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Everything posted by AndrewDodd

  1. Are any of my friends able to take me to Salford Royal tomorrow, wait whilst I have my ITB pump refilled and bring me back? Quite happy to pay petrol money.. Alex?

  2. RIP Mr Spock - LLAP

  3. Hip central and physio

  4. It's arrived! The brand new, all-singing all-dancing Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor :)http://www.simplytests.com - please inbox Jackie Williamson for more details!

  5. Will set a S/O up in the morning, I think. Might not be able to get to games, but can still support the club...
  6. Good stuff, if true! The net should be bulging tomorrow! LOL
  7. Bloody hell, it's like a James Bond movie all of a sudden.. Is he signing too?
  8. Love it! #transfer_deadline_day

  9. One of the most feared expressions in modern times is 'the computer is down' :S

  10. Bedtime! G'night everybody x

  11. Happy birthday to my surrogate Dad, business partner, confidant and, literally OLDEST friend...

  12. Thinking of a special friend in her hour of need..

  13. Benefits: Can't Work, Work.. I wanna be an actor like Danny Dyer. :censored: me, what colour is the sun in his world?? Not to mention his gran, er sorry, girlfriend

  14. Ah... Oramorph, how I've missed you

  15. Not ashamed to have tears in my eyes #auschwitz #birkenau #holocaust - the past must never be forgotten or repeated EVER!

  16. Auschwitz - a symbol of all that is bad. The survivors - a symbol of all that is good. We should never forget. Have we learned? I really don't know

  17. Do you want gravy with your Kapake and Oramorph? ?

  18. 'Much will have more', as my old Nan used to say.. Or was it 'too big for your boots?' I can't physically go to games at the mo, my condition precludes me, but as a regular sponsor (in a past business life), the number of PR own goals coming out of the club and its 'officials' lately, would mean that, were I in a position to be a sponsor (of any degree), I think I'd do it but go sit in the stands rather than the sponsors lounge, for fear of unleashing my opinions to certain people. We really need some independence on the board - and soon!
  19. Thank God for Kapake, Ibuprofen and Gabapentin.. Today is a painful one! On the plus side, the 6'2" light of my life will be here for the weekend, the cupboards are full and, I have somebody to brew up for me! But, look how he's changed!

  20. Hate neuropathic pain. Nowt worse.. Painkillers and bed for me. Gnight folks x

  21. I think I need fresh air and to escape these four walls.. Asda it is then! :S

  22. Someone pass me some painkillers? Right, I'll get 'em meself then!!

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