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Trialist A (the new curly hair one)

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crap player with long hair.


As stated elsewhere - why the HELL do we trial players who will want a big wage??!!!


waste of our time and their time.


We need a Leon Clarke type of player - a presence in the box and someone who can move a bit as well. Smith has the height but aint got a level of pace or movement to react in the box.


Taylor certainly looks promising but again he will need time.


LW and a PROPER striker still needed, with smith and taylor adequate backup.


Also, as much of a trier Byrne is, he aint a RB for me - constantly giving the ball away or misplacing passes from RB. stick him in at CB in future PD. Whilst young, Brown offers us much more going forward and has pace to cover back.


And why do we look :censored: scared every time we get the ball?? the lads have the ability but we are too carless in our passing. We're working hard to win it back and then within 5 seconds of Furman/Wes having the ball they immediately look to shift it on rather than using the grass and running into the space in front of them. Also, again this season it looks like our CM's will be just sitting terriers and breaking forward at the last minute rather than instigating attacks and being confident in carrying the ball ala Wellens.


It seems its just going through Simpson and Croft all the time rather than everyone interchanging and having an attack themselves.


They have the ability - wish they would believe a little more on the ball and take their time when looking to attack - we don't need to be in the oppo box within 30 seconds of regaining the ball lads (as is the english mentality and why the national team is so :censored:e) - rather see 50 passes and a goal at the end than 10 long ball channel hoofs looking for a gap over the top only to constantly give it away.


Get the LW and ST we need in and IF everyone keeps fit for 30-40 games we could very realistically nick a playoff spot. There isn't one outstanding team this season whatsoever so it will be very intresting to see how it ends up; all the sides have relatively the same mix of players - some very decent ones, others average to lower league 1.


Sheff Utd one of the faves but in name only for me - nothing to fear from anyone this season.


KTF - playoffs are NOT a pipe-dream and CAN be achieved as notts and :censored:ty stevenage proved. We need the injuries luck - if we do then you never know.


But above all we need to KEEP THE BALL far better than we are doing and did today. Yet again Man City scored not through world class play but from another :censored: up from us giving teams their goals.


This is not meant as a rant, more in frustration at the at times very good play and work that the team puts in only to waste it by being too slow on the ball and giving it away far to easily.


KTF Playoffs are ours

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i agree with most of what shefflatic is saying one thing i think we should try is playing 4-3-3 formation keep the back four as it is for now with wes ,furman and machamaba or how ever you spell his name in the middle lol with croft , simpson and a new winger as the 3 front men or maybe putting simpson out wide and getting a natural goal scorer up top

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i agree with most of what shefflatic is saying one thing i think we should try is playing 4-3-3 formation keep the back four as it is for now with wes ,furman and machamaba or how ever you spell his name in the middle lol with croft , simpson and a new winger as the 3 front men or maybe putting simpson out wide and getting a natural goal scorer up top


Easier said than done mate but it still needs to be done, definately.

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i agree with most of what shefflatic is saying one thing i think we should try is playing 4-3-3 formation keep the back four as it is for now with wes ,furman and machamaba or how ever you spell his name in the middle lol with croft , simpson and a new winger as the 3 front men or maybe putting simpson out wide and getting a natural goal scorer up top



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i was just makeing sugestons mate i do think simpson is tons better up top or just behind the striker but do you think simpson could be that target man with work in training? hes got the footballing brain and hes been in good form this pre seasson i wouldnt put it past simpson getting 10+ this seasson but i feel we just need that leon clark type player
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i was just makeing sugestons mate i do think simpson is tons better up top or just behind the striker but do you think simpson could be that target man with work in training? hes got the footballing brain and hes been in good form this pre seasson i wouldnt put it past simpson getting 10+ this seasson but i feel we just need that leon clark type player


Sorry mate, just really think Simpson was totally wasted and a non entity when played there last season. (My comment was only about Simpson)

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<snip snip>


Get the LW and ST we need in and IF everyone keeps fit for 30-40 games we could very realistically nick a playoff spot. There isn't one outstanding team this season whatsoever so it will be very intresting to see how it ends up; all the sides have relatively the same mix of players - some very decent ones, others average to lower league 1.


Sheff Utd one of the faves but in name only for me - nothing to fear from anyone this season.


KTF - playoffs are NOT a pipe-dream and CAN be achieved as notts and :censored:ty stevenage proved. We need the injuries luck - if we do then you never know.


But above all we need to KEEP THE BALL far better than we are doing and did today. Yet again Man City scored not through world class play but from another :censored: up from us giving teams their goals.


This is not meant as a rant, more in frustration at the at times very good play and work that the team puts in only to waste it by being too slow on the ball and giving it away far to easily.


KTF Playoffs are ours


Sorry, but no we couldn't and yes they are pipe dream to the bolded bits above

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I confused by what a 'Leon Clarke type player' is supposed to be. Is this the same Leon Clarke who hasn't managed over 10 league goals in a season once in his career?


Shhhhhh Jonesy, Leon Clarke is our saviour and without him signed up we're doomed this season, doomed I tell thee.

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Shhhhhh Jonesy, Leon Clarke is our saviour and without him signed up we're doomed this season, doomed I tell thee.

The fact is we'd have better luck looking for diamonds in the rough, like Taylor could potentially turn out to be (and like players such as Billy Sharp, Gary Hooper etc have turned out to be after being released by other clubs) than players like Clarke, who 1. is known to be a disruptive influence and a bit of a pillock, and 2. isn't actually very good.

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The fact is we'd have better luck looking for diamonds in the rough, like Taylor could potentially turn out to be (and like players such as Billy Sharp, Gary Hooper etc have turned out to be after being released by other clubs) than players like Clarke, who 1. is known to be a disruptive influence and a bit of a pillock, and 2. isn't actually very good.



I've meet him, and pillock isn't the word I'd use. With such a young side, with impressionable kids a big part of the squad, I wouldn't want that complete "weapons grade bellend" anywhere near our side.


And that, word for word, can be applied for the Lee Hughes rumours too....

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