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Worcester Owl

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Posts posted by Worcester Owl

  1. It’s a great goal and all credit to Rooney for spotting the opportunity and having a go. There is though a reason (apart from the obvious) why goals like that one, Beckham’s and even Pele’s famous near miss are so memorable - they occur rarely.

    If the goalkeeper hadn’t been so far off his line, Rooney wouldn’t have scored. I’ll be told I’m out of touch with the modern game, but I always worry when a keeper strays outside the six yard box!

  2. 1 hour ago, wiseowl said:

    Personal insults - give over. You were the one jumping on me with your hyperbole. We essentially agree! Give MM some time - I was merely making observations along the way; as you do with footy. It's not exactly been "new manager bounce" has it? Again, we DID at least get that with ST. Shall we agree to draw a line under it now? Sorry if you genuinely felt insulted by the "drama queen" reference. My son has, in fact, told me that nowadays, it's politically frowned upon anyway and I should say, "drama Llama" apparently.

    I couldn't give two hoots what you call me, as you're the one playing the man and not the ball it says more about you. As does your difficulty in accepting that MM can't be judged after just three league games, whereas ST apparently can. Carry on wriggling. 

  3. 1 hour ago, rudemedic said:

    I’m not ignoring it. I’m saying that you saying MM has lost 2 out of 4, is unfair, when you are counting a cup game away at a team in a higher league. MM has lost 1 in 3 in the league. That would still make your point, as he lost 1, and ST won a very similar game. 

    But making conclusions from 6 or 3 or 4 games isn’t very wise and is unfair to both ST and MM.

    Effectively the point I was making, thanks and exactly why talk of "regressing" under MM is premature to say the least.

  4. 22 hours ago, Frankly Mr Shankly said:


    Mate, he started and scored (a good goal) in ST's first match at home to York, then started the next three before being benched and then being dropped for ST's final match at home to D&R. But don't let facts get in the way of an arbitrary rant, eh?


    I can't believe* some fans have to make stuff up to fit their narrative.


    * Well, I can but y'know...



    I don't think he started against Wealdstone, Maidenhead or Dagenham, did he? He came on as a sub against Maidenhead. He may have been suspended after being booked in all of ST's first three games in charge, not sure.

  5. 21 hours ago, wiseowl said:

    I give up. I don't even know what gaslighting is and can't be bothered to look it up. ST was unbeaten in 6 - MM has lost 2 out of 4. 


    I support MM and that needs no further clarification because I gave a lengthy response previously. You clearly enjoy being a drama queen.

    If only you would give up. Resorting to personal insults now, always a giveaway 😂. As has been pointed out, you also drag a defeat in a Cup game away to a team a league higher into your statistical comparison. Well done. 


    I also note that "regression" has now become "initial regression" which I guess at least acknowledges that MM's tenure as manager has barely started. Come back to me with your views on him when he's got, say, at least a dozen games under his belt. Might be a touch fairer, possibly?

  6. 12 hours ago, BP1960 said:


    5 subs were available at Newport he used 4, no reason not to use them all, especially when losing 2-0 -and I don't mean a few minutes from the end of the game.

    Chesterfield used all available subs, even bringing on attackers when in the lead.

    I will criticise any manager if I think they've got it wrong no matter who it is and give praise when it's due, as in the case of drafting McGahey into midfield at Altrincham.

    He has also said the team lacked runners yet played the slowest I've ever seen. After that he then says they were flat. 

    It was an FA cup tie for goodness sake, what more motivation do they need?

    It's strange Unsworh and Thompson said 3 or 4 new players were coming in and now it appears the budget won't allow that and he has to make do with the players no manager can improve.

    If he can't sign players it begs the question why was he appointed?




    To be fair, if DU said Saturday was the day before Sunday I'd be checking the calendar very carefully indeed.

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, wiseowl said:

    Calm down fellow wise bird! Laying into him? What are you on about? I think he will turn out well for us. This is often the problem with social media - people can mis-interpret what you say. You've certainly exhibited the art of hyperbole in your response. 


    I'`ve always said DU was poor and that any half-decent manager would get a decent tune out of this squad. My mate fluffy has raised the issue a few times now, that perhaps the players are just crap and it wasn't all down to DU's management. I was pondering the point as there could be something in it. I then explained that we'd had considerable unsettlement behind the scenes (i.e. DU and his assistant, then Paul Murray, then MM, then Brabin) in a very short space of time. In other words, it might take a little while for MM to steady the ship after all the rapid changes.


    Some fans I speak to ARE already not happy and say we should have stuck with ST and Redders until the end of the season. Personally, I have supported MM in my responses to them but I can understand their sentiments. So, MM has my full support but there's no doubting the sense (from some) of wanting to see a change in our play soonest.


    Personally, I think we've had a shit show around managers and interims, ever since John Sheridan was publicly backed following the takeover. We then had the expensive acquisition of the ex-Everton boys, stayed loyal to them for too long, had a big fall out with ST and Redders (who did a good interim job for us) and now have MM and Brabin.


    We've always craved stability - and, boy, do we need to have it for a while now. So, to clarify Worcester - MM has my support. It is however a board of opinions - and some people don't have the same as me - or you. 


    You said "there's no doubt we have regressed under MM (as against ST/Redders)". No doubt? Really? Well let's see. ST was in charge for six games and his three wins came against the three teams currently propping up the NL. He then drew three, two of which were against teams only a few places higher. By contrast MM has had three league games - three - two of which were against teams in the top 10, including a local derby. It became clearer with every game that ST and NR were not about to effect a miraculous transformation in performances. 


    To talk of a guy "regressing" after three games is utter nonsense. As for your comment that "you can sense the seeds of discontent being sown already", if that's true, it says more about some of our fans than it does about MM. More likely, you're gaslighting.





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  8. 3 hours ago, BP1960 said:


    Check 15 seconds into the Newport match where he doesn't show the slightest interest in competing. He has ability but loses the ball often in challenges through not being forcefull enough.

    Mellon needs to instill more resolution, better passing and off the ball movement or nothing will change.

    Yes, why the hell didn't MM sub him after that happened? Now, some might say it's a trifle early in the game, but we need a proactive - dare I say muscular 👀 - approach. Let's face it, if MM isn't bringing on subs less than 1 minute into the game, he risks being called out for being indecisive. Come to think of it, when did Norwood last score in the first minute of a game? It simply won't do.

    It's time to rid ourselves of this "slowly slowly" approach, a hangover from the Chuckle Brothers and Red Fleece regime. MM has had three league games and we're not top - sack him. If Norwood doesn't score straight from the kick-off in our next game, put him on the transfer list. That'll show 'em.


    • Like 5
  9. 4 hours ago, wiseowl said:


    It's a fair point that mcluff has raised.


    For me, the fact we instantly went on an 8 game unbeaten run (including 5 wins) when DU was dismissed, spoke volumes. Unfortunately, we never got the chance to see how that would continue as we then binned ST/Redders after 6 of those games, Paul Murray held the reins for 1 (so essentially another ST/Redders victory) and MM won his first at Rochdale.


    In other words, we've had a period of considerable unsettlement behind the scenes and that rarely bodes well. Presently, there's no doubt we have regressed under MM (as against ST/Redders). I`m trusting he will sort things sooner rather than later, though. He really needs to do because you can sense the seeds of discontent being sown already amongst some fans when chatting generally.

    Absolutely unbelievable. He's been in charge for all of three games and you're already laying into him. Maybe we and MM should be grateful you weren't questioning him after the first match. Oh hang on, we won that one. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, BP1960 said:


    He should know his players by now surely he watched them before he took the job, but still played those non performers ?



    Freeman, McGahey - 2nd game under Mellon. Dickenson, Nuttall - 1st game under Mellon. You seem to be saying he should shut some of these players out and not give them a chance. How is that supposed to motivate a squad? I didn't see the game today, but if Dickenson and/or Nuttall played badly, he can now point that out to them and say this is how/where I need you to improve.

    Any decent manager will usually start with a clean slate, and that's what Mellon seems to be doing. He is learning his squad's strengths and weaknesses game by game. Give him a chance!!

  11. 51 minutes ago, BP1960 said:


    Lost a lot a credibility with me starting Nuttall and Dickenson who he must have known shouldn't have even been considered.

    I'd sooner play 17yo Alfie Atherton on the wing than any of this bunch.

    Bedides bags of ability at least he shows some dynamism. 

    Wouldn't surprise me though if he's never even trained with the first team.

    Rochdale played a 17yo against us who looks a great prospect.

    Come on, BP. We lost and like you I'm very disappointed, but we were playing away against a team a division higher.


    I repeat, MM is 4 games into his time with us. 4 games!! If he picks particular players game after game who literally don't make any impact on the game, fair enough, you can then question his judgement. You can't seriously question him so early in his tenure.


    If you'd been in charge at United when Ferguson was struggling, in his fourth season with them, he'd have had no chance!

    • Like 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    Well that was fucking awful topped off by as bad a referee your ever likely to see at any level, he missed so much I yet was the only man in the ground appealing for an Alty penalty, he then waved away appeals after Hobson was wrapped up and had a bow put on him by one of their defenders, shocking display from him.


    Norwood way off it but seems immune now, Green weak as piss and doesn't even want to graft anymore, Sheron scored a worldy but he's a passenger in there and doesn't have the ability to make a forward pass, so much wrong with the team, no urgency, no nouse, no desire, no leaders and most of all little ability. Missed some absolute sitters early on and second best for the remainder of the game, Nuttall fucking awful - again.


    We still need 3 or 4 players in minimum.

    He's scored 7 league goals in 14 starts though. He can be as off as he likes for me if he keeps that ratio up.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, Ritchierich said:

    Another garbage result, well done lads 😔

    Garbage? Off the back of a dreadful performance against a team at the bottom, we've fought back to draw against a team in 5th place. Yes, you need to win your home games, but at least this is a response to Tuesday, with players (Freeman, McGahey, Nuttall) who haven't had much match time lately, and a manager in his third game. Patience is needed.

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