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Everything posted by danoafc

  1. There is of course the possibility that Trotters doesn't actually WANT to leave. He may well be enjoying his time here and may be happy to continue to develop until either we go up/a bigger club than Plymouth come in for him. Hell, he might just not fancy being 300 miles away from his family all week. Meanwhile I agree, if he doesn't go then we must extend his contract to cover our backs.
  2. I don't think anybody hates Davies do they? Surely they are just frustrated as hell by him. I think he might be Betsy reincarnated!
  3. Fair play mate, I just feel like stuff about how the board is modded should (in certain circumstances of course) be up for public/member comment. I generally enjoy this board and I know you lot do a decent job to keep it entertaining/safe - I just don't think we should go all 'Big Brother' about things. That's all. Cheers Dan
  4. Andy, I had a PM fro, SW this morning about this - he deleted a post I put up on the issue of thread merging. If I can work out how, I'll copy you into my reply.
  5. Stop compaining BT - otherwise your post will be deleted and you'll be getting a PM asking you not to post about things like that in the main forum. You can question the way the board is moderated, only not where everybody alse can read it and have input, you have to do it in private.
  6. Don't hold your breath IC. I'm still waiting for an answer on "Of course they are in it for the land deal, but if they can provide us with a state of the art football stadium and a club which is primarily self financing as part of that deal, then what is the problem? "
  7. "And you don't possibly think that them threatening to 'pull the plug' whipped up enough outrage amongst the fans to get them to orchestrate a campaign against the council and in support of the club, to get the decision reversed? Of course they are in it for the land deal, but if they can provide us with a state of the art football stadium and a club which is primarily self financing as part of that deal, then what is the problem. " How is that any different from what Glossop Latic said? "and the dummies out debacle after porter,was that intended to 'whip up'the council?nope,thought not." You don't think they had the right to be ever so slightly miffed after the Porter debacle? Ok, I'll give you that one, so one out of two times they spat their dummies? Made sure everybody knew how they felt? After bankrolling the club to the tune of £15k for goodness knows how many weeks/months/years? Then Porter and his agent go and spunk them out of another £700k? Ok, well you keep avoiding the issues and answering the selective questions which don't ask you to provide any fibre to support your viewpoint then. I'll state again "Of course they are in it for the land deal, but if they can provide us with a state of the art football stadium and a club which is primarily self financing as part of that deal, then what is the problem?" I think it was "middle ground" you were after? Well that's about as middle ground as it gets in my view.
  8. And you don't possibly think that them threatening to 'pull the plug' whipped up enough outrage amongst the fans to get them to orchestrate a campaign against the council and in support of the club, to get the decision reversed? Of course they are in it for the land deal, but if they can provide us with a state of the art football stadium and a club which is primarily self financing as part of that deal, then what is the problem.
  9. The only people making our club look stupid in my opinion are the ones calling for yet another manager to get the boot in his 2nd season of management.
  10. Ok Jerzy (or should you be Billy......or maybe Jester?!), Is the club in a better financial position now than it was under the Chris Morre era? Yes or no. What is your issue, with the way in which the club is being run? Do you think we should be gambling the clubs future away by signing players that we can't afford? What else should TTA be doing besides funding the £xthousand pounds we are still losing weekly/monthly? If the 'lemmings are blind', perhaps you'd care to point out to us just what it is that we seem to be missing in our views? Speculate to accumulate (within your means) or boom and bust?
  11. Yeah, yeah, righto, whatever you says bossman! ..oh yeah, and that Andy Ritchie guy was a sheeeite player an all, and that Marshall and Jobson and Barrett and Palmer. Disgraceful the lot of them, and nowt you lot can do or say will convince me otherwise! *cue the abuse from the lemmings. FFS. Incidentally, a good number of us 'lemmings' stood in the rain and wind and freezing :censored:ing cold rattling buckets, (including one fairly heavily pregnant lady) being abused weekly by away fans. So forgive people if they don't share your 'disgusted' views on how this club is being run at the moment. You see, some of us remember how things were in the aftermath of the club being run by an egotistical megalomaniac who was throwing around contracts we could ill afford like confetti. If you compare that situation to the one we are in now (you'll remember I'm sure that we didn't even own our own ground at the time - thank goodness), perhaps you'll see that your "words dont describe the way this club is being run", sounds ever so slightly farcical to most.
  12. Me too Chris, I ended up having to read the post out to the lads I sit with in my office!
  13. Now THAT would be amusing. Not very good, but F***** funny all the same!
  14. Next thing we'll be talking about Carlton 'wingnut' Palmer!
  15. I'd have thought - should he go (which I don't think he will, neither do I want him to) that Mike Newell might be a more realistic bet.
  16. Fair play, haven't read the article myself. Can still shout albeit incoherently? Like father like son then?
  17. Nowt to say both wouldn't have already been cup tied Wozzer. PS: How's your old fella now? He was pretty poorly a while back wasn't he?
  18. I went down to the pre season training session at the Lancaster Club to get the missing signatures from my '28 Eyres play-off shirt' (wedding pressie from the wife) about 2 days before Carssy left, and spoke to a few of the lads. TC came walking up and I said to him, "don't sign for (whoever it was reported he was talking to) Tony and he could hardly bring himself to look up from the ground. He looked absolutley gutted - like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. I think his blistering rant at C**** M**** came a couple of days later. Top man TC, and spot on OAFC2002 about needing more of his ilk fighting for us at the minute!
  19. Quite right! Yard dogs! YARD DOGS! YAAARD DOGS! YAAAARD DOGS!!!
  20. Aye, but we can't do anything about lost points now though. We CAN avoid dropping more points. I'd agree though, that our early season form has given us something of a mountain to climb.
  21. Course it's about chucking the towel in now. The early season poor form certainly hasn't helped our cause this term, but the fact remains that if we improve our home form and try to maintain our away form, we WILL climb the league.
  22. I was kind of half watching a DVD of highlights from the 88/89 and 89/90 seasons (thanks Optional) whilst getting ready to go out yesterday and I remarked to the missus just how many headed goals we scored in those 2 seasons. There were dozens of the buggers, and she pointed out that it was simply down to the amount of crosses we put into the box from both flanks. Of course I realised that this was the case when I thought about those games and how we used to play but it wasn't half a stark reality check, simply seeing the amount of chances we tucked away from crosses into the box! Get a couple of half decent wingers and and we'll be going places.
  23. Aye, you're right Andy, it is WAY too soon to be chucking the towel in, I think I was just trying to say that it's becoming painfully apparent that we need to be performing better/converting chances at BP is we have any chance of the play-offs.
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