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Scouting Missions this weekend

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Well, from the article on the official – PD’s optimistic that we’re going to be around next season – he was out this weekend looking at potential transfer targets!!





I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to work out that they will undoubtedly be free transfer ones; players at clubs who’s deals up in the summer. As there were no Championship fixtures; we can safely assume that they were players from fellow L1 sides; or sides in either L2 or Blue Square Prem.


I wonder who they were? And; I wonder if one of them was a goal scoring striker????????

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Just read on news page that Dickov was out scouting at the weekend for next year.This sounds quite positive to me with so much talk of players not getting paid, were being sold off/ admin etc.Surely this gives us an insight to the true mentality of the club.


Anybody have any ideas who he was watching?Hope it was not has beens he was watching.

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Just read on news page that Dickov was out scouting at the weekend for next year.This sounds quite positive to me with so much talk of players not getting paid, were being sold off/ admin etc.Surely this gives us an insight to the true mentality of the club.


Anybody have any ideas who he was watching?Hope it was not has beens he was watching.


Given the level of financial difficulty we're in I have it on good authority that the player Dickov was scouting are as follows:-


'Smudger' Smith a lethal from half a yard striker from the Dog and Duck

'Slogger' Todd a thug of a center-half from the Duke of Edinburgh

'Big' Dave - The Red Lion's keeper


All will come for free beer after the match (except Big Dave, he's on a diet so drinking Skinny Lattes) and a lift home, they've even got their own boots and shinnies - although BIg Dave's gloves are getting a bit tatty and he really could do with the next size up of 'Keeper Shirt…none of 'em can do Tuesday nights though due to their curfews and 'Slogger' is still wearing a tag and will be until the summer of 2012…done deals i'm told….

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Just read on news page that Dickov was out scouting at the weekend for next year.This sounds quite positive to me with so much talk of players not getting paid, were being sold off/ admin etc.Surely this gives us an insight to the true mentality of the club.


Anybody have any ideas who he was watching?Hope it was not has beens he was watching.


It could just be a good PR stunt, he would be watching players with half a chance of us having a club nect season. Doesn't fill me with any confidence in all honsety. Seems a bit of a non story.

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