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Everything posted by KYLEOAFC

  1. THESE ARE THE OFFICIAL LYRICS He looks Just like David walliams Abbott Abbott He's 6ft 2 with a massive head, Abbott Abbott, Like half of England he's a pole, He gets the ball and scores a goal, Pawel Abbott Oldhams number 9!
  2. The game: Bristol City vs Latics 17-04-2006 The place: The road opposite the Rocky after the coach dropped us off! The injury: prolapsed disc causing sciatica. Well was on the coach (not the official one) And had a few too many, it was the day I discovered cheeky vimto! Anyhow my mate came to pick us up from Boundary park and I fell out of his car completely wasted and couldn’t move for 3 weeks without pain
  3. In Last weeks programne on the results page near the back it had the result of our previous game: Oldham Athletic 2 Oldham Athletic 1, See we even managed to loose against ourselves lol
  4. Right, As one of these so called Loyal fans who goes to every home game and every away game I would like to see Latics do the basics right! I have had my Coach ticket and Match ticket for Charlton for over a week now yet on the website it still states coach travel TBC? http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/AwayT...1805896,00.html Now my name is not a pseudonym and after having a conversation with staff about the lack of away fans on the coach I would have thought this would be the first thing you keep up to date to increase or sell coach tickets? If nobody at Latics is willing to keep the Website up to date or cant be arsed then I suggest you don’t criticise the people of Oldham for not turning up on match days if your not putting 100% effort in to sell the club and use all the forms of media you have at your disposal. By the way chaps don’t forget to welcome royle! http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/HomeT...1593602,00.html Still on the tickets page where’s the mention of Yeovil being a fans day? Excuses Excuses. P.S Barry Owen What do you do? How about putting a blog on the website updating us on what you do and let us decide if your valuable to the fans or not and give somebody else a crack. And is there anybody we can e-mail with all the web updates that need doing its 2009 latics cmon.
  5. ? I dont know why either I think I just replied to your post and it went wrong somewhere.
  6. Can't Believe this, I saw the girls at Millwall and they were talking near the kiosk before the game behind the stands and me an my dad Joked that they were from our USA branch and must have been invited over by the oasis lot, lmao Next minute the post guy at work comes in and tells me the tale of these girls who spent a small fortune to watch oldham and he read about it in the sun! Jeeze you guys NO WAY! YOU GO GIRL WAY TO GO WHOOP WHOOP! lol Seriously nice one!.
  7. Safe is good. lol When I was at school (skool) everything was respect but now its just spec, I often correct the youth of today on their street talk (verse). Like everything else they balls it up, I have to remind them that there was no Ali G when I was a kid we paved the way for that huge glory seekin yellow mo fo. lol I was that kid who went too skool with Tram lines shaved in his hair and a roberto baggio braded pony tale poking through my bright orange baseball cap that pointed towards mecca at all times! I walked the street with my converse air and Iam from the generation that pumped their own trainers up with the reebok basket ball non of this buy a bubble nike air sh!t when i was a lad, we had it hard, OLD SKOOL! Wheres my Young MC LP.................I GOT KNOW HOW!
  8. Translation... I am not at all happy with this situation. The user FC should move on to pastures new because he is having a detrimental effect on my happiness. If I was that way inclined I would have shot him by now. What is going on with your negative outlook on life my fellow man? 5 Years at stamford in Ashton were not wasted on me afterall! lol
  9. aww i iz well nt dwn wid dis scrip. fc shd ov jog on e iz ruinin ma mojo. If i rolled lyk dat i wud bust a cap in iz a55! pop pop pop pop BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUP! wa wiv da neg vibe al da time blood? LMFAO Sorry I couldnt resist.
  10. I must be the only one who is grateful to them for saving the club I love and keep it running each day? What is going on in your heads? we are not Man City or Notts County! WAKE UP! At the time when we were close to extinction and in some cases the times before if we could have fast-forwarded time and looked at the opinions and mentality of some of our, and I say this term very very loosely ‘fans’ as they are today, then we would be absolutely flabbergasted and disgusted. To think we could be that ungrateful and naive especially in these economic and volatile times in the world of football at the lower league levels. I am not saying people should conform to my way of thinking far from it, but please think of the consciences of your knee jerk solutions if they were to go your way. I wonder if we were to ask an Accrington Stanley fan what they think? Would they like a purpose built stadium and three owners willing to bankroll their club? Were obviously not the first club to move homes and will not be the last, it says a great deal about the Town of Oldham and provides an excellent insight as to why the town and club are in the state their in especially if there are people unwilling to move with the times and that are happy to live off fading memories of happier times rather than work together to build our own success and change our fortunes for the here and now and the future! Success for Oldham Athletic has to be earned it wont come overnight. Like the kids I see everyday our fans expect everything to be given to them, they moan about the circumstances and situations they are in, but if you offer them a way out but they have to work for it to succeed what happens?... They don't want to know. Those who can do, those who cant condemn on OWTB.
  11. Everyone meets at Eastlands these days lol Your prob better meeting for a drink inside the ground first but that limits your choice of stands to 2/3 lol
  12. As mentioned in my reply in your boycott thread and for those reasons, I would still like to meet you. IMO Your a wasted resource that just lacks direction! LMAO.
  13. As mentioned it happened in right in front of us and Hazell was lacklustre in his attempt to gain an advantage over the striker and positioning himself better to deal with the situation first, i.e. getting to it before the bounce. As soon as the ball was struck for the hoof up field leading to the goal he (Hazell) was hesitant in his positioning and tracking back, and I thought he should have done better, IMO.
  14. Like HD, I want to meet BRF just out of interest in a style of Louis Theroux meets kinda set up. I mean for somebody to employ a type of ‘Blast Fishing’ on this board with his outlandish comments and drivel yet still drag it out for as long as he has if indeed that is the case, then that there folks is some serious kind of Child Trauma. What I mean by that is he must have been without a cuddle or affection for so many years and perhaps his only source of physical contact in a loving way will have been the horrendous chaddy owl mascot we used to have shaking his hand on match days at BP? That’s scenario one done, scenario Two is that BRF Honestly believes in the tripe he posts and is wholeheartedly sure that boycotting the club, which in turn will deny them the vital income we need to survive, is the best way to demonstrate his views and will significantly contribute to the greater good of the club? If it is Scenario two then that’s his view and I will gladly listen to him explain after the game in the boozer with the others that want too witness this phenomenon. After all there isn’t enough comedy on TV on Saturday evenings anymore anyway. P.S BRF It is however unfortunate that the abbreviation of your on screen pseudonym sounds like a fart phonetically…….for that I am sure doesn’t represent you or your character in any way.
  15. Right folks after Driving to Bristol to watch the lads yesterday and seeing all of our League games so far this season I like most am gutted. HOWEVER, How people honestly believe that sacking Dave penny after just 7 league games will improve the situation is just unbelievable to me. You ask Newcastle fans now what they think of the sacking of Sam Allardyce and they see that as a turning point for the worse in the clubs history. That squad like ours needed rebuilding and key decisions had to be made and time given for them to take effect. He had 24 games and then as now those in football know it was too short and the wrong decision made in sacking him. If you ask those wanting Penny Out who their favourite manager of all time for Latics is 99% would say Joe Royle, And rightly so, but if it was for fans like this then the pinch me years and our time in the premiership for however brief it was could have remained and stayed a Dream because if they had their way back then as they do now they would be asking for his head! Joe Royle in his first 10 league games won just 2! The Worse thing about this whole situation is the state of the modern day football fan and our club has better examples than most showing their decline in faith and support and their Edgy like desire for instant success following years of turmoil. The Immediate detrimental effect and danger to this club and its existence is those people who claim to be fans and not the owners that saved us and continue to keep us afloat. Take a long hard look at yourself and are you really a supporter? And are your own personal desires the best for the club as a whole? KEEP THE FAITH.
  16. The Goal was his fault I was stood right in front of him when the ball was in the air ( which was a while) he hesitated a little in his run back but still should have got to it before the bounce and wiped out the man the ball and everything OLD SKOOL! lol SIMPLE RUEBS SIMPLE!!!
  17. The OS also says Ruben is a defender! so who knows?
  18. I saw it and it was hazel who was ball watching and then when their player did controll it Gregan was slow in closing him down. Hazel should have gone for and got too the ball first! He's cost us so many times so far.
  19. Have you Got any stats on how many times Taylor touched the ball, beat a man or completed a pass today? I have.........................0!! Why the feck did we play him today he's obviously not fit and he ruined the balance of the team! And why did it take penny so long to realise it?
  20. Well Guess what....I went and Ive just got back! I hate that Ground every bloody year they do that to us. Two bad teams today a one nothing was on the cards from the off!
  21. Might Drive down today just can’t decide to or not, anybody else having the same dilemma? Got an hourish to decide, Free travel if anybody wants a lift there and back? lol
  22. I am sure everyone on here is feeling the same today, come Friday night next week I will be looking forward to Bristol And although the last few times I’ve been we have lost I will be adamant up until kick off we will win. This is football this is why at times like this we call ourselves supporters!
  23. Lazyboy, I will buy your season ticket off you is it a Junior one though?
  24. In order for me to let you get it right, I will explain. I meant it was sad to see Gregan do that from the point of view he shouldnt have too! If we the fans cant do it off our own back and need the players to tell us to support them then its a sad state of affairs. Deans going to be in goal at Bristol and so what good will last nights abuse have done? KTF.
  25. Firstly one of the Saddest Things last night was seeing Gregan Appealing to the fans in the Rocky to get behind Dean Brill. I know Dean has got off to a shaky start but I would use a much stronger word than shaky to describe our back fours performances so far this season Mr Gregan, and maybe if we were tighter at the back he could have built up his confidence and his own performances instead of kacking his pants every time Hazel or Gregan brings the ball out of defence. I am not going to slate the players or penny to the extreme. We are just so soulless on the pitch my heart bleeds and I feel physically sick not just about the results but the 'Fans' that are holding this club back and leading to its demise by thinking we are bigger than we are and not supporting the move. ANYWAY THE SONG LIST. 1.OWTB 2.WE COULDN’T SCORE IN A BROTHEL 3.WERE SH*T AND WE KNOW WE ARE! 4.LOYAL SUPPORTERS 5.WE WANT OUR SHEZZA BACK 6.WE LOVE YOU OLDHAM. Now I laughed at first thinking they were being sarcastic but no, I just wonder how many of those ‘Fans’ I will see at Bristol next Saturday? If this is the standard of the fans no wonder the players put in the performances they do.
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