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Penney speaks to Latics Player

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If he can take 1 positive from that performance he is seriously deluded


Ah well... at least it makes a change from Shez's dronings after a defeat... At this stage of the season i'd much rather a manager takes some positives to work on, rather than lambasting the players for what sounded like almost a decent away performance....

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Ah well... at least it makes a change from Shez's dronings after a defeat... At this stage of the season i'd much rather a manager takes some positives to work on, rather than lambasting the players for what sounded like almost a decent away performance....


who said that? whoever it was what game where they watching

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Being unhappy with a poor performance I can understand, honest.


It's the inevitable and immediate follow on from that one performance that bugs me. It's never just "we were crap", it's always "we were crap, and we're going to be relegated, rubbish team rubbish squad, rubbish manager, moan whinge bellyache".


And although some are perrenial moaners, the ones who predict we're going to win the league by 15 points after one good win are just as bad.


I know being a football fan can be all about living in the moment, from one game to the next, but some seem to take this to such an extreme I am genuinely convinced their memory stretches no more than seven days.


(Life must be one great voyage of discovery, finding everything out for the first time every week... :wink: )

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hmmmm...is this a little bit of "Kettle calling the pan..." lol


May I just say that there are some positives about last night. Sean Gregan came to applaud us at the end - thanks Sean. It was only £1 to get my 17 year old daughter in the ground - thanks CUFC. And the steak pie was amazing - thank you God for cows.








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