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Taggart on Scholes: "I have read that stuff about playing for Oldham in his last year. No chance!"

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sod off fergie scholesy will be a latics player soon

boboafc, tel aviv israel

17/09/2009 at 18:10 Offensive or Inappropriate?


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who is fegie to say no to scholesy playing for latics , if scholesy wants to play for us he will and he won't listen to purple nose Taggart

boboafc, tel aviv israel

17/09/2009 at 18:32 Offensive or Inappropriate?


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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Try and sign the United superstar cast offs. Shy bairns get nay kett.


Ask Gary Neville, Giggs, and Scholes if they would consider it. We are on the edge of Manchester, we could pick up United fans. Loads of them.


Would they consider it. In likelihood, no. But, they don't have to move, first team football, money doesn't matter for them, they'd still be adored (unlike say, a move to Leicester).


No reason not to ask. All it takes is one, and it could be Bobby Johnstone all over again.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a truly stupendous bit of sensationalist reporting :blink:

This is what Scholes said:


"I don't feel I am making as much of a contribution as I'd like. I wouldn't say I am playing some of my best football.


"I always preferred when I was playing regularly and scoring a lot more. Now, it's different. I play once every two or three weeks. I can only hope to do well when I get the chance. I don't have a choice.


"You do think about the future. I am not too sure. I'll just carry on and we'll see what happens come the end of the season."


Pretty bland, honest but obvious stuff. Somehow it's been esacalated in the first line of the article to:


'PAUL SCHOLES is ready to leave Manchester United next summer.' - not what he said. The headline screams:


'Scholes on way out of United' - he probably will be eventually, but that's not what he said, and underneath the photo we're now at Defcon 5:


'QUIT THREAT...Paul Scholes' :shock: I didn't see any threat, or anything about quitting. Why let the facts get in the way of a good story eh?







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It's almost a shame that Fergie feels the need (all be it presumably in answer to a direct question) to waste his time confirming this to the retards who honestly thought Scholes would ever play for us.


Retards is a bit strong - it's accurate but a bit strong. :lol:


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Heard something on the radio this afternoon stating pretty much the same.......but don't and won't believe it until I see him emerging from he dressing room as it seems he is heading for a coaching post.

Edited by tangerinedreams
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Just maybe, maybe, if Scholes is the diehard oldham fan as is claimed--he will help us out! You know the type of deal, maybe sign for 10 game, that will help his ailing club, improve attendances etc!? Or am I living in cloud cuckoo land! If you were in Scholes shoes, premiership quality player who supported Oldham, wouldn't you do something similar!?


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Just maybe, maybe, if Scholes is the diehard oldham fan as is claimed--he will help us out! You know the type of deal, maybe sign for 10 game, that will help his ailing club, improve attendances etc!? Or am I living in cloud cuckoo land! If you were in Scholes shoes, premiership quality player who supported Oldham, wouldn't you do something similar!?


Yes your living in cloud cuckoo land.


Surely Scholes has more pride in himself than to lower himself to our sack of :censored:e.

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WHat we need now, is someone with the atributes of Corporal Jones banging on about it at every opportunity, keeping it in the media, and it become a self fulfiling prophecy.

What we also need is a new Lags sign, a la Rachubka at every game.

"Come here and play every week, Paul" !

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WHat we need now, is someone with the atributes of Corporal Jones banging on about it at every opportunity, keeping it in the media, and it become a self fulfiling prophecy.




Do you really think the club's in such a mess because people moan about it on here, thus making it a self-fulfilling prophecy?


Or could it be the way the club has been run (or, more accurately, run into the ground) over the past fifteen years or so?

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