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Would there be interest in this sort of thing?

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for £30 you get a free-ticket to a game of your choice and three £5 off vouchers for other home games. A great way to attract the stayaways back I reckon. What's everyone think and what do the lapsed/floaters/hardup amongst us think?



Huddersfield Memebership Scheme


A great idea! However, there is quite simply no way the club will risk losing money with such a scheme :disappointed:

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Anything .... getting people in now while the football's good makes absolute sense!


Based on full price RRE that offer's worth £75 for 4 games; it might need to be pitched slightly cheaper. Against advance tickets it's £69 for 4 games.


It would also be good if Latics could identify which supporters have had vouchers and not used them, in order to remarket them later in the season.


I really do think that they should be hammering out season tickets and 10 match tickets right now though. There is an opportunity while it feels good and I'm not convinced that they're taking it.

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TBH however you play the money off schemes they don't seem to have had a great take-up with us except when it's free. I've made the point before that we should look to get people into the big games, not the rubbish ones, it's not like we will run out of seats anyway. Hope we keep plugging away with the attempts anyway, there's no saying that it doesn't result in bringing some regulars back which is worth a lot of money over the long term. Just please not for the dismal games in gloomy winter against crap teams. Or do that as well but let them get into an enjoyable game first ;)

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TBH however you play the money off schemes they don't seem to have had a great take-up with us except when it's free. I've made the point before that we should look to get people into the big games, not the rubbish ones, it's not like we will run out of seats anyway. Hope we keep plugging away with the attempts anyway, there's no saying that it doesn't result in bringing some regulars back which is worth a lot of money over the long term. Just please not for the dismal games in gloomy winter against crap teams. Or do that as well but let them get into an enjoyable game first ;)


Slightly disagree. True when we are playing badly the money off schemes do seem to do badly. However, as things are going now I do believe such a scheme as above, although pitched slightly cheaper, may just tempt back the ones who are wavering at the moment! :grin:

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I think they should be letting under 13s or something in free while the football is good, so they get the bug and demand to their parents that they get taken.


Maybe the club could look at letting under 13s in free during August every season. There is loads of ideas out there but I suppose it really depends on just how tight the budget and finances are!

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I think they should be letting under 13s or something in free while the football is good, so they get the bug and demand to their parents that they get taken.


Maybe the club could look at letting under 13s in free during August every season. There is loads of ideas out there but I suppose it really depends on just how tight the budget and finances are!

I’m going to sound like a right old man after this (and I’m really not!) but; whilst I’m all for any kids in for free deals – for me they need to be seated in 1 specific area of the ground; not just a cart blanche ‘in for free anywhere’.

If they had an area to the left of the RRE or the like; then I say why not. With the hope of them getting hooked and then wanting to come back after the offer ends when its normal rate etc.


However, I know I; and those around me; would be pretty darn peed off with a load of screaming; squealing kids all around us during the game. Flap cap sounding I know but I’m sure many others would feel the same.


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something stood out to me at charlton and it made me think why dont we do that. they anounced season tickets were no longer on sale but the new 18 game season tacket starting mid september will be on sale from next week.

This is exactly the sort of thing that should be promoted throughout the season.

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A great idea! However, there is quite simply no way the club will risk losing money with such a scheme :disappointed:


£30 + 3 x £15 = £75 for 4 games. They currently offer 4 games for £72 (4 x £18), so they are already risking it and have been for years. The attitude you've shown is pretty sad really.


Personally I think they should do big games for standard price and include 3/4/5 vouchers for a few quid off games, Maybe 5 vouchers for £3 off if you pay on the day, or if bought in advance. Pick 3 games a season for that sort of offer, doesn't get low enough to beat the proce per game for a ST, so shouldn't be a problem there, should see a few people attend extra games.

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On the other hand, instead of devaluing the product with discounts, keep putting on a show and people will willingly pay full price for it.


exactly - attractive, exciting football is the only reason crowds will ever increase at Boundary Park.


it doesn't even have to be winning attractive, exciting football

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On the other hand, instead of devaluing the product with discounts, keep putting on a show and people will willingly pay full price for it.


If only it was as simple as that I'm afraid the problem of falling attendances is an issue across the game in general particularly in the Championship for example Preston decided to categorise the matches this season and as a result the game against Pompey attracted Preston's lowest crowd for 11 years, Middlesborough had their lowest crowd ever crowd at the Riverside, Leicester, Palace, Coventry, Wednesday and Bristol City have seen a decline in their average attendances of around 5k in the last few years. Another issue is that the clubs don't want to take the risk in lowering ticket prices as Policing/Stewarding costs are higher now than they have ever been and because of this the clubs won't see the a decent enough return in revenue for it to be worthwhile. So yes last season was awful to watch and it did play the biggest factor in the drop in attendances but I do think there are other factors which came with it which resulted in the decline over the past few years and it's going to take more than a winning team to buck the trend. I think we're just one of many victims of the modern game but as long as the FA have their TV and sponsorship deals running the game as a business rather than a sport then they couldn't give a toss about the real fans.

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As an example, if someone from London did take up the offer of £28 for a ticket plus 2 £5 vouchers (i've changed it for example sake or it doesn't work for my final statement), and they only managed (time permitting) to get to 1 match then they have just got £8 more out of the guy than a normal ticket. If they come to all 3 matches they will have saved their own pockets a tiny amount, but its extra cash in the clubs kitty and an extra bum on a seat which you mightn't have had before.


Also, there is the human-nature thing whereby if you have a voucher for something you are compelled to use it, so instead of spending the normal £20 you'd give the club £58 instead just so you'd feel you got the value out of your vouchers.

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