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Everything posted by Clifford

  1. If the club back out now they are a bigger joke than I thought. They clearly want to give him a chance and believe his story. Sign him them. This mob rule rubbish is bollocks. Most of the PR damage is done anyway.
  2. Mike Tyson never admitted his 'rape' as he maintained his innocence. If its the same for Evans they why should he buckle? Tyson is treated like a king over here. Reading a lot of stuff saying if he was sorry he'd be welcomed more openly. Do we recall the case with Dickov and the Leicester players? There are women out there like that, read up on Tysons case. As we know football, footballers and football fans get tarnished with the same brush as far as some of the general public and law makers are concerned. I feel Evans is getting double punishment just because he's a footballer. I've no idea if Evans is innocent or not, I've read into it and its not clear cut, however he's done his jail time. Let him play and change things around. No doubt we'll have consulted sponsors etc and its worth the gamble. Fans of OAFC will still be fans no matter who plays. We've had drug users, match fixers, a player who admitted to group sex with a 15 year old, Hughes and many others recently. The moral high ground went years ago.
  3. I'm glad we are doing this now. He's served his time, let him earn a living. I hope the people saying they will boycott respond like this to all high profile criminals. Mike Tyson was treated like a king when he came to the uk. Look at Phil 'the power' Taylor, he's a national hero, look at his past. Look at the human rights records of citys last few owners. Scum are heros in every day life. Evans is going into a job that will pay his a few hundred a week ffs. Time for the fans to stick with SC and back his judgement.
  4. Chris Taylor must be praying a mid table league 1 side sees his goal on the telly tonight.....
  5. Whoever turned the Poleon deal from a loan to a perm move needs looking at. If that was LJ then you can't blame SC if he doesn't give him more funds to get another in. If SC did the deal and made it a perm one then he really should be looking at ways and means of supporting LJ. We spent cash on him and his wages will be decent no doubt. Hopefully if they can get him really fit in this break he could contribute something infront of goal. I can't see us having the cash for anyone proven to provide goals.
  6. Internet based social interaction and hopefully a couple of nights of fleshy fun. Do you want this info day by day or a general breakdown?
  7. Cum with me and I'll set you free. You a back court man or like a touch and volley?
  8. Not a chance it was a nibble. I know fans so blinded by jealously that they were glad he left. Was always one of the best players. Same with Eardley as well. Mental.
  9. To be fair anyone playing nearly 40 games for Blackburn last year is hardly going to get into our side are they? Remember James Dayton plays for us.
  10. He has spent the last how many seasons in the championship? I think he may still be a touch better than the current crop. I think people expected too much and he was burnt out. Would love to see him back. If he wasn't an oldham lad he'd not have got half the stick. I'd guarantee he produce more than Dayton, Tidser, Mellor, Poleon and Ibhere would all together in a full season. Please please please don't forget James Dayton plays for us. I help pay his wages. I hate myself for that.
  11. Our defence has dipped and this has exposed that our keeper is very very average. No slight on him as he is playing for us so must be fairly :censored:e. We will be able to find better if need be. We clearly had money for puddy kenny.
  12. Are people suggesting Taylor isn't good enough for us? Fold the club now. Dayton and Tidser are getting game time. I think Chris Taylor might just get ahead of those two fruits. Look at the players keeping Taylor out of the rovers side. He played nearly 40 games last season. As for a striker whoever paid cash money for Biggie Poleon should be made to personally find someone as thick as them sell him. We might then have some cash to bring in another 'gamble'.
  13. Christ (our lord) she must really hate Donny.
  14. I'd like to think we'd progressed from loving players just because they run around a lot but have little talent like Warne. Philly is a good player for us, one of the best we can hope for on a permanent contract, but he's not as good as Johnson and they play similar roles.
  15. Fresh as a daisy. 2 weeks of magic from Dean Holden and co will have the lads bouncing with more zest than venus williams' jock strap. Dean must be a ruddy top coach with the impact he's had. More time training with him the better.
  16. You'd have to be a real football pervert to go to this. Few weekends off from Latics. Take a walk, buy some new slacks, maybe even go for a drink and talk to girls?
  17. A decent keeper and we'd have got away with an unlucky draw. Instead we were beaten despite having the best of the play. I think that last goal showed the weakness of Paul R. He is the least athletic keeper I have seen in a long time. No pace to get back and no spring to even get near it. Have another look, even when he knows he needs to get back he can't even get close to a sprint. Not suggesting the fat lump Paddy would have done any better. Biggest difference in real terms, they had a talented striker (we didn't).
  18. I said it needed to be one of Johnson and Philly after the Dale game and got shot down. Johnson is a far better player than Philly. He just needs to be allowed to play his role without worrying about getting in Phillys way and vica versa. If we loaned in a brilliant left back Mills would be dropped, no slight on him but we would have a better player. Same with Johnson and Danny P. We aren't in a position to have two of those luxury type players in the side whilst also having Forte as one of the wide men.
  19. He won't get near the side now. Thanks for last season. Here is the directions to Stalybridge Celtic.
  20. Weren't his goals and all round leading of the line the main reason we had a chance?
  21. Must be poor as I wasn't 'trolling'. Interested to see if people see Evans as different to Hughes or not. I loved Hughes but I'm glad we've not gone for Evans. Whilst I'm not sure on the case against him i do think the crime he's been found guilty of is far worse than that of hughes.
  22. Are the people against this not wanting him playing football at all or just not for Latics? If he is going to play in league 1, why not us? Hughes was a success in many ways, did the same people who oppose Evans cheers his name? Whether Hughes meant it or not he wrecked far more lives. Read Evans website about the case, seems shaky to me.
  23. IF LJ, Corney and the main sponsors are on board with it (basically SportsDirect) the more I read the more I fancy us to go for him. SC is a business man and if the flack doesn't affect the finances he might take a punt. The case looks shaky to say the least but even if its true the rules allow him to come back, same as Hughes.
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