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Do You Wanna Touch Me? Not with a bargepole in Saddleworth.

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I hope he doesn't bother. We have enough scum in Oldham without adding him to the pile


Just about to say, FFS we're importing the dregs of society now are we? I fully expect Shannon Matthews' mum, Maxine Carr and Thompson and Venables all to be enjoying their new identities around the Oldham area soon. I know legally there's nothing we can do about Gadd, time served etc... but time to get the torches a burning methinks! :ranting:

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Que mass hysteria...


I'm not naive enough to dismiss that paedophiles are not amongst us in the community i'd rather not know, whilst retaining my cautiousness for the safety of my two kids but this makes me uneasy - especially as dad of a six year old girl. Gadd had to live somewhere but yet more bad publicity for the Borough and would you like him living near you? Your feelings now, may differ somewhat in 6 months or so when the little one arrives.

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He must be mad. People can be anonymous in the middle of London, in Saddleworth there will be warning beacons lit every time he goes near his front door and the police will all be coincidentally attending to a cat stuck up a tree several miles away while a thousand-strong mob put him into a 50 foot tall wicker man.

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Hold on, OAFC0000 can have him next door. Once a kiddy fiddler, always a kiddy fiddler because they see it as normal behaviour, and because it is part of their make up they will never change. They are born that way and it is an illness that is unacceptable with the only solution being permanent exclusion from society or castration to remove the sex drive.

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Your feelings now, may differ somewhat in 6 months or so when the little one arrives.


Never said I was happy with it... Your jumping the gun a bit... I was just correctly point out here comes the pitchfork clan again...


Just hope while you are grabbing your pitchfork and torch you get the right address though...


I would say unless someone is stupid enough to let there kids go playing at his house then I doubt many people have much to worry about. And I am never for mob rule, never... If these people go underground then the world would become a more dangerous place.

Edited by oafc0000
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I'm not naive enough to dismiss that paedophiles are not amongst us in the community i'd rather not know, whilst retaining my cautiousness for the safety of my two kids but this makes me uneasy - especially as dad of a six year old girl. Gadd had to live somewhere but yet more bad publicity for the Borough and would you like him living near you? Your feelings now, may differ somewhat in 6 months or so when the little one arrives.


Is Gadd the one that dressed up as a school to ensnare potential victims*? I lose track of them these days.


* © Brass Eye

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Never said I was happy with it... Your jumping the gun a bit... I was just correctly point out here comes the pitchfork clan again...


Just hope while you are grabbing your pitchfork and torch you get the rigth address though...


I would say unless someone is stupid enough to let there kids go playing at his house then I doubt many people have much to worry about. And I am never for mob rule, never... If these people go underground then the world would become a more dangerous place.



Neither am I, at least with it being plastered all over the press the authorities shouldn't find it too hard to keep tabs on him...if they take the time to communicate with one another that is.

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(oafcprozac @ Nov 13 2009, 12:49 PM)

Gadd has to live somewhere




Actually, he doesn't...



I thought they hung him? They showed it on the telly the other night.



If these people go underground then the world would become a more dangerous place.



No, when they are underground the world will be a much safer place


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Will they act on the information? Too often they don't. Let's hope he doesn't buy an ice-cram van eh? Seem to have read somewhere this week that's exactly what another offender did. Defies belief!


I don't know mate. Perception and reality isn't it. You have cases like Baby P and everyone says the social workers are useless (off the back of one case) for example. I know a couple of social workers and they work hard to protect a lot of kids / people. One slips through the net and BANG...


Its a very emotive subject which the papers love to blow up. That is all I know for certain.

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Deviousness is often a 'necessary' trait among paedophiles, but I suspect Gadd is past all that now. He knows that the media (and the mobs if they know where he lives) will pounce on even the slightest suggestion he is still or still seeks to be active.


As far as anyone knows, the worst he did whilst within the UK was collect a hideous collection of images of child abuse. He had the sense (if that's the right word) to save his, er, more active involvement for far off places where he presumably imagined he'd get away with it.


Max, I do believe paedophiles can (and emphasise can) be cured, but I accept it often takes the form of them understanding and managing their urges rather than those urges going away ... until old age naturally erodes the sex drive anyway.


This is not in defence of Gadd or of him moving to Oldham by the way, merely an attempt to throw in a little context. I don't have kids but given the choice I'd still be alot happier if he tried to 'reintegrate into society' somewhere else.

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Garcon I disagree as I believe peadophile is the same as a gay person. It is how they are and nothing will change them. You try saying you can be cured to a gay person!!! A peado is no different imho and thus can never be cured. Their reoffending rate is sky high because they see it as normal behaviour.


Being gay is acceptable as it does not affect anyone else and is between consenting adults, I have family members who are gay and they knew when they were kids as it was natural for them. Peodophiles have nobody to give them consent and there state of mind leads to abhorant sexual behaviour with children that can only be stopped in one way I believe. You cannot integrate them back into society as they will reoffend as soon as they can.

Edited by Max Damage
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I don't know mate. Perception and reality isn't it. You have cases like Baby P and everyone says the social workers are useless (off the back of one case) for example. I know a couple of social workers and they work hard to protect a lot of kids / people. One slips through the net and BANG...


Its a very emotive subject which the papers love to blow up. That is all I know for certain.


Not just social workers, other agencies


Victoria Climbie

Baby P

Ian Huntley

Sarah Payne



etc, etc.. too mnay to say the odd one slips through the net, it happens time and time again - lack of communication, shared information and funding too I dare say.

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Would you like corporal punishment established ? I certainly would not...

For 14 year old shoplifters it seems a bit harsh. For unrepentant predatory paedophiles you can either lock them up for a few years, at great expense, then do what you can for the rest of their lives spending a load of cash monitoring them to reduce the chances of them re-offending, or you could tie a rope round their neck and drop them in a pit. No-brainer to me.

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