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Guest sheridans_world
lol it really is a threadkiller! Something tells me that we're the only 2 Harry Potter geeks on this forum. It wasn't that long ago since I read Half-Blood Prince so I'm not bothering to read them again. Well can't wait for the next one to come out though.

More geekiness: I usually find that with the new HP books, I just spend the entire day sitting in my room doing nothing but reading, sometimes even forgetting to eat or summat. Hows that for sad?


Well i can raise you on that one. When the half-blood prince came out i was on holiday in Australia. I bought it and then read it in two days flat... think i should have enjoyed the sights more???


Edit: You do realise that because i have now posted all this, it will come back to haunt me at every game next season, not to mention the pub on Tuesday!

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Well i can raise you on that one. When the half-blood prince came out i was on holiday in Australia. I bought it and then read it in two days flat... think i should have enjoyed the sights more???


Edit: You do realise that because i have now posted all this, it will come back to haunt me at every game next season, not to mention the pub on Tuesday!


lol I can't beat that. I usually get in that kinda state when I have a particularly good book to read. Just finished one called 'A Death in Vienna' by Daniel Silva and I thought it was such a good book! It was about the reprecussions of the Holocaust so being a history freak, it was just my cup of tea :)

Got nothing to read now though but there's no point in starting anything until after I've read the next HP

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lol nah it's not geeky. I can't wait for it either - and erm this is embarrassing that I'm actually doing this but I'm actually gonna go to Waterstones in Manchester with a couple of mates and que up just to buy it.

I hope Dumbledore comes back somehow cos I well don't think he's really dead. I saw the film on Saturday and it was kind of a letdown if you're a massive fan of the books cos they miss so much stuff out!


Saw the film last night, and have to say it was fantastic.. perfect direction, amazing special effects, and it got the pace exactly right.... the big problem with the Goblet of Fire was that it got this all wrong, for example - the quidditch world cup... why on earth was this cut virtually entirely... and so many terrible school based scenes left in...


The order of the phoenix was perfect, got rid of all the pointlessness that made the book easily the worst in the series - i.e the Owls (hundreds of pointless pages about them revising)... Searching for the right door in the ministry of Magic (again 50 or so pages)... the visit to the hospital (a pointless plt detour for no reason)... and made the film dark, menacing, and very fast moving... in what could have been an absolute hash of a conversion if it followed the text.... the bit at the end in the minisrty is simply fantastic.... as were the bits with Dumbledore's army...


The order of the Phoenix is an overwritten and poor book in companrison to the others, the only one that shows self indulgence... but the film wipes this out and makes a difficult linking plot of a film/book into a really brilliant spectacle.... none of the bits that were omitted were either needed or wanted...


... and yes... is you want a bigger Potter geek... look no further...

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Guest sheridans_world
lol I can't beat that. I usually get in that kinda state when I have a particularly good book to read. Just finished one called 'A Death in Vienna' by Daniel Silva and I thought it was such a good book! It was about the reprecussions of the Holocaust so being a history freak, it was just my cup of tea :)

Got nothing to read now though but there's no point in starting anything until after I've read the next HP


Do you like murder books? Lol, i like all the blood and violence...hmmm, tell you something about me?


Anyway here are some title's i have read latley.


The Rosary Girls - Brilliant book, really enjoyed it.


Karin Slaughter - Blindsighted, Kisscut, Indelible and Faithless. All very good books


Angels and Demons - Dan Brown, far better than the Dan Vinci code. Digital Fortress - This is also worth a look.


The Labyrinth - By Kate Mosse is also a very good read, changes between 12th century France and present day, being a history geek you might like it.

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Guest sheridans_world
Saw the film last night, and have to say it was fantastic.. perfect direction, amazing special effects, and it got the pace exactly right.... the big problem with the Goblet of Fire was that it got this all wrong, for example - the quidditch world cup... why on earth was this cut virtually entirely... and so many terrible school based scenes left in...


The order of the phoenix was perfect, got rid of all the pointlessness that made the book easily the worst in the series - i.e the Owls (hundreds of pointless pages about them revising)... Searching for the right door in the ministry of Magic (again 50 or so pages)... the visit to the hospital (a pointless plt detour for no reason)... and made the film dark, menacing, and very fast moving... in what could have been an absolute hash of a conversion if it followed the text.... the bit at the end in the minisrty is simply fantastic.... as were the bits with Dumbledore's army...


The order of the Phoenix is an overwritten and poor book in companrison to the others, the only one that shows self indulgence... but the film wipes this out and makes a difficult linking plot of a film/book into a really brilliant spectacle.... none of the bits that were omitted were either needed or wanted...


... and yes... is you want a bigger Potter geek... look no further...




You being a Potter geek doesnt actually suprise me for some reason....

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So, SW, too busy to answer your phone to me and sort out my techie questions, but not too busy to talk about Harry Potter. AND......... trip to get a HP book on Saturday. Have you forgotten what day Saturday is?! :o



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Guest sheridans_world
So, SW, too busy to answer your phone to me and sort out my techie questions, but not too busy to talk about Harry Potter. AND......... trip to get a HP book on Saturday. Have you forgotten what day Saturday is?! :o




Not your birthday is it? :wink:

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I didn't really think the hospital part was a pointless detour because it introduced us to Neville's parents and stuff.

Yeah I agree the revising stuff was a bit boring in the book and it got a bit repetative going through all the random doors in the ministry so that was right to be left out of the film but there was loads of stuff I was looking forward to seeing in the film like all the Quidditch matches, Hagrids tale and all the stuff that happens at Sirius's house. The film didn't really do Kreacher justice either because I didn't get the feeling that he loathed Sirius as much as is described in the book.


And S_W, out of the books you've mentioned, I've only read Angels and Demons and I thought that was such a brilliant book, definately better than the Da Vinci Code.


A couple of books I particularly enjoyed where 'The Lost Army of Cambyses' and 'The Last Secret of the Temple' by Paul Sussman. Again, both murder books but they both cover so much like terrorism, illegal antiques dealing, the whole Israel/Palestine thing etc but they both cover loads of historical stuff like ancient Egypt, the Crusades as well as the Holocaust

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Guest sheridans_world
I know I'm speshul, but no, I don't have 2 birthdays a year.




Lol, i know i know! I'll go and get it at like twelveish anyway!



*goes and sits in corner and starts rocking*

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I didn't really think the hospital part was a pointless detour because it introduced us to Neville's parents and stuff.

Yeah I agree the revising stuff was a bit boring in the book and it got a bit repetative going through all the random doors in the ministry so that was right to be left out of the film but there was loads of stuff I was looking forward to seeing in the film like all the Quidditch matches, Hagrids tale and all the stuff that happens at Sirius's house. The film didn't really do Kreacher justice either because I didn't get the feeling that he loathed Sirius as much as is described in the book.


And S_W, out of the books you've mentioned, I've only read Angels and Demons and I thought that was such a brilliant book, definately better than the Da Vinci Code.


A couple of books I particularly enjoyed where 'The Lost Army of Cambyses' and 'The Last Secret of the Temple' by Paul Sussman. Again, both murder books but they both cover so much like terrorism, illegal antiques dealing, the whole Israel/Palestine thing etc but they both cover loads of historical stuff like ancient Egypt, the Crusades as well as the Holocaust


I'm sure you will prob find the Hospital bit on the extras on the DVD.. it is good, with the whole hints that it could be nev not harry whom the prophecy is about... but it is ultimately proved wrong, so therefore pointless.... and the stuff with nevs parents is covered well, but quickly... you are right about Kreacher though, and the whole topic of the bloodlines is not really covered... but that is proper Wizard geekery! ... You have to remmeber the book is the longest... so is bound to be heavily cut....


Angels and Demons is fantastic... and everyone forgets is the prequel to the Da Vinci code.... essentially the latter is the same plotline rehashed... but the last 100 pages of angels and demons are some of the best I have ever read in a coffee table thriller... Digital fortress is also very good.... very different, as it can get a bit geeky, but still better than the DVC...

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I'm sure you will prob find the Hospital bit on the extras on the DVD.. it is good, with the whole hints that it could be nev not harry whom the prophecy is about... but it is ultimately proved wrong, so therefore pointless.... and the stuff with nevs parents is covered well, but quickly... you are right about Kreacher though, and the whole topic of the bloodlines is not really covered... but that is proper Wizard geekery! ... You have to remmeber the book is the longest... so is bound to be heavily cut....


Angels and Demons is fantastic... and everyone forgets is the prequel to the Da Vinci code.... essentially the latter is the same plotline rehashed... but the last 100 pages of angels and demons are some of the best I have ever read in a coffee table thriller... Digital fortress is also very good.... very different, as it can get a bit geeky, but still better than the DVC...

A and D is by far the best, but don't forget tother one as well. Deception Point - different again, but very good!

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A and D is by far the best, but don't forget tother one as well. Deception Point - different again, but very good!


I've not bothered to read Deception Point or Digital Fortress yet. Probably will do at some point though.

But yeah, Angels and Demons is just one of those books that I could read over and over and not get bored of it but the Da Vinci Code bored me after I read it the second time

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You mean it's not a true story...




Hey our kid is still convinced there is something in it :blink:


Read Labyrinth and Last Secret of the Temple myself recently both excellent reads,just finished one called Shattered Icon i can recommend,switches from modern day back to Elizabethan times and through a thousand years of religious intrigue to the blood soaked Crusades and the secret location of a holy relic.Says the back of the book.


Just started one today called A Season for the Dead.Another one set in Rome around the Vatican with murders that each symbolize the death of a christian martyr.


If you like oddities as well i can also recommend Rat Scabies and the Holy Grail in which the Damneds drummer is convinced he knows the whereabouts of the Holy Grail and sods off to find it.Very very funny.The bloke is a certifiable nutter.


May be a sin punishable by death but can't stand the cult of Potter. :grin:


Oh aye and while i think about it a book called Don't tell mum i work on the oil rigs,she thinks i'm a piano player in a whorehouse.It's only a couple of hundred pages long but is worth getting for the masturbating monkey story alone B)

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Hey our kid is still convinced there is something in it :blink:


Read Labyrinth and Last Secret of the Temple myself recently both excellent reads,just finished one called Shattered Icon i can recommend,switches from modern day back to Elizabethan times and through a thousand years of religious intrigue to the blood soaked Crusades and the secret location of a holy relic.Says the back of the book.


Just started one today called A Season for the Dead.Another one set in Rome around the Vatican with murders that each symbolize the death of a christian martyr.


If you like oddities as well i can also recommend Rat Scabies and the Holy Grail in which the Damneds drummer is convinced he knows the whereabouts of the Holy Grail and sods off to find it.Very very funny.The bloke is a certifiable nutter.


May be a sin punishable by death but can't stand the cult of Potter. :grin:


I've actually got Shattered Icon myself but just not got round to reading it yet.


And I'm shocked that you can't stand Potter! :redcard:

It's great! I could read Harry Potter non-stop for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages...unlike Lord of the Rings. Oh my God, tried reading Fellowship of the Ring again a few months back and it just bored me. Too much description. No idea how I managed to get through The Silmarillion :sleeping:

Loved the Lord of the Rings films though...

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I've actually got Shattered Icon myself but just not got round to reading it yet.


And I'm shocked that you can't stand Potter! :redcard:

It's great! I could read Harry Potter non-stop for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages...unlike Lord of the Rings. Oh my God, tried reading Fellowship of the Ring again a few months back and it just bored me. Too much description. No idea how I managed to get through The Silmarillion :sleeping:

Loved the Lord of the Rings films though...

Soooooo wrong. The LOTRs films are total cack compared to the books. They could have actually told the story properly in the final one if they'd cut out an hour and a half of hobbit homo-eroticism between Sam and Frodo. And as for inventing a much bigger part for Arwen just because they'd paid Liv Tyler bucketloads to play her.... :angry::angry::angry:

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I've actually got Shattered Icon myself but just not got round to reading it yet.


And I'm shocked that you can't stand Potter! :redcard:

It's great! I could read Harry Potter non-stop for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages...unlike Lord of the Rings. Oh my God, tried reading Fellowship of the Ring again a few months back and it just bored me. Too much description. No idea how I managed to get through The Silmarillion :sleeping:

Loved the Lord of the Rings films though...


The lord of the rigs books are pathetic guff... no-one can possibly enjoy them. If you want to create platform to create a new language, dont frigging write about 3000 pages of twaddle, and hide the purpose in the middle of it as Elvish... I DONT CARE WHO STRIDER HAS MET IN THE FORREST I REALLY BLOOMIN DONT!


Tolkien was brilliant a brilliant storyteller, and linguistic genius.... but an absolutely awful writer... these books were made to be a film, as film is all about story, and the writing and the way the story is created can fortunately be forgotten.... Tolkein writes as if he has utterly forgotten his plot points, Jackson shows his genius by discovering them again...


LLyou are very, very wrong!!

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Guest sheridans_world
Soooooo wrong. The LOTRs films are total cack compared to the books. They could have actually told the story properly in the final one if they'd cut out an hour and a half of hobbit homo-eroticism between Sam and Frodo. And as for inventing a much bigger part for Arwen just because they'd paid Liv Tyler bucketloads to play her.... :angry::angry::angry:


Same with the HP films, the books are ten times better

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Soooooo wrong. The LOTRs films are total cack compared to the books. They could have actually told the story properly in the final one if they'd cut out an hour and a half of hobbit homo-eroticism between Sam and Frodo. And as for inventing a much bigger part for Arwen just because they'd paid Liv Tyler bucketloads to play her.... :angry::angry::angry:


lol the books bored the hell out of me! Was kinda bummed that they left Tom Bombadil out of the films though... I really wanted to see how he would have turned out.

But nah, I'm just not a big fan of the books. The story itself is absolutely brilliant but the books are just too much. I suppose I will try and read them again one day though.

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Guest sheridans_world
lol the books bored the hell out of me! Was kinda bummed that they left Tom Bombadil out of the films though... I really wanted to see how he would have turned out.

But nah, I'm just not a big fan of the books. The story itself is absolutely brilliant but the books are just too much. I suppose I will try and read them again one day though.


That was the first thing i noticed, i accidentally blurted it out during the film at the cinema too. 'where's Tom Bombadil?' :blush:


I know they cant make the films too long, but i think they missed quite a few things out that should have been in, not just with LOTR but also with HP

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lol the books bored the hell out of me! Was kinda bummed that they left Tom Bombadil out of the films though... I really wanted to see how he would have turned out.

But nah, I'm just not a big fan of the books. The story itself is absolutely brilliant but the books are just too much. I suppose I will try and read them again one day though.


Tom Bombadil is one of the most pointless literary creations ever.... it was a masterstroke to get rid of such apointless waste of about 200 pages... another pice of Tolkien over indulgence....


Why do you think the Tolkien family were always so reluctant for a film to be made??? Beacuse it would eventually show what a fraud the books are.... from a literary persective, they could be some of the worst that were ever written...


why they took off was students dicovering the hidden laguage and messages of elvish... not the pathetic casing of text that surrounds this...

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