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Player share meeting

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Dear all


Our next player share meeting is planned next week and I am wondering if anyone on this forum would like to bring anything to the table with regards too:


Raising funds

Raising our profile



Reasons why you don't contribute (besides the economic situation) - What stops you?



Don't forget two dates to stick in your diaries with regards to up and coming fundraising events and if you can support us would be great:


Race night at the Rifle Range pub on Sat 9th July

Night walk from Bramall Lane to BP on the eve of our first home game - August the 5th. - As I am doing this I would like an ambulance on standby at BP please about lunchtime with new feet.


C.Hill12 I have PM'd you on here with regards to attending the meeting


Thanks in advance for you suggestions everyone


Enjoy the sun and get your factor 50000000 on





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How many miles is the Night Walk? Route? can you please let me know. I will TRY to help IF POSSIBLE as likely just up road in Sheffield.


Hiya Hallam, I know Latics Lee is main contact for this but he is sunning himself in sunny Portugal until next week.


I believe the route is just over 36 miles and we set off from Bramall lane about 19.00hrs on the friday night, the route takes us via the snake pass and into glossop. ETA at BP for about mid-day, the day of the match.


I think Lee is organising a mini-bus/van to be with us as we will need plenty of water along the way and we are planning a couple of breaks to. The bus/wan is also there in case someone need a rest or me, oxygen.


I am hoping to grab Lee sometime next week with regards to sponsorship and how "we" can all pull it together, whether we have one form to do it on, or a website like "just giving" for our cause/future fundraising.


However, you don't have to do this specifically for the playershare. If you or any other fan have a cause close to your heart then please, use this event to raise the money. I think Jacko/Jez is doing this and my other half is "umming and arring" whether to do it for help the heroes. I think there is about 16 of us on board at the mo


Hopefully, Latics Lee will expand a bit more on it, however I think he is trying to kill me by getting me involved...hmmmm...biggrin.gif


anything else, just throw me a line any time



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I believe the route is just over 36 miles and we set off from Bramall lane about 19.00hrs on the friday night, the route takes us via the snake pass and into glossop. ETA at BP for about mid-day, the day of the match.


I admire those intending to undertake this walk, but have serious doubts about the safety of walking the Snake Pass in the dark, even with escort vehicles.


This is what it looks like in the daytime:

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I admire those intending to undertake this walk, but have serious doubts about the safety of walking the Snake Pass in the dark, even with escort vehicles.


This is what it looks like in the daytime:

least when we did ours from southport to oldham we could use paths...very suprised the police has allowed it actually....


how about keyrings???

mobile phone cases

tax disc holders

maybe t shirts of some kind

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I don't have many answers to your question chaps yet, I am going to grab Lee at some point,, maybe at the race night next Saturday to discuss thoroughly. Before alcohol kicks in too.


Yes I don't fancy being road kill on the eve of the season as it would really would mess things up.


Safety is paramount and Police/highway people should be informed.


TBA everyone and thanks for your offers too



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least when we did ours from southport to oldham we could use paths...very suprised the police has allowed it actually....


how about keyrings???

mobile phone cases

tax disc holders

maybe t shirts of some kind


Re keyrings, mobile phone cases, tax disc holders etc


The supplier of the PLAYER SHARE badges currently available may be able to supply these and other novelty items using the same design


If there is genuine interest I will follow up


I have already asked for a price for pens which if sold will not generate much revenue but may help to promote what the Trust is trying to achieve


Obviously these matters will be raised at the forthcoming meeting (coming Wednesday)

Edited by another fan
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Dear all


Our next player share meeting is planned next week and I am wondering if anyone on this forum would like to bring anything to the table with regards too:


Raising funds

Raising our profile



Reasons why you don't contribute (besides the economic situation) - What stops you?



Don't forget two dates to stick in your diaries with regards to up and coming fundraising events and if you can support us would be great:


Race night at the Rifle Range pub on Sat 9th July

Night walk from Bramall Lane to BP on the eve of our first home game - August the 5th. - As I am doing this I would like an ambulance on standby at BP please about lunchtime with new feet.


C.Hill12 I have PM'd you on here with regards to attending the meeting


Thanks in advance for you suggestions everyone


Enjoy the sun and get your factor 50000000 on






Got your pm thanx. Will be able to confirm my attendence tommorow.

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I recently terminated my membership for personal reasons.


3 Suggestions for you:-


I wrote an email tendering my resignation and never received a reply. I suggest that if others drop out that the hand of friendship is extended by the committee to find out why.


I have made this suggestion at least twice and I think that it really cojuld bear fruit. Challenge every current member to find one other member. Have this challenge say every three years. If you have 100 members, over 10 years you could be looking at real growth...


Have bi-monthly quizzes at pubs in various parts of the Boro - get the landlord to provide free food and sell lottery tickets.

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I don't have many answers to your question chaps yet, I am going to grab Lee at some point,, maybe at the race night next Saturday to discuss thoroughly. Before alcohol kicks in too.


Yes I don't fancy being road kill on the eve of the season as it would really would mess things up.


Safety is paramount and Police/highway people should be informed.


TBA everyone and thanks for your offers too




How many people are taking part in the night walk? I could be tempted to join in the fun! Safety in numbers and all!

Edited by laticsmad
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Hi People,


I have seen some of the concerns about the route etc for the walk. The police has confirmed that we can do this walk and it is like cross country. We HAVE to walk around about 6 feet away from the road and everyone will have a tourch and high visable vest which was advisable from the police.


Hallam please contact me regarding what you mentioned with help as we need as much as possible.

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Re keyrings, mobile phone cases, tax disc holders etc


The supplier of the PLAYER SHARE badges currently available may be able to supply these and other novelty items using the same design


If there is genuine interest I will follow up


I have already asked for a price for pens which if sold will not generate much revenue but may help to promote what the Trust is trying to achieve


Obviously these matters will be raised at the forthcoming meeting (coming Wednesday)




Thanks Jan I will stick these suggestions on the agenda - TBA, are you popping in on Weds?

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I recently terminated my membership for personal reasons.


3 Suggestions for you:-


I wrote an email tendering my resignation and never received a reply. I suggest that if others drop out that the hand of friendship is extended by the committee to find out why.


I have made this suggestion at least twice and I think that it really cojuld bear fruit. Challenge every current member to find one other member. Have this challenge say every three years. If you have 100 members, over 10 years you could be looking at real growth...


Have bi-monthly quizzes at pubs in various parts of the Boro - get the landlord to provide free food and sell lottery tickets.




Hiya Alex, I am sorry to hear you have cancelled, but must admit in the current climate it's getting hard for us as a family too.


I am quite new to the committee but I am quite keen that every fan who contacts us should be given feedback. So I will stick it on the agenda with regards to methods of communication, timely response etc. May I ask which email address you sent your resignation too? You can pm me if it is easier.


Like the challenge bit, your a member - find a member and the pub quiz across latics friendly pubs has just been suggested by fan up the ladder too (great minds eh)


I have had some ideas pm'd me already - thanks everyone, and I have put them on the agenda and will give feedback to all on here etc.

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Hi People,


I have seen some of the concerns about the route etc for the walk. The police has confirmed that we can do this walk and it is like cross country. We HAVE to walk around about 6 feet away from the road and everyone will have a tourch and high visable vest which was advisable from the police.


Lee, when you say "like cross country" re the police, do they know you intend to walk the A57 Snake Pass road, because there isn't a distance of 6 feet from the road on which you can walk - see the videos posted above.


Some advice from the Highway Code:

Organised walks. Large groups of people walking together should use a pavement if available; if one is not, they should keep to the left. Look-outs should be positioned at the front and back of the group, and they should wear fluorescent clothes in daylight and reflective clothes in the dark. At night, the look-out in front should show a white light and the one at the back a red light. People on the outside of large groups should also carry lights and wear reflective clothing.


Other advice on night walking


I'm full of admiration and doubt. Best of luck and stay safe!

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Hi People,


I have seen some of the concerns about the route etc for the walk. The police has confirmed that we can do this walk and it is like cross country. We HAVE to walk around about 6 feet away from the road and everyone will have a tourch and high visable vest which was advisable from the police.


Hallam please contact me regarding what you mentioned with help as we need as much as possible.


Your back...Yipee.......I had to be an adult and try and answer questions...doh!!......hallam PM'd me on here with other details and a generous donation from himself and his dad too I will CC you into it.


I am off work this week Lee so give me a call if you can or we can meet up to discuss the finer details further. Playershare meeting is at the Rifle range at 7.15 this Weds if your free and want to come to meet the team etc.


Hope your did not crimp too badly on holiday






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I'm amused that it would so much as even occur to anybody to consult the police ahead of going for a long walk. In fact if I were to do so, which I wouldn't, I would be stuck for how to broach the subject without sounding like a cocky so and so.







Seems like he has stitch -see below copied from an earlier post.....if he hasn't and i am arrested with 16 others and we miss the bloody game, I will "unleash hell".


Hi People,


I have seen some of the concerns about the route etc for the walk. The police has confirmed that we can do this walk and it is like cross country. We HAVE to walk around about 6 feet away from the road and everyone will have a tourch and high visable vest which was advisable from the police.


Hallam please contact me regarding what you mentioned with help as we need as much as possible.

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