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Coming from someone who can't even spell ...as in "legue" thats quite funny. As for the stats 51 in 153 games involved.=0.33 1 game in 3. Just over 3 goals per 10 games


Hughes 297 games 127 goals = 0.42. >4 goals in 10. That statistically is significantly better if you know anything about Maths? (and at the higher level) The fact you paid £300,00 from Dale has no bearing on his future value does it? Its how he is doing for you, plus IF he runs down his contract he could go for nothing.



Davies 23 goals in 124 games at 0.18. <1 game in 5!!!!!!!!!!!! Bargain.


As for the championship he ain't there yet is he so you can't say how it would go. Just enjoy Davies.


As you said to Garcon ENOUGH SAID now :censored:

I'm not interested in previous clubs stats.Try just for Brighton.



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I think we should get that figure deleted until Monday 5pm!


I predict that Davies will make an instants inpact and some on here will go into fits of apoloplexy. But it is a season long game.

He will fade after a couple of months.

At best an impact for the rest of the season, and early next. Then fade.



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I think we should get that figure deleted until Monday 5pm!


I predict that Davies will make an instants inpact and some on here will go into fits of apoloplexy. But it is a season long game.

He will fade after a couple of months.

At best an impact for the rest of the season, and early next. Then fade.

Funnily enough, that sounds strangely familiar...

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You sign a 39 year old grandad who is yet to score a goal and sell us a promising young striker for peanuts.Thats what you call good business. :grin:

Perhaps it's your manager who failed to get the best out of Davis or curb his attitude.






bags of potential but you'll find him as annoying as sand in your Vaseline :huh:

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I think we should get that figure deleted until Monday 5pm!


I predict that Davies will make an instants inpact and some on here will go into fits of apoloplexy. But it is a season long game.

He will fade after a couple of months.

At best an impact for the rest of the season, and early next. Then fade.


Whilst I accept that Davies may make an instant impact at Brighton, there is no proof that he will. He had a poor start to the season with us and his stats and the feedback at Stockport are not exactly instant impact stuff. His cameo's since his return also do not fill you with belief that he will do anything special now he has left.


Having said that sometimes a new start can lift a player for a short time before they slip back into their normal habits.







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bags of potential but you'll find him as annoying as sand in your Vaseline :huh:

:laught16: and :shock: all at once... :lol:




If £200k is indeed accurate, then let's hope and pray nothing goes wrong before 5pm tomorrow. Could turn out well for Brighton, but I'd be very happy with that figure.

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You sign a 39 year old grandad who is yet to score a goal and sell us a promising young striker for peanuts.Thats what you call good business. :grin:

Perhaps it's your manager who failed to get the best out of Davis or curb his attitude.








Ah, this has made me laurf....


Brilliant. Its the same reaction we all get when we sign someone whom, to be quite honest, we have never seen play, or really have a clue about. The joy of signing 'anyone' ... ooh he's new shiny and exciting....


But then reality hits.... you have signed a player who cant even make our squad, who has talent but is possibly the most stupid footballer I have ever seen play, has had 6 good months in his career and thinks he is the tatties.... and then self-destructs and ends up playing for Stocky who would let anyone play upfront for them if they have two functioning legs... and now he leaves a top 6 side to scrap around the relegation zone.... awesome.


As has been said, good luck to you with him. But ask yourself, why is he playing for a relegation threatened side if he has so much talent.


Good luck with the rest of the season, from what little knowlege I have of brighton I always thought you had good team spirit, hope you can cope with the talents of Mr Davies.


I'll stick with what we have got thanks.

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Thank You if the Mirror and 150k you paid for him is correct :lol:




It won't be. The ManUre fanzine that is the Mirror is correct about nothing.


I would be amazed if bit-part players carrying the kind of baggage that gets discussed on here are being exchanged for such a fee in this division, especially in the current economic climate.


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Windass an asset lmao.Enough said

Two facts I would encourage you to reflect upon regarding young Craig


1) Oldham are willing to see him go, after already letting him out on loan


2) The club he is going to is...... Brighton.


Still sure you've found yourselves a gem?

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