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EDL - now in Oldham

Yard Dog

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Er this could be dodgy Chron journalism again but I never realised the leader of the FYC was 25 I thought he was much older than that. Plus a 25 year old would be 17 maximum at the time of the Oldham riots so I can't see him having a major role in that episode. Me thinks some big time wanna be Danny Dyer has bigged up his reputation without realising that some people are able to do Maths and can work out its probably a load of :censored:

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Er this could be dodgy Chron journalism again but I never realised the leader of the FYC was 25 I thought he was much older than that. Plus a 25 year old would be 17 maximum at the time of the Oldham riots so I can't see him having a major role in that episode. Me thinks some big time wanna be Danny Dyer has bigged up his reputation without realising that some people are able to do Maths and can work out its probably a load of :censored:


It sounds like a joke to me, the interview with the leader being the punchline.

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I tend to stick up for the Chron and I'm definitely not a Chron-hater, but this story smacks of the sort of sensationalism they seem to be using more and more nowadays.


Of course there's going to be interest in the EDL from some people in Oldham, but I bet there's not many similar sized towns elsewhere in the country that cannot claim to have even just a couple of EDL supporters.



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"The 25-year-old has led football firm the Fine Young Casuals, involved in the Oldham riots, for 10 years. The father-of-two said: “You can’t win a fight without people like that. The BNP are not working. It’s time to have a go. Whatever needs must."


A 15 year old in charge of the F.Y.C.?


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I thought that in a democracy you had free speech. All the leftist do-gooders and muslim fanatics have had their say regularly without any censorship, its about time the white working class had theirs without ant interference or fear of reprisals from the police or politicians who have all bent over backwards to help the so called minority groups.

By The Borg @ 23/09/2009 08:48:26


I’m no fan of Star Trek, but I know enough of it to find it strange that The Borg is speaking up for individual free speech and against collectivism and integration :blink:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I see the EDL & their Anti-Fascist chums are both having get togethers in Piccadilly Gardens on Saturday. Hmmm, can anyone see a problem there? I'm more than a tad miffed as Saturday is my annual October all dayer in Manchester with the Grand Final at Old Trafford inserted in the middle of it. The EDL seem to exist purely to provoke people into attacking them so as to appear victims and at the same time have the opportunity of a good fight and the other lot are perhaps even worse, they exist purely to physically attack anyone who thinks differently from them. I wonder what the SWP utopia would be like if they were handed the keys to the state? Jaysus!

Close off Piccadilly Gardens on Saturday when they're both going at it, round them all up, put them on an old ship, batten down the hatches, sail it out to deep waters and torpedo it.



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