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Teams you love to hate!

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I personally am salivating at the mouth watering prospect of waving to Leeds fans as they go tumbling past us on their way to league and us on our way to the dizzy heights of the Championship. It couldn't happen to a nicer club. I also loved singing "we're going up - you're staying down" to the dirty Tranmere fans. I just love to hate those 2. Not really sure why though!? Anyone else got an inate unfounded hatred of another club - don't put Man Utd (it's too obvious!).

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I absolutely loathe and detest Wiggun, nothing irritates me more than people calling them Latics.

We are the only Latics and always will be.

We were the Latics before they were even in existense.

Charlton are also Athletic but have the decency, originality and good grace to think of a nickname not already in use and "owned" by another club.

Wiggun aren't even creative or imaginative enough to come up with a nickname of there own.

I really hope they go down, I really really hope they go down.



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I too hate the Pie Eaters. At least when we got to the top flight we did it on merit and not on the back of a rich chairman's cheque book; and how they have the cheek to call themselves Latics I will never know. Because of the era I started watching watching Latics I also hate Blackburn with a passion and they too got to where they are due to a rich benefactor. After this it's the Trannies for no other reason than Rotten Ronnie is in charge (and they're fake Scousers too I suppose), I hate that guy more than any team after the way he nearly destroyed our club. I still know people who don't come because of the misery they suffered last season under him.

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I absolutely hate the pie eaters too, the way the country was expected to get behing the team cos' they were 'little wigan' who stood no chance in the Premiership. I well & truly hope they go down & sink down the leagues into obscurity. Manure (obvious one but needed to be said), & Leeds. Now, I have a lot of Leeds supporting mates which normally makes me take slight allegiance, not the case at all though. Had 1 specimen in a bar in Kings Cross on Saturday who initially thought I was from Leeds incidentally try to tell me about the War of the Roses which according to him Lancashire had lost!? Then proclaimed I should watch myself in Leeds as there were rough bits...there aren't in Oldham!!??? hahaha

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Guest sheridans_world

I personally hate:- Bolton, Wigan, Bury and Huddersfield.



Bolton, dont know why just really detest them


Wigan, see above, stealing nicknames, buying way to top, being all round to55ers.


Bury, Warnock left latics and took half the squad with him to Bury, b*****d


Huddersfield, the sheep, always the sheep, and that stupid song 'your mums your dad and your dads your mum' Very creative, sing about yourselves why dont you...

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Having only watched league one football during my oldham supporting career I have to say wigan, blackpool and tranmere.

Also, having to go to school with arrogant united fans makes me hate them. They are so annoying!! You point out 1 thing wrong with their club and they just go back to the usual comment...

"Yeah but atlest we're a premiership team"




Whenever i hear that i just wanna go jackie chan on thier ***!

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I absolutely Detest Bury and everything about the little Monkey town when i've got my 'up the dale head on' (ala tonight, where I shall partake in chants, about fetching my fathers non existant rifle to shoot the bury..........)


Shame when it comes to Latics playing them, and we forever beat them, and take over Giggle Lane, I kinda feel sorry for them. :grin:


Poor ickle shakers!


When it comes to Latics. I only really detest Man City and the pie'eads

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Aside from the obvious local ones, I hate Arsenal for their total arrogance (the football club rather than the fans especially), Chelsea because of their post Roman fans, both the newbies and the old scum who have resurfaced, and Palace - anything good to say about them, anyone? I also don't buy this, "Newcastle best fans in the world" crap either. Of course all 50,000+ of you were there back in the day. Fact is they've been bankrolled into a mid table club but they think they deserve more. Sorry.


Oh, and never had much time for them Glasgow Rangers, but that's another matter entirely.

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got to be said apart from the obvious, scum or cockney supporters fc call em what you will



it has to be said i would gladly share a pint of celebration with rick if Leeds get relegated as most of my good buddies who i travel up and down the country with (alangrovesperm, neva and harrydowdsgreenshirt) know i detest them with an absolute passion all going back to the days in the eighties etc but their fans were crazy beyond belief how the mighty have fallen)


after that west Ham as some little idiot years ago tried kicking off wiv mi dad(didnt work tho) and of course the team in our song of no nay neva no nay neva no more till we play ??????? rovers

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Pie-heads. Can't stand the inbred Bleeders! Went their ground 3 times on the trot before they went up, and we lost every bleedin time. Suddenly last season they had all these fans who'd supported them all their life, and suddenly this season they've disappeared again. :mmm:

The last time we played them, if they beat us they won the league. The attendence was about 10,000 that day, including at least 3,500 'Tics...

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