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Everything posted by GKing521

  1. Just checked the score, lol. The club should fold and become a community complex really. Seriously, what is the point if you can’t give Micklrover Rovers, or whatever they’re bloody called, a go. Bring some money into the town and erase the curse of the club. We are perennial losers and will never achieve anything, ever, again.
  2. This is arguably the most humiliating result in the club's history. Sweeping it under the rug isn't the way to go about this. MM and his team need to figure out why our team crumble so easily when under the slightest bit of pressure.
  3. Unsure where in those two sentences it indicates I think we might be relegated. It's clearly a question and marked as such with a question mark.
  4. What an absolute waste of time and money then. Unsworth should have been removed from post no later than 30 minutes after the full-time whistle blew in Southend. You're right, though. The season is over and it's a damn shame.
  5. I'm sorry but they haven't won in 10. They just recently got pumped by Oxford Utd. We have a serious mentality issue.
  6. The win at Barnet means fuck all now. If you don't possess the mentality to step up and sweep aside Ebbsfleet fckn United then we really are fucked. We're stuck at this level for a very, VERY long time. Permanent losers who can't play in front of a crowd.
  7. Shambles. Total and utter shambles. This club is fucking cursed.
  8. When that doesn't go in, you know it's not your day. When will we ever figure out how to beat binman teams like these? Until we do, we're not leaving this league.
  9. Can't deal with teams being up for the game of their lives when they come to BP. Abysmal start.
  10. Happy to be proven wrong this evening. We were on the ropes until half time, and when they equalised, it looked like it would play out in a way we have seen time and time again. But it didn’t. We may actually be on to something with Mellon here. Yes, I am pleased, I actually do want us to win. Forgive me for not being enthusiastic previously for scraping draws in Division 5… Things though are starting to look VERY promising, and i’m on board.
  11. Weird, and as per, wrong. Utterly brilliant victory and full credit to the team for digging deep and producing a brilliant performance.
  12. Masterfully ignored my quick follow up. Well done, old man. Fabulous result and a clinical performance.
  13. Worked to perfection. You are most welcome everyone. One slice of humble pie please.
  14. Crying shame we can’t compete against a side that can hardly get over 1500 fans and has a mound behind the goal. Hopefully next season is better.
  15. Excellent today. Looked a league above at times. More, please.
  16. Do we need to start worrying about another potential relegation battle? Reads like we’ve created no chances, again.
  17. Shows that this football club is light years away from being 19th in League 2 What is the point, honestly? Interest in the club near 0 now. We’ve forgotten how to win consistently for about 30 years now.
  18. A mid-table result for a mid-table team in the 5th division. The road ahead is long and arduous. I’ve only just checked the score. I’m beyond envious of Chesterfield and Stockport fans. We will never have a winning team like that? Just isn’t to be.
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