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Posts posted by ChaddySmoker

  1. Some interesting stuff there, thanks to the lads who attended for their write ups.


    The Baxter and Wolves stuff is a load of guff, don't think anyone really thinks selling him was our choice and it certainly wasn't 4-3-3 at Wolves.


    Agree with his views on Tarkowski, like the links with Premier League clubs (just need better players from them), the Rooney and Sidney stuff smacks a little of him not wanting to admit they are his own bad signings/mistakes.

    So remind me what was the team at Wolves, did it contain 6 midfield players because Montano & Dayton aren't midfielders! A manager cannot control how a team responds at certain times within a season, he can only change things for future games. If we have had 1 awful performance at the halfway stage of the season then in my view its not too bad. Or 2 with Notts C away!

    Baxter quite obviously didn't fit into LJ's system so hey-ho LJ is the manager and he gets my 100% percent backing, even if 1 of his signings hasn't lived up to expectations (Rooney) and the other (Sid) doesn't take things onboard speedily!

  2. Latics, best supported away team in League 1, if you need evidence just look today at Anfield.

    Lets get behind the lads, sing our hearts out, call the referee a barsteward, tell Suarez how big his teeth are and cheer JCH every time he turns their centre backs and go crazy when we score (first, hopefully!) and get voted best away supporters of the season, as we were last year by Everton fans! KTF


    Best goal: Montano Vs Stevenage Winchester Vs Swindon


    Best Team Performance: Shrewsbury in the JPT. As well as we fought against Liverpool and Everton, we simply dominated that game from start to finish.


    Best Win: Liverpool


    Best Moment: Waking from the 10 minute trance at Forest, asking all around me "What the f**k just happened?!" Matt Smith's equaliser against Everton a very close 2nd.


    Best signing: Korey Smith


    Most improved player: James Tarkowski. As good as Matt Smith's rise was, Tarky has gone from being a player that a fair few wouldn't have minded being released in May to a player being linked with a seven-figure move to Liverpool. Remarkable.


    Worst Signing: Ellis Plummer


    Worst refereeing performance: A game I wasn't at, but the Tranmere penalty decision in the last minute was appalling, so I'll pick that ref.


    Worst refereeing moment: Handball at Everton missed by Oliver.


    Worst team performance: Coventry away, Matt Smith up front on his own for the majority of the game was painful. Bloody freezing too!


    Most irritating manager: If I saw us at Rotherham it would be Steve Evans, but Westley's cynical tactics at Stevenage on the opening day makes the award his.


    Biggest shock: Wish it was Forest or Liverpool, but unfortunately it's Montano.


    All round top Latic: Has to be Tony P, although the bloke in shorts at Coventry deserves a mention. Brrr!


    Funniest moment: The guy dressed as a convict at Orient who accidentally (I think) broke the seat and held it up in the air. No better fancy dress to draw attention to yourself!


    Who on earth wanted Tarky released in May?

  4. I am pleasantly surprised by the replies which seem to agree that we do have potentially a very talented and fast player in Sidney and if used correctly, i.e. told not to defend in our half, he might turn into a good 'un. He does need some game time though to enable him to begin to make better choices, and i agree that is better away, not just so he can obviously play on the break, but also so that he can try a few tricks and dummies without listening to any (or many) moaners who berate him for not playing a square pass. Cheers KTF!

  5. From what I've seen of both Smith and Wes neither seems to naturally push forwards a lot but both break up play and win possession very well. Although there are certainly examples of both going forward and making something happen i.e. Smith scoring against Mansfield and Wes' assist for JCH Vs Bradford.


    Looking at the other options that we've had this season makes things look more favourable to Wes. We've had Baxter who certainly had all the traits you'd want from an attacking midfielder but not the defensive attributes, Rodgers and Winchester who looks neat and tidy on the ball in general but not as physical or disciplined as Wes, and Mellor who, while looking like he has the ability to play the role well, hasn't taken his chances yet.


    Wes has been by far the most reliable out of the list above. He isn't the complete midfielder but I think people underestimate just how much of a battleground the centre of midfield can be. We rarely lose the battle in midfield since Wes and Smith formed their partnership and for me that's the first and foremost thing, I don't think people could name many all-round box-to-box midfielders at this level (certainly not that we could afford) so what we've got is the next best thing.


    If creativity is a concern then I think the first place to look at is, back on topic, the wingers. I'd much rather have Wes playing fairly well game after game rather than Schmeltz or to a lesser extent Dayton who might have the odd magic moment/half but don't deliver most of the time. Philliskirk looked like a decent link man when he drops deep through the middle as well. If we've got a solid 2 players in central mid I don't think it's too much to ask that the wingers and forwards are the first to take on the attacking responsibility.

    Some good points there Bosh, but they do seem to add up to us not having anything better so we must make do! I wasn't bothered about Baxter going as he was as poor defensively as Wes is when attacking but I exclude Winchester and Rodgers from my thoughts as I cannot see them providing solutions and Mellor does have some potential but is not very mobile so doesn't show often! If we then move on to Sidney, it is up to the midfield to push us forward and give him the ball. Philliskirk is an inside forward whom some (not you) seem to think answers our problems in midfield. I want to watch a midfielder with some element of skill and progressive thinking not a ball winner (water carrier) playing in front of a very good defensive midfielder. I think that is where our problems are in what could be a very good team that is currently suffering from injuries/suspensions and a poor Rooney.
  6. Wes had a good game last night too. Despite one or two passes that went astray he was throwing himself into everything. Our best player in our decent run.

    So you justify his performance but then highlight his errors, is that some kind of inverted compliment? Then you say that he threw himself into everything as if that is a good thing for a midfield player, WTF did he offer constructively going forward?

    As always nothing, in my opinion. I wouldn't mind if these fans who think that Wes justifies his place ever came up with something constructive but they never do! He is the problem with this team and I have been saying it for ages.

  7. This place isn't half funny.


    Strange how there were no posters rushing to knock Wes when results were picking up in the league, and he was picking up MOTM awards.


    He misses a game on Saturday, that we inturn miss him during; and comes back in tonight - 1 very dissapointment result later and boom - here they are again.

    Strange that...

    So he was crap when we were winning and people (others) were not complaining, so what, does that invalidate any discussion! MOTM awards please point them out because I must have missed those, and awarded by whom, people who are 'football experts?' If you think it was a disappointing result then yes, on the lottery of penalties. If you looked elsewhere I have actually complimented Chesterfield on the way that they played as it was much better than Mansfield and we didn't do enough to win. Why didn't we do enough to win, well I have offered my opinion and your constructive criticism is what exactly? I am just rechecking your post!

    We where sat in the RRE and the challenge made by Evatt on JCH looked well worth shouting for. I think the ref didnt give it because JCH would not have been able to keep the ball in play but from what we could see Evatt didnt make contact with the ball.


    Oh and talking about Evatt, it appeared he needed to take a leak in the prematch warmup. Seeing that the Boundary Park does resemble a building site he obviously thought he could just go into the corner of the RRE\Lookers and do his business. The steward who is there every game must have told him that this was not going to happen and a few words and gestures where exchanged between the pair of them. We thought we would inform Evatt that even though he has recenctly been playing in the Premier League, that did not entitle him to just go and urinate wherever he fancied and he could use the latrines like everybody else. Hearing out advice he decided to give us the good old "up yours" arm gesture to the bewilderment of his fellow players.

    Sadly I did not have a camera to take a pic of his quite rude gesture but did managed to find this pic that looks remarkably like him !



    What was my wife doing at Boundary Park?

  9. 8 previous games before tonight, and the numourous games before that, both at the start of this season and the end of last.


    If it didn't work, why would LJ have kept the same central midfield pairing for the past 8 months? He's not stupid, being a central midfield player himself i'm sure he'd be the first to spot a failing midfield pairing.

    Perhaps LJ should sit in my seat then.

    You seem to constantly require reference from others quoting Smith and now LJ, discuss the facts! Wes treats the ball 'as a hot potato' that is not a bad attribute for a centre half or even a full back but look up the definition of a midfield player. I am sure that you will find it involves a 50/50 mix of defensive strength and attacking creativity; QED by definition it is! Attacking creativity 'my ass!' he has been conning people, by his chasing and harassing, which are not in doubt, but attack wise, we have now faced division 4 teams and he has done little to justify his wage. If you and others are fooled by him then so be it, but I am not! Go involve another in your next reply because you will not win this discussion on facts! (Oh and don't mention his 1 shot on target in the last 2 years)

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