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Everything posted by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills

  1. Fine. Give me half an hour or so. Making boiled eggs right now. The silky one is hungry
  2. Not terribly convinced Tarky will be first choice. I'd say it's 50/50. Remember that he wants two for each position.
  3. I can't say I've noticed that at all. I can't think of anyone from Oldham that I know who might say "have" in any context whilst sounding like "of" I just assume that they're thinking "would've" but end up typing "would of", because those two sound quite similar in many dialects.
  4. I can fill it up with currently the signed rookies if you want. I don't think it'll look very inspiring though. So far I have just stuck with what I'm confident enough will be the first choice players form the contracted squad. Time will tell, but the Iain Vigurs incident suggests that he wants another CM. I think he'll get one. (Has Korey Smith been signed by anyone yet?) I also think he wants another ST. You might be right about Connor Brown though. Has he signed his extension yet?
  5. I'll probably add this in version 2.0. As soon as Latics sign another player. And yes, all future discussions by everyone regarding team selection must look like this from now on. No excuses ;)
  6. I've changed my mind He doesn't exist as a player in Fifa Ultimate team, so he can't be that good. Anyone have his Football Manager stats?
  7. Looking through the video. Undoubted skill and pace. Erratic finishing. Poor/Purposeless distribution. And lets hope we never see anything like the challenge @3.50 If Johnson can get the best out of him and improve this guy's shooting and passing then we have a really good player.
  8. Premature, a little? Plus, your title is is confusing/incomplete to me or have you dropped a 'H'?
  9. Surely she should have known what reaction she would be getting for this particular teaser, having already crossed the line in many people's eyes, following the David Mellor "breaking news".
  10. With hindsight, not enough to be worth all the ill feeling that they have created. But without hindsight obviously enough for them to think they could get away with it in the first place.
  11. No. The club hyped it up by hyping it up. Why else preannounce the signings of youth players whilst describe them as "new signings"? The club knew what expectations they were eliciting in fans. That is the point. The thinking was "we don't have any "y", but let's get the fans excited into thinking we have "y" (for 12 hours) even though we have only "x". I assume that you can see that.
  12. I've stuck up for her in the past, but not here. She is truly stubborn if she cannot see why fans would be annoyed at this. The lack of respect shown by her and the club on this issue is poor to say the least. She knows that the intention was to deceive. To build up that which was not worth building up in the hope the fans would trust them enough to think they actually meant "new" signings and "captures". Noone in their right mind would think of of Gosset and Simpson in these terms. Especially since we already expected them to sign, and in the case of Gosset already knew he had signed.The effort was to drum up excitement. The result was to underwhelm.
  13. ]Enough said eh? No argument? You're an idiot. I am rubber you are glue. Grow up!
  14. Whoever is making the decisions at the club to pre-announce and build up the signings of youth players (ahem "captures") can go f themselves. I've officially had enough of this childish way of interacting with the fans. If they wanted to pre-announce the news they could just state that the signings will be existing players or youth players. But they don't. I know they are doing it in an effort to drive up traffic to the website, however they have done it at the expense of losing my trust and enthusiasm. I used to check the website (pardon the expression) religiously. I truly can't be bothered anymore.
  15. I understand that. But ultimately, if the website is going to actively (albeit implicitly) mislead me and leave me with a sense disappointment I would be better off skipping all that. My enthusiasm will naturally diminish. That Mellor announcement was poorly calibrated, and if they do the same again I will stop trusting them, or even caring to pay attention to the website and its traffic generating antics.. We'll wait and see though. I am still hopeful of some fresh Lee Johnson signings tomorrow.
  16. The point of it is, the club should not be building up announcements for anything other than brand new signings. If they hit a pattern of building up the renewing of existing player contracts, particularly youth or previous bit part players, then the club is only going to to build a sense frustration followed by apathy amongst the fans. They should be trying to build momentum and excitement. If there isn't at least one new capture announced tomorrow, I for one shall withdraw to checking the official website once a week for the rest of the summer. I will get the remainder of my information from either here or the chron.
  17. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/20130531-signings-850948.aspx are they really "new" signings or old players renewing their contracts?
  18. The chief scout at Halifax is friendly enough with some of the Latics higher ups so if Dan Gardner is of sufficient quality, I'm sure LJ will have him on radar. Bear in mind though that Halifax are quite well off financially, so they won't be desperate to sell.
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