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Hines Out

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after the last 2 results could it be shez out, is it really too late.


Unfortunately we are destined to limp along until the summer under the 'Mad Manc Professor' AKA John 'Tinkerman' Sheridan. Hopefully Blitz will have realised what the fook is happening to all his investment under that clown tonight. We have got lucky for weeks with results going our way and again Stockport have lost, but Millwall seemed to have clicked again tonight and I really don't think the team or the manager have the bollocks for a fight to stay in the play offs. When the going got tough tonight we hid like a bunch of tarts. Not good enough!

Edited by oafcprozac
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I wouldn't go as far as that, but he definitely no better than what we have.



He must have been bad because I thought his performance on Saturday was disgraceful! I don't get why the hell Shez continues to play other people's sh1t players when we have plenty of our own!!


I just don't get why after Eardley played so so well at Leicester why he drops him, why he has dropped Maher tonight is beyond me, he was actually one of the better ones (again) on Saturday and Whittaker who has done nothing for months (either starting or coming on off the bench) just gets a start out of the blue.


I'm getting so frustrated that people like Lee and Stevens don't seem to be able to get a look in regardless of how badly the rest are doing - don't worry, I'm not a 'Stevens will be our saviour' kind because I've never seen the lad play, reports from others are that he looks capable, so give him a go, Lee on the other hand played 2 games, looked really good and hasnt been seen since.


Really not happy about him dropping Fleming for Budtz - what kind of message does that send out? Finally we can all see that when we have been at our most potent this season, Hughes has been up top with Allessandra, this pairing MUST be tried again, something has to change and fast or else we're going to be hanging onto this play off spot for dear life rather than piling pressure on the Mongs like we should be doing.


Very very frustrating - although we'll probably take 4 points from the next 2 games and everything will be hunky dorey again, until we next play someone sh1te & struggle for any motivation whatsoever!




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Unfortunately we are destined to limp along until the summer under the 'Mad Manc Professor' AKA John 'Tinkerman' Sheridan. Hopefully Blitz will have realised what the fook is happening to all his investment under that clown tonight. We have got lucky for weeks with results going our way and again Stockport have lost, but Millwall seemed to have clicked again tonight and I really don't think the team or the manager have the bollocks for a fight to stay in the play offs. When the going got tough tonight we hid like a bunch of tarts. Not good enough!


Clown? What a load of bollocks.


What can Shez do about Hughes missing a pen, as well as the other good oportunities blown? That's beyond the manager - we were very unlucky to go in at 0-0 tonight, and then once they rob us of a goal the crowd gets on the players backs, there's a bad atmosphere, therefore no adrenalin, the players get nervous. Who gets the blame? The manager does.....not necessarily his fault though.


One thing I will criticise is his selection of Hines at right back.

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He must have been bad because I thought his performance on Saturday was disgraceful! I don't get why the hell Shez continues to play other people's sh1t players when we have plenty of our own!!


I just don't get why after Eardley played so so well at Leicester why he drops him, why he has dropped Maher tonight is beyond me, he was actually one of the better ones (again) on Saturday and Whittaker who has done nothing for months (either starting or coming on off the bench) just gets a start out of the blue.


I'm getting so frustrated that people like Lee and Stevens don't seem to be able to get a look in regardless of how badly the rest are doing - don't worry, I'm not a 'Stevens will be our saviour' kind because I've never seen the lad play, reports from others are that he looks capable, so give him a go, Lee on the other hand played 2 games, looked really good and hasnt been seen since.


Really not happy about him dropping Fleming for Budtz - what kind of message does that send out? Finally we can all see that when we have been at our most potent this season, Hughes has been up top with Allessandra, this pairing MUST be tried again, something has to change and fast or else we're going to be hanging onto this play off spot for dear life rather than piling pressure on the Mongs like we should be doing.


Very very frustrating - although we'll probably take 4 points from the next 2 games and everything will be hunky dorey again, until we next play someone sh1te & struggle for any motivation whatsoever!


Why have we needed any saviour whilst fourth the league? The rest clearly arent doing that badly, and Lee wasnt anything special when he got his chance. I agree it's weird about Whitts coming in, but then we supposedly have a big squad to enable rotations when we have 4 games in ten days, like we do at the moment :wink:


Motivation was fine until it was sapped by our wasteful 'superstar' frontmen and we got caught out.

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Clown? What a load of bollocks.


What can Shez do about Hughes missing a pen, as well as the other good oportunities blown? That's beyond the manager - we were very unlucky to go in at 0-0 tonight, and then once they rob us of a goal the crowd gets on the players backs, there's a bad atmosphere, therefore no adrenalin, the players get nervous. Who gets the blame? The manager does.....not necessarily his fault though.


One thing I will criticise is his selection of Hines at right back.


This post is everything that is wrong with the Oldham Athletic fans.

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Motivation was fine? At what point was it fine?


Yes Hughes missed a penalty and it was a poor penalty but until then we'd done absolutely nothing.


On another day I think we would have been three up at halftime.


Motivation is an easy word to trot out by a casual football fan looking for something to blame a home loss to side below them in the league on. :wink:

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On another day I think we would have been three up at halftime.


Motivation is an easy word to trot out by a casual football fan looking for something to blame a home loss to side below them in the league on. :wink:


In the sense that people dont see the wood for trees. After witnessing that people are still defending Sheridan and his absolute lack of managerial skill. He should be motivating a team which he picks to win a game. Anybody can pick a team and even he got that wrong. Its ridiculus that we havent got rid of him already

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I said the other day he resembles Beharall in stature and that's where the simularity ends. I was wrong, but right. He's worse. Send him back Shez and scrub out Southgate as a feeder. But there again Shez said he's been chasing him all season!!! WTF.

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On another day I think we would have been three up at halftime.


Motivation is an easy word to trot out by a casual football fan looking for something to blame a home loss to side below them in the league on. :wink:


Three up? Not sure we had 3 efforts on goal.


We were garbage. Did you even go to the game? Seems you were watchin a completely different one than me.

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In the sense that people dont see the wood for trees. After witnessing that people are still defending Sheridan and his absolute lack of managerial skill. He should be motivating a team which he picks to win a game. Anybody can pick a team and even he got that wrong. Its ridiculus that we havent got rid of him already


I witness people focusing on a few mistakes, and 'motivation', as opposed to everything else which is done well.


Anyway, I sum up what is wrong with Latics fans, says one of the boards well known clueless muppets.

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Missed sitter Hughes was second half. He said three up by half time


FFS, two then! You maybe think that even had Hughes and Windass taken their chances, at a point when Bristol hadn't had a sniff, we would have lost anyway. Why? Because Shez is a crap manager who can't motivate, or so you figure whilst still angry after the game. Along with all the other OWTP hotheads.

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You seem to be happy with tonites performance.


2 chances before half time. That is not good enough.


Then we go a goal down and we see absolutely no urgency to get into it. Shez changes a full back. Then we're 2 down. Shez changes a striker. We still dont look like getting back in it.


At half time I expected us to come out after a bollocking and fight for it. But they didn't. If thats not Shez's fault who's is it?

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