds of overweight Yorkies, Especially with a hangover, so he's on his own. :wink:

    tinny probably enjoys being surrounded by a load of overweight yorkies!!



  11. Anywhere that serves a full english and a shot of sambucca. Guessing somewhere near the train station before being herded in like cattle.



    forget the sambucca, lager with a shot of lime is what ya want!! :lol:


    one of my ex colleagues is a dirty leeds chant, so ill ask him where a respectable football fan can go for a liquid refreshment in his fine city, then avoid that like the plague and head to where all the nobheads are! haha!

  12. The bad news is that Trotman's yellow card today means he misses the Walsall game. :( The good news is that Ricketts got his fifth yellow card today so he will also miss the game. :grin:


    Ricketts equalised at Port Vale in the last minute today, to create a record for Walsall of ten games away from home unbeaten. So it's the ideal time for us to bring that record to an end.




    Misses Everton game


    and by the same rule Ricketts will play on sat

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