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Everything posted by KYLEOAFC

  1. Players Out In Jan. COLBECK ( Its bad we bought him but worse we pay his wages) PARKER BRILL I would swop all of those for just one average 3rd division striker!
  2. 8th January 2005. Oldham Athletic vs. Manchester City. FA CUP. After worrying all morning that the game would be off because of the high winds I was just chuffed it finally went ahead. I was in the main stand Lower sat behind two city Fans. I think we had a legitimate goal disallowed and I thought then it wasn’t going to be our day until eyres free kick found Scotty Vernon and Bang! Now I am not known for my athletic prowess but I cleared the row in front right between the two city fans and just turned and screamed at them mad Spanish commentator style GGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL! That one goal made the next 12 months at work a sheer delight.
  3. IMO The Keeper should set the wall but I have seen other players do it on occasion and perhaps this is something we look at. If you have players on the line for free kicks especially ones from distance you run the risk of the trough ball being played and the guy on the line playing them all onside so its swings and roundabouts. Best Solution get Rid of Brill in January.
  4. So what you're really saying is the majority are wrong unless they conform to your way of thinking, and that dean Brill is a good keeper? I hate to be the one to say it but he's average at the very best and not what we need. Our team is not creating enough chances and certainly not taking them when they come along which means that we must be strong at the back in order to get through games. This dry spell in front of goal, highlights individual errors by Brill and they in turn cost us games and we cannot allow it to continue. He needs competition we all know that but I have seen enough of him to know he’s not going to improve or change the bad habits he has.
  5. This is a Luton fan on Dean Brill when asked what they thought of him. In short, pretty woeful. Was very highly rated as a youngster, Liverpool reportedly looked at him when they bought Scott Carson. He never really kicked on despite being given countless chances. Was always a fairly solid shot stopper, but could not command his area, control the back four or catch the ball and was absolutely :censored: scared of crosses. The crowd got frustrated, got on his back and it showed in his very shaky/nervous performances last year. I thought a change of scene would help him, it obviously hasn’t. I‘m glad we got rid and surprised you signed him to be honest. FFS We see this every week get rid of him in January.
  6. Luton Message Board, The thread with Title of Dean (not so) Brill!! Yeah Luton fans loved him.......NOT!
  7. 751 More Latics fans than Hudds today. When we played Huddersfield at their place last season we took 2980 and they had 13971 Home supporters.......Thats worrying! Some Latics fans harp on about us taking more fans to theirs usually, and this home support stat ends that for good! We are a poorly supported 3rd division club compared to their championship ground and attendances. We haven't even got a team we have 11 strangers who are below average at best.
  8. defiently is not a word but I think you mean defiantly, and I agree with you on that!
  9. That’s the most obvious fishing comment I have ever seen! But go on I will bite, ...... YOUR TALKING ABSOLUTE TOSH! DEAN BRILL IS A POOR KEEPER FACT! Luton fans didnt rate him and they were in the 4th DIV!
  10. If the police moved our league fixture against leeds because of potential trouble then why is the Kick off late on saturday afternoon in the FA cup? Leeds fans will be in manchester all day with Burnley & City lot plus Utd are away against chelsea the day after so their lot aint gonna miss Leeds and Burnley lads in town on a saturday. I would avoid drinkin in town next saturday.
  11. Smalley however fit or unfit did more today than that Colbeck has done since he arrived at the club! Did anyone see penney having a pop at colbeck for sh**ing out of a 50/50? The guy hasnt won a challenge nor beat a man yet!
  12. Well what a complete let down that shambles of a team were today. Will somebody please explain to me why our front two play so far apart? Abbott can bring the ball down but there’s never a player near enough for a through ball or just a simple knock down. Whittaker was nowhere today and we look so small and weak in midfield even against the poorer sides. The second half of this season we will end up in a relegation battle especially if we don’t sort our home form out and quick! As for Dean Brill well he is kack but the free kick was a good effort, however a keeper shouldn’t be beaten on his near post in the position that the free kick was.
  13. Its open but your prob better just changin yours and getting two for the chaddy, you will strugle getting your mrs a ticket near you now in the mainmoan upper.
  14. What you said proves my point. I know the history and ethnic mix of Britain’s ancestry and our ethnic makeup but my point was that Nick Griffin was shot down for trying to say this especially when he used the term indigenous. The counter argument they gave was that we are all from Africa so what is indigenous it doesn’t exist in Britain. Well if that’s how they determine the term indigenous now and Africa is the starting point then will they now go and explain it too the aborigines or the North American Indians? My query is at what starting point do you become indigenous? Its my concern that the way they bullied him tonight and were pedantic to his statements however eccentric radical and false they may be will only add to his support from those voting out of dismay.
  15. Ohh dear the worst thing to come from this whole programme was how bad the state of British politics is in at the moment. For politicians to accuse Nick Griffin of Trying to get people to follow his party’s manifesto and then go on to say if he were to be elected into power he will change his stance on certain issues and conform to his own ideologies is ridiculous! You could say that about any leader of any political party? The mere fact his party got over 1 million voters is a clear sign that this government has let its people down and mainly on Immigration and social support issues. Its not only racists that vote for the BNP a hell of a lot of votes are made in protest. If this is what it takes for one of the mainstream political party’s (labour, conservative) to sit up and listen to the discontent of its people and change for the better and break away from the normal dull drab ’safe’ politics and make its own unique manifesto for change that supports its people then I can live with the BNP being on question time. The other thing that came from the show was if there’s no such term as an ‘indigenous Britain’ and I myself am not an ethnic minority then where do I belong and where am I from? I agreed with Mr Griffin when he said Jack straw couldn’t go to Australia , new Zealand or north America and claim their people are not indigenous? After all the amount of times we were reminded tonight that we all came from Africa once upon a time does this now mean that the term indigenous has been made redundant or now refers to someone originating from Africa no matter which continent or country they live in or reside? Also when he says he feels queasy when he see’s two guys kiss, well sorry to say this and I am not a homophobe but I also find it queasy. However I also feel queasy when I see some heterosexual male and females kiss lol.
  16. Most Teams we have played this year that have stayed over the night before stay in the Village hotel on Ashton Moss! You can have a drink in the bar and not be a resident, and all of the players have a few scoops in there just wear steel toe caps and be clumsy under foot
  17. Yeah its not too bad these days but there are 4 saturdays coming up ths season where city are at home and we are also both clubs with 3pm Kick offs.
  18. Has anyone club etc said anything about what the police think of the stadium being close to east*an*s? We aren't going to be another Tranmere are we playing on Friday nights because they cant cope with policing both games so close to each other? I know the majority of our games are against nothingness but when the likes of Leeds Millwall & Huddersfield are in town and if city have a London club or a team with the potential for trouble IMO it will be us who loses out. I know you could say that happens now but going back to my question do you think being round the corner would change things drastically?
  19. We should run a book on which Ground ours will look most like when Simon Corney and Antoni Gaudí, sorry I mean Alan Hardy release the plans for our new stadium? I wonder if Pete & Diego bet on anything other than Shrewsbury or Colchester lol 2-50 Colchester 2-50 Shrewsbury 2-4 Man Citys Reserve team running track thingy 1000/1 Arsenal Emirates 1000/1 Manchester United Old Trafford Anymore lmao.
  20. So What your saying in effect, is that my logic in that with us using the same company who have built football stadia before that all look the same and are similar in size, of which I then Interpret from that, that our ground will be similar in looks, is way off the mark in your opinion? You believe your theory is more probable in which you believe that Alan Hardy and the TTA are going to commission the building of a revolutionary stadia unique in its design for our 3rd division club using the same lego stadium contractors? Yeah Pete I am obviously delusional in my ways of thinking and you have me beat.
  21. I haven’t seen OUR drawings, But I challenge you to believe the concept that the TTA are going to employ the same firm that built the ground above but pay to make extravagant changes to plans and drawings and pay more for the stands to look drastically different?
  22. DOH Its the same people who built colchesters ground! If sitting in stands like this is whats important to football fans these days then its a sad state of affairs.
  23. The plans for the new ground/stadium are awful. Its all concrete and cheap stands with no character about it or uniqueness in anyway whatsoever. The atmosphere even when full will have lower league cheapness written all over it with drums and balloons and face painting everywhere, That's not football! If we had a New stand with the facilities at BP this would make our ground more than good enough. There's nothing wrong with the rocky or the chaddy that a few cheap improvements aesthetically wouldn’t drastically improve the feel of the place, just leaving the main stand that we could put up with especially given the fact its our home. I cant understand and not through not trying, why we don’t do this and why people cant understand in moving to Failsworth we would loose more than we gain.
  24. I was all for the new Ground etc but when I found out of the site and the plans for the stadia I was instantly put off. For those who visited Charlton last Saturday or who have been to grounds like Luton and Tranmere you have to wonder are the TTA just looking for a quick buck in the sale of land surrounding BP because there’s certainly ample room to redevelop on the existing site compared to the aforementioned clubs. If something like the sale of Micah Richards came off then the money generated could be ploughed into a new main stand to be built where the broadway stand was and have that as the new main stand with modern facilities etc and TBH if this were the case then the ground IMO would be millions of miles better than the proposed Lego fiasco at failsworth. The Rocky, chaddy and current main stand would make a good ground with the addition of a new modern main stand, I just cant help but wonder if every possibility or avenue has been explored in obtaining cash for just one big modern stand rather than risk everything for a new stadia that if we are honnest wouldnt be home. surely every latics fan would be happy to see BP improved and retain our spiritual home. I am all for taking the club forward but why reinvent the wheel and at what cost do we place on progression?
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