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The World Cup has managed to attract my attention to a point but I need some flurry of activity or churn of rumour at OL1!


Despite being a secret as worse kept as PD becoming manager, there is no news on the Assistant Manager. They're set to attend the fans forum but why the delay in announcing sooner so at least we can whet our appetite over plans for next season and some true GT grit/steel added to the training regime.


Sames goes with player signings - surely PD has exhausted the DVDs from last season now and those clean slates ahead of playing staff returning next week have been dirtied somewhat?! No rumour, no "names" in the yoghurt aisle of Tesco, no buzz of excitement or tantalising interviews to justify the LP subscription fees. Even the titbit I received regarding Sheehan has gone cold (good news maybe?).


The return of the players next Monday may herald a glut of interviews, photos, news and rumour on the OS and OWTB but until then it's a drag. We have England against Germany on Sunday and a potential Italy early exit today but I want some news from my first love and not my mistress.



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What was the Sheehan rumour? For it's worth if we could pull it off he would be a cracking signing! Our fourth best player last season, and he was only here a month, says it all I think.


I heard from someone at LUFC that we had been in discussions with him as he's being released. They have to be kept informed for registration purposes. Not a definite signing but some interesting news all the same.


Incidentally, what's so wrong about Keep the Faith as a our motto? More apt now I reckon with a new manager at helm, years of under-achieving and a new era/approach that could well succeed. I'm keeping the faith that next season might just be the one.

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i went to the latics shop the other day and spoke to one of the staff - apparently the "new" assistant manager has been at latics already for a little while but it cant be announced until july 1st as the person in question is still in contract with another club.


i'm just happy to hear that the players are raring to go as heart in the game was a one of the major problems i thought last season so thats gotta be a plus for my excitement for the new season!!!!


keep the faith

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Keep the Faith: To continue to maintain a certain state of strong belief, or have complete confidence in the method, plan or persons in question.


When one starts to question or doubt the methods, plans and persons involved, when the confidence isn't there - one struggles to uphold the motto.

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Keep the Faith: To continue to maintain a certain state of strong belief, or have complete confidence in the method, plan or persons in question.


When one starts to question or doubt the methods, plans and persons involved, when the confidence isn't there - one struggles to uphold the motto.

it presumes that we are in a negative predicament, adding further to the idea of us being a small club

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