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as you may already know a group of Oldham Athletic fans(myself included, aswell as others such as James Hayes, Callum Lord and Dom Weiss) are walking almost 40 miles overnight from Boundary Park to Bramall Lane to raise money for the Meningitis Trust in the wake of the recent losses of 'ex-Latic' Dean Holden's daughter Cici to Meningitis and Latics fan Alex Williams, an ambassador for the Meningitis Trust and one of the proposed walkers. So please could you take a few minutes from your day and few pennies from your pocket to by sponsoring us via Paypal or Credit Card at www.justgiving.com/BPtoBramallLane or texting BLBP69 followed by however much you wish to donate, say '£2' to 70070. Any donation will help towards our target of a mere £500, we've already raised £181 of it 2 months before the walk and we all want to smash it. The walk will take place overnight from the 12th October to the 13th where we will then watch the Latics take on Sheffield United hoping for a repeat of last season's 2nd half heroics! I will try to tweet as much throughout the walk from my Twitter account about whereabouts and activities. Below is the poster for the event and I would really appreciate it if you could print out the image and place it in your house windows or workplaces and just get the awareness of this out there, there has been great success in the Latics4Life initiative and I hope we can replicate that for the Meningitis Trust.



Edited by iamjonesyyoafc
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Hi guys, Im alex williams dad and i would like to do this alongside 8 of my friends (who are also latics fans) in memory of Alex and to raise money for a excellent charity that is very close to my heart how do we register for this ?

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Good luck with this, I have just donated its only small but hope to make another donation end of the month and gift aid as well


Im sure that Sheffield United have a forum like this maybe worth putting it on there if so might get a few quid more or who knows maybe even a few Blades fans could do the walk with you?

Edited by laticdickovarmy
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Despite my clear lack of fitness, the issue for me, and a few others that put and end to the walk was blisters. I'm not sure what can be done, but I had special sweat-repelling socks, proper woolen walking socks on and proper walking boots, but had blisters on the soles of both feet a few inches across - and I really am a girl with a low pain threshold. Trying to stand on blisters when you can feel the liquid inside swishing about really did make me want to vom.


I'd see what you can do to harden your feet up if possible before the walk!

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Good luck to all involved.


Without wanting to be picky I would suggest a rewording of the flyer - it probably shouldn't read 'in memory of ex-Latics captain Dean Holden'. Also 'losing' - one 'o'. Again, not meant to sound pedantic but may as well get it right!


Good luck once again.

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I have no idea how I managed to get no blisters wearing a pair of adidas predators!

Once when I was on DofE a Scout leader said that applying methalated(?) spirit everyday for 2 weeks before the walk, apparently it hardens the soles of your feet but I'm not sure whether or not it works as I've never tried it but I don't see why he'd lie!

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He laughed his head off at thought of drinking it.... small bottle of vladivar £10 soaked for 20 mins after washing 10 days. he said its well known???? sterile and stops any bacteria, meths works the same just smells more. Kept vodka in a plastic tub and just kept pouring over feet??? all sounds a bit weird but hes a tough lad who can live off land if needed. ps he gave the vodka to his best mate at end of routine.......!!!!!!!!!

Given how many old soldiers tell you to piss in your boots, talk of drinking it is getting weird :drinking45: Personally I think you have lucky feet or you don't. I am prone to most things but never had a blister in my life, and never did much beyond turning my dirty socks over and washing them. Finding a pair of shoes or boots that you have done 50+ miles in and are comfortable in how you stride would be a good help though. I kept on in a pair that I grew maybe half a size out of because they still fitted my feet better than I thought a new pair would do.
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Given how many old soldiers tell you to piss in your boots, talk of drinking it is getting weird :drinking45: Personally I think you have lucky feet or you don't. I am prone to most things but never had a blister in my life, and never did much beyond turning my dirty socks over and washing them. Finding a pair of shoes or boots that you have done 50+ miles in and are comfortable in how you stride would be a good help though. I kept on in a pair that I grew maybe half a size out of because they still fitted my feet better than I thought a new pair would do.

fair enough, ive got mine from my Silver DofE so I'll wear them, done about 30/40k in I think on various terrains so I should be okay, got blisters but that was carrying a massive bag on my bag so I should be okay!


He laughed his head off at thought of drinking it.... small bottle of vladivar £10 soaked for 20 mins after washing 10 days. he said its well known???? sterile and stops any bacteria, meths works the same just smells more. Kept vodka in a plastic tub and just kept pouring over feet??? all sounds a bit weird but hes a tough lad who can live off land if needed. ps he gave the vodka to his best mate at end of routine.......!!!!!!!!!


THATS HILARIOUS hahhahaha!! I might just do that with my dad;) so you're saying he used the same bottle and just poured some over his feet each night for 10 days? would I not be better off just soaking them in a bucket of vodka/spirit and then storing it for reuse?

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