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The changing face of Latics fans

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You have to admire any young person who becomes ad Oldham fan & sticks with our boys. The richest club on the planet & the most succesful Premier League teams on our doorsteps , all the ribbing they must take off mates & at school.Far too easy to go with the majority.

These kids are made of the right stuff .

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The tide is turning!


Just tonight my 22 bro asked me if i was goin Latics this weekend and how much it was because he would come (if it wasn't too expensive). This is on the back of the City boys signing today and Kuqi's performances. Just shows what a bit of class can do. Guna try and get him in as under 16...

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I started going to Boundary Park in 2001, ten years of third-division football and still I love the place :lol:


Games like the ones away at Goodison make it all worth while.

Good thread and good post

The fans of our illustrious neighbours will never know the feeling of that Goodison win, though I do acknowledge that older City fans must have come close in their win over Utd. But a lot of them at least secretly and not so secretly believe they should beat Utd now

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Excellent post. I hate it when the younger fans are criticised. Like you say, they've experienced hardly anything 'good' of note and yet they keep turning up. God bless em. :applause1:



My 12yr old grandson is a RED. BUT for the last 2 seasons he has been coming to Oldham for quite a few games, because he will never get to go to UTD. As a pretty good little footballer himself,There is nothing better than the thrill of a live game.

He is absolutly ecstatic, that his mum has just agreed that him and his mate can have a season ticket. Hi 1st call was to me, to see if I knew if there are half season tickets available for part of his xmas present.

The conversations we have are quality,I took him to preston last week, and he loved every minute of it. It was a good game though!

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I started going to Boundary Park in 2001, ten years of third-division football and still I love the place :lol:


Games like the ones away at Goodison make it all worth while.


Although the younger fans did not experience the 'glory years', those who were at Goodison were privileged to witness the greatest result in the Club's history, in terms of the number of league places between the two clubs.


Whilst reliving the 'glory years' may seem like a pipedream, the F.A. Cup still provides the opportunity to relive the Goodison-type experience, feed the appetite of the young generation of supporters and build on our diminishing fanbase.

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My 12yr old grandson is a RED. BUT for the last 2 seasons he has been coming to Oldham for quite a few games, because he will never get to go to UTD. As a pretty good little footballer himself,There is nothing better than the thrill of a live game.

He is absolutly ecstatic, that his mum has just agreed that him and his mate can have a season ticket. Hi 1st call was to me, to see if I knew if there are half season tickets available for part of his xmas present.

The conversations we have are quality,I took him to preston last week, and he loved every minute of it. It was a good game though!

It's the only way we're going to continue as a club - we have to get them to the club young; and do our upmost to keep them coming back. I not sure we do enough; well - I'm actually pretty sure we don't, to try to attract new young fans to the club.

Going back 20-25years - I remember getting free tickets to games, and promotions that my Dad & his mate were able to take advantage of that meant they brought me & my school mate along to games - it got us going and it went from there. Does that happen these days?


Fair play to the RRE kids - yep they make me cringe 99% of the time with their songs, goading of the away fans and general behaviour - but you know what, all power to them for actually choosing to come to support Oldham and not taking the easy option of United or City. It's a strange one when you actually think about it, our 3 sided sh1te-hole to watch L1 football or a Prem League ground, with World Class players to watch Premier League football - or more to the point the sofa and Sky games & Match of the Day. Fair play to them that they choose Oldham.

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I remember getting free tickets to games, and promotions that my Dad & his mate were able to take advantage of that meant they brought me & my school mate along to games - it got us going and it went from there. Does that happen these days?

While it might take a bit of effort in the logistics, a really fantastic offer would be to give away 1,000 free half-season tickets to kids.


"Collect 3 vouchers in the Advertiser between now and early December and bring two photos etc to the ticket office to sign up for Boundary Blues".


£25,000 given away (well, not really); 1,000 new kids on board (I'll cope with the high pitched chanting) and hopefully they'll bring full paying adults with them and renew again next season.


I'm sure there's an odd flaw in the plan, but something radical could really boost the future fanbase.

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While it might take a bit of effort in the logistics, a really fantastic offer would be to give away 1,000 free half-season tickets to kids.


"Collect 3 vouchers in the Advertiser between now and early December and bring two photos etc to the ticket office to sign up for Boundary Blues".


£25,000 given away (well, not really); 1,000 new kids on board (I'll cope with the high pitched chanting) and hopefully they'll bring full paying adults with them and renew again next season.


I'm sure there's an odd flaw in the plan, but something radical could really boost the future fanbase.

I'm sure something like that would get us coverage in the press; national press I mean not just the Chron & M.E.N - generate interest and stimulate debate.

It's always puzzled me why we don't appear to speculate to accumulate. The noises from the club always tend to be of a 'poor us, nobody comes anymore' rather than trying something new & innovative to try to halt that and bring in more fans for now & the future

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I'm sure something like that would get us coverage in the press; national press I mean not just the Chron & M.E.N - generate interest and stimulate debate.



It's always puzzled me why we don't appear to speculate to accumulate. The noises from the club always tend to be of a 'poor us, nobody comes anymore' rather than trying something new & innovative to try to halt that and bring in more fans for now & the future

I do think they try. But I think something radical is much needed. I really think a free half-season ticket for kids is a brilliant offer. The question is, do you do it now or when this shiny new stand arrives? Or do both!


Ah, about that new stand ... any news?

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Here's my latest blog looking at the new (or maybe not so new) generation of Latics fans.


The future of the club


Excellent blog,my mates lad was one of these lads and he is Latics through and through like his Dad,misses the odd game through playing Cricket at a good standard but there's only one team for him.

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