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Video: An Oldham-Millwall Story

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We sort of just rolled out of bed when they called. The first phone call, the sort of pre-show interview -- they asked us a lot of questions about the Latics and about our trip and how we liked it and everything. But then during the actual show, they pretty much stuck to the fact that we were cheerleaders and met these guys on holiday...and they wanted to know what happened and who it happened with and all that. They were charming and funny, but it was just a little hard to answer some of the questions because I didn't really want to drop last names (they kept asking for "last names, girls -- last names!") or spill too much dirt -- but they invited us to do the Cundy (?) show in December when we're back because apparently he drills answers out of you or something like that. Apparently we seemed really flirty and "talked together and laughed together...just like cheerleaders do" :blink:


We told them we loved you all. I don't know, we were half asleep really. It seemed like a blur. I've had a massive headache all day, been in bed wasting away...


Hope everyone is doing better than I am. xx



I heard it as i was drivin home from work. It wasn't great reception and they made a bit of fun out of you (which may have got lost in translation) but you did well to say it was a live show!

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Does Oldham have a song?


This tune is played as the team enters the pitch:



Audio chants for your listening pleasure. No. 4 is the one which gave this Forum its name.



Lyrics for some of the clean songs sung over the years:


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107-year-old Malaysian woman seeks 23rd hubby. :shock: ...I cant even get a boyfriend, I think she needs to write a book on how to get a man or 23 ... whos counting anyway?


Woo-hoo, make way for the single guys!


*Leans casually against bar, tips hat and adopts best deep south accent*


Mornin' ma'am, yer lookin' mighty purty this fine day'

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This tune is played as the team enters the pitch:



Audio chants for your listening pleasure. No. 4 is the one which gave this Forum its name.



Lyrics for some of the clean songs sung over the years:



Lieutenant Pigeon meets Status Quo!!!



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This tune is played as the team enters the pitch:



Audio chants for your listening pleasure. No. 4 is the one which gave this Forum its name.



Lyrics for some of the clean songs sung over the years:


I'm surprised no-one has created a song for Worthy in honour of his "adventures" in the Caymans yet.


Anyone fancy a bash??


I've got one based on the "oh Chrissy Taylor" tune but it still needs a little work.


I'll keep you posted....

Edited by Snookmeister
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