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More Stadium opposition...

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You was just attacking all NIMBYS.... and you yourself said you would not be happy... I never said you would become a NIMBY or that I know you...


The examples are fine... Its just another development that has an impact... I am just defending the right for local people to have a say on what happens...You seem to have a problem with that...


NIMBY does not stand for "not being happy" last time I checked. So I stand by my comments.


The examples are stupid. For a start if they wanted to build a Nuclear Power Plant or Sewage Works where I lived then there would obviously be a grave and urgent need for them so I doubt I would get consulted anyway.


If I lived in an area more suited for a Nuclear Power Plant or Sewage Works then like I say I probably would not be happy but tough :censored:, if its not my land that's getting developed on there is not really much I can do. Plus I would expect there to be a lot more bureaucracy involved in positioning things like that.


Sometimes authorities should take control and proceed with developments for the greater good, even if it is tough on a number of locals.

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NIMBY does not stand for "not being happy" last time I checked. So I stand by my comments.


The examples are stupid. For a start if they wanted to build a Nuclear Power Plant or Sewage Works where I lived then there would obviously be a grave and urgent need for them so I doubt I would get consulted anyway.


If I lived in an area more suited for a Nuclear Power Plant or Sewage Works then like I say I probably would not be happy but tough :censored:, if its not my land that's getting developed on there is not really much I can do. Plus I would expect there to be a lot more bureaucracy involved in positioning things like that.


Dosent matter if its a chippy or if its Nuclear Power plant... If it winds you up and you do not want it there then your a NIMBY...


To the local residents that are upset it might as well be a huge great big sewage plant...


They have the right to be pissed off and have the right to have there feelings heard. I dont understand your issue with people having that right...



Sometimes authorities should take control and proceed with developments for the greater good, even if it is tough on a number of locals.


And that is exactly what they do at the moment... So don't you worry...

Edited by oafc0000
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Dosent matter if its a chippy or if its Nuclear Power plant... If it winds you up and you do not want it there then your a NIMBY...


To the local residents that are upset it might as well be a huge great big sewage plant...


They have the right to be pissed off and have the right to have there feelings heard. I dont understand your issue with people having that right...





And that is exactly what they do at the moment... So don't you worry...


Thanks I wont.

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Breaking ground in the Spring dontcha know?! Yet more piss and wind from the club - not a chance. Season 2011/12 I predict we'll start our season at Spotland and not because we're playing Rochdale. Is there a chance this could even go to a public enquiry? Oh and once the Libs are kicked out next Spring, Labour will bin the scheme anyway.


No marching for me this time, a take it or leave it meeting in a school hall is consultation for no one...


Labour will not bin the scheme. The Labour councillors will have to make sure that all local issues are dealt with. At the moment no one knows anything. But one thing us Latics fans can do now is to write to the club, asking for more openness and offer their support for a new stadium. We would not be having this discussion if the Lib Dems had not cancelled sports part 2,000.

Katie G

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Labour will not bin the scheme. The Labour councillors will have to make sure that all local issues are dealt with. At the moment no one knows anything. But one thing us Latics fans can do now is to write to the club, asking for more openness and offer their support for a new stadium. We would not be having this discussion if the Lib Dems had not cancelled sports part 2,000.

Katie G


Welcome to the boards Katie...


I think to be fair I would not trust ANY political party to do anything they say :)

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If fans are in favour of a new stadium at Failsworth email their views to jeanpete49@talktalk.net This person is attempting to get 10,000 signatures against the new stadium according to the front page of today's chron


If people do contact this person please be constructive... No abuse... We do not want to give them ammo...

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Cheers for that guys... Gives a real idea of how the site might be formed...


Also puts things into perspective in my opinion, as I think it illustrates exactly what the site could accommodate re stadium size


I made sure all the maps were of the same scale when i put them together too, but looks like the pitches etc will be on the memorial park bit, and the stad where the current BA site is

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Are we gonna get a new thread every the Chron regurgitates the same story they printed a month ago?



You could a stadium anywhere in Oldham and you would still get the same nimbyism.


Will the petition say Nimbys and Luddites sign here?


A new stadium, for the borough's only professional football club, is very much needed and fully supported by the club and the majority of its fans. This regeneration project is for the benefit of the whole borough. It is not the exclusive preserve of a minority of Failsworth residents.


However, it's time the club put in its planning application, so anyone and everyone can have their say.



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Yawn, yawn, yawn....


That's the point, no proposals have come forward yet on which to consult people. The Club will carry out its consultation process when the proposals for the site have been drafted - the Club said it would take 90 days to draw up draft plans based on its survey of fifteen stadia built in the last five years. After consulting the interested parties, the planning application will be submitted to the Council and the formal consultation process will begin with affected residents and the statutory consultees.


The 90 days takes us to 9th December. As I’ve said before, patience is a virtue.


Plenty of time for the rarely wrong Chron to publish the residents-against-the-non-existent-plans shock horror story at least another couple of times.

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reply from that fella of the chron


Good Thinking kungfoo, just one or two question.observations.

Do You live where the stadium is likely to be?

The Town may be a dump but the proposal is to put it on the outskirts of Oldham, on the Manchester borderAgreed, Failsworth is a dump, but banging a stadium on a Green field site won't resolve the problem

Finally, if you are so keen to stick together then come down & help theMoston Brook Regeneration Project already under way that eventually should get Country Park status but 20% of which will be under concrete if the 3 amigoes get their way. (check it out on the web)

Wonder what you would say if they wnted to put it in your backyard? THINK ABOUT IT, KUNGFOO. IT COULD BE YOU NEXT


By the way, Why is B Park such a mess - because the 3 amigoes came in promising the world but did absolutely nothing. I'll take a bet now. If the stadium goes ahead, the £20 million they say it will cost won't come out of their pockets but you & the banks. Once up, they will be only to happy to get out with their share of the profits

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