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Everything posted by yarddog73

  1. Although im sure he will of studied them he could do worse than follow alex fergusons advice within his 7 leadership secrets is this little nugget. The first thought for 99% of new managers is to make sure they win - to survive. They bring experiance in, often from previous clubs, but I think its important to build a structure for a football club not just a football team. You need a foundation.
  2. watching it once at £20 a pop was bad enough for me but the impression i got was that we were outplayed outthought and not good enough the same again on tuesday like i say if you wanna pick the positives out of that fill your boots, im looking forward to crewe hopefully we can pull a rabbit out of the hat.
  3. negative bollocks to you is reality to me like Ive said we were well beat Saturday and outclassed even Johnson said as much is he talking bollocks ? again on tuesday it was the same couple of good chances but on the whole poor from 1 to 11 they were better, its not bollocks a couple of month ago I was saying the same I havent jumped on the bandwagon I saw it coming its my view and in some of what ive said ive been proved to be right like I think we will go down because of bad decisions made at board level, one final point as i have seen us home and away all season we did lose at preston and rotherham away but we looked like a team we were organised disciplined fashioned chances and showed some balls now we have none of that we were losing to the odd goal not rolling over and having our bellies tickled on the bp turf like I say my opinion and im entitled to it the same as you.
  4. if you yhink we were a patch on preston thats up to you granted rudd made a couple of good saves but so he should as the away keeper, compare the league games away at both teams to the :censored:e served up in the past week and you may get an idea of why there is so much concern, other than harkins worldy who even looked like scoring on saturday ? preston always had a extra man, men over on the flanks in attack and generally made us look what we are piss poor, if you see that as bollocks tough :censored:.
  5. not questioning your credentials or opinion a lot of what you say is common sense and hopefully LJ can learn from this season which in all honesty is looking like a car crash in slow motion, to give the gaffer any sort of chance he needs to be backed, make tough desicions including clearing out about a dozen of the current squad of 31 and support in bringing in 4 or 5 quality players not taking a chance on maybes and hasbeens, finally let him build a team instead of stripping it of all its best players.
  6. Korey Smith create oppurtunities ? enlighten me please. And if you think we had enough to get anything out of the last two home games I must be watching a different game the reality is we were well beat and preston and rotherham didnt have to move out of second gear.
  7. whats everyone talking about five year plans for its week to week at bp the player recruitment tells you that, you have to question the timing especially when tarky and rooney where freed up not long after he signed.
  8. cant you collect in buckets around the ground or have buckets on the way out after a good win ?
  9. trust me if bristol city came in for him he would be allowed to go for a nominal amount, whats more johnson would want to go.
  10. voted in purely to see if he can learn from his mistakes and it would cost us money we dont have and who would we end up with ?
  11. asked the same myself yesterday nobody knows I would say so for his day to day runnung of the club.
  12. Corney doesnt use his money he is merely a front and protecting the other twos interests, effectively we have been got by the balls and the only difference from when moore spat his dummy out is that they havent pulled the plug yet, they must be well aware that without any further investment we will rot away the new stand isnt going to be a saving grace its going to be empty if the team continues to decline, its catch 22 and it seems the boys over the pond dont want to risk anymore of there hard earned chasing our dreams.
  13. I did say we would lose last night not being negative just being realistic, hoping for a point on saturday 3 would be great, reading LJ in the chron today it appears he had similar levels of confidence to myself, trudging of the pitch at the end barely being able to look a fan in the face im sure he shared our dissapointment, he does wear his heart on his sleeve.
  14. I wish charlies workrate was rewarded with goals if the half a dozen had his heart and desire last night things may of been different, should of put one of his two chances away but cannot fault his work ethic at all.
  15. do you think he bothers himself with all of us, if you do simon get a grip lad.
  16. not by everyone brand new stadium in failsworth or what we have now i know which id prefer 3 miles was the move bp is like a decaying old church that wouldnt look out of place in league 2 - hold on ......
  17. think tarkys come on a bit in the past 12 months and it seems to have clicked at Utd for baxter good luck to the pair of them deserve the success they are enjoying.
  18. 10.55 or 11.55 from piccadilly for me travel with virgin its only 9.50 return 5.11 or 6.11 coming back.
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